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Posts Tagged: 'liv+parker'

Oct. 28th, 2018



[No Subject]

Here's a list of things I discovered about being human again:
  • I'm lactose intolerant. The cheese fries are a delight but they're painful. The interesting thing is I have no memory of this from um the first time around.
  • I still have what is probably considered super-human alcohol tolerance. I don't want to test it but 3 shots and I'm only in the "flushed smile" category. I was never a sad or angry drunk.
  • I was never as fast or as strong as my brother. But I do enjoy getting up every day for a run around the lake. Having to think about my strength and my stamina instead of just relying on it. That's fresh.
  • I miss being able to block out the p
  • Being tired is ... dare I say, fun.

  • All this to say no, I do not miss blood. I do not miss the guilt and the responsibility. I would really like to go to a Halloween party having nothing horrible actually happen.

    And if you want to meet me tomorrow night for trivia, I'm open to that too.

    Oct. 22nd, 2018



    [No Subject]

    I wanted to thank all of you for your kindness in my introductory post, as well as the kindness shown to me in the days since. It isn't easy for me to take fantastic things on faith and you, as well as where we live, are all quite fantastic. I am lucky that my siblings have faith enough for me and those of you who conversed were quite patient with my pseudo-philosophical questions.

    The longer I have been here, however, the longer I understand that it is all too real to be make-believe. And I do not want to waste any more time when, it seems, I have been chosen to support a goal. So, in case you were wondering, I will tell you a bit more about myself:

    My name is Susan Pevensie. Edmund and Peter are my brothers, the poor things. But where I'm from, I'm getting ready to read Literature at Oxford. I love William Blake and Spenser. In fact, a copy of The Faerie Queene came with me from home. I've been to one of Mrs. Woolf's talks at school and I feel very strongly that we may find some equity amongst the sexes in my lifetime. I want to be a Professor and I want to write about moments of artistic or religious ecstasy.

    And yes, Narnia is r This is not my first time hopping world to world, either. I spent many years as one of four rulers of a land called Narnia. I'm no longer a Friend of N We had Talking Animals, Dwarves, Fauns, Satyrs, Tree Spirits and other such subjects that we loved very dearly. It was a wardrobe (that was in a house, in the English countryside) that we traveled through. A wardrobe made from two trees from a sacred grove. A wood between worlds. I also met Father Christmas and he gifted me with a bow and a quiver full of arrows. The bow rarely misses. And I think it may be magic, not me. There's a horn somewhere, too. And it will bring aide to whoever blows it - but the horn has been in the hands of others for ever so long.

    All of this to say, hello. You and I are very real. I am at University continuing my study of Literature and I would like to get to know more about all of you. Mightn't you share with me your name and something you love about our new home? I would very much like to hear it.

    Can we get supper together tonight?

    Oct. 11th, 2018



    Log: Liv Parker & Stefan Salvatore

    october 11

    What can I get you? )

    Oct. 3rd, 2018



    [No Subject]

    I cannot recall the last time I had a cold. It's oddly relieving.

    [ Caitlin Snow ]
    Hello, Miss Snow. I hope I'm not bothering you. My name is Jonathan Reid. I'm a new arrival, and my recent work at home dealt with researching supernatural entities and potential cures. Your name was passed to me as someone who has been studying supernatural beings here in Atlantis. Was I told correctly?

    Thank you,
    Dr. J. Reid

    [ Bonnie, Liv, and Davina, no last names because he doesn't know them! ]
    My name is Jonathan Reid. I'm newly arrived, and a vampire. Please forgive the informality -- I was not given your last names. I was told of a daylight ring that works on the vampires from your world that allows them to walk in the sun. This is particularly intriguing to me, though I suspect it may be world-specific. Would any of you be interested in speaking with me on the subject? It would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you,
    Dr. J. Reid.



    backdated to October 2nd.

    It's nice to know as much as some things change, there's plenty that never does.

    Filter: TVD/TO Mission Teams
    Tomorrow morning, we need you all to report to the base at 0700 for a briefing. We're sending you into the field to go after the notebook. Don't be late.

    It'll be your job to get our teams ready to head into your world. Tomorrow, 7am. If I'm feeling generous, there might be breakfast.

    Filter: Oliver Queen & Octavia Blake
    I know we weren't really siblings, but I don't want any of us to become strangers now that we're back. Dinner sometime this week?

    Sep. 27th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    Hello, people of Atlantis. My name is Stefan Salvatore. I am a several-hundred years old former vampire from Mystic Falls, Virginia. I'm currently human. I thought that I saved the town by sacrificing myself. And while I am aware that my town still stands, it is surprising to be here. Like this, too.

    I need to apologize for the behavior of my alternate while in Breckentale. Alex was a reflection of some of the most awful sides of my personality. Sides that I pride myself on never, ever letting loose. But such as it is, that was your introduction to this face. I hope that you can put Alex aside and know that I will do my very best to repair the bad attitude and bad actions he perpetuated that may still live in your memories.

    Being here is a new beginning I thought I wouldn't get. And honestly, I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. Please allow me to make it up to you.

    Sep. 25th, 2018



    Netpost 07: Regina Mills

    If you read Sharon Carter's post in its entirety than you're all ready aware of her suggestion. But I feel it bears repeating. If you're having a rather difficult time processing what you've just been through than I highly recommending approaching Dr. Callahan or another therapist here. They have dedicated their lives to helping others and are the most qualified to do so.

    However, I also realize that some people have an aversion to seeing a doctor. Which is why I will also do what I can to make myself available to anyone that would like to speak to me. I'm not a doctor and I will never claim to be one. I'm simply someone who has quite a bit of experience with altered memories and what comes after.

    Bonnie & Liv:
    Did we inadvertently cause this to happen?



    Bonnie Bennett

    Holy shit.

    Sep. 19th, 2018



    Liv Sanders (Liv Parker)

    Do you ever have these feelings about people (friends, family, whatever) that are completely irrational and are impossible to explain?

    Sep. 2nd, 2018



    02 September | Kaia Hall (Davina Claire)

    Ever since I woke up this morning I feel like we're by an ocean, not a lake. It's weird but I seriously can't get the taste of the ocean out of mind or something.

    School just started too so it's not like I can go on a trip to the ocean either.

    PLOT - Something is in the Air today and AIR characters can almost taste the ocean, yes. The ocean.

    Aug. 15th, 2018



    Liv Sanders (Liv Parker)

    Modis is having a yoga and beer class Saturday. It takes place on the rooftop deck starting at 2pm. You know, if that's your thing. For the record, it's not mine, but anything could be entertaining with enough beer.

    So come out and show us your best downward-facing dog.

    Aug. 9th, 2018



    HUNTER SANDERS (Kai Parker)

    Tell me the first word that comes into your head when you read this?

    I'm doing a thing for this project I'm working on and I need, I guess, market research?

    Aug. 8th, 2018



    !Netpost, Scarlett Grayler (Sam Giddings)

    I can't believe someone just walked up and gave me tickets to I'm With Her. I haven't heard much of their music yet, but I'm digging it. It's not usually my thing, but why not? Might as well give it a shot?

    Private to Scott Russell (Mason Ashford)
    I'm not sure if they're your thing or not cause it's folky music, but I got two tickets if you want to go. If not, I can take Maisie.

    If not, wanna go somewhere this weekend? Get one last good date in before school starts? XD

    Jul. 16th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    earlyish july

    Witch messing with shit magic, come back later. )

    Jul. 14th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    Atlantis has an interesting definition of "team building activity," but I have to admit it was actually kind of fun.

    Liv + Regina
    Let's get together this weekend. I feel like we're getting closer with the ascendant and I have a few ideas for combining our magic.



    [No Subject]

    It seems Atlantis has gone from wishing me half naked to making off with every bit of clothing I own.

    Jul. 10th, 2018



    10 July :: Net Post :: Derrick Hill

    i really thought i dreamed this place up. i told randy about it though. not pete. pete would have accused me of being high or something. but randy believed. of course, i'm pretty sure randy still believes in santa claus so that's probably not saying much.

    or maybe it is, since this is definitely not venice and i'm definitely not high.

    anyway, i'm derrick hill and i'm back. i think i've got some catching up to do.

    Jul. 5th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    I'm not certain what Atlantis' fixation on keeping me half naked is. I am also not sure if the bikini is better or worse than the towel.

    Jun. 28th, 2018



    Team 17 - Magic School Bus

    june 14 - 23
    mentions of JOHN PROUDSTAR
    low | ongoing

    Anything’s possible on the Magic School Bus though, right? )

    Jun. 27th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    I guess sunglasses are in today because I didn't want to (see: couldn't) take mine off. All day.

    Sorry for any spilled drinks. Not sorry for any overpours.