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Posts Tagged: 'leonardo+da+vinci'

Feb. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Ah, Atlantis. My apologies to anyone my husband and his friends kidnapped today, they were quite persistent that several of us needed rescuing! It's not wholly different from being married to him, because I often do need rescuing by him.

At least his arms are strong, si?

Isabela, I have a gift for you. Beyond Ezio carrying you about!

Have you taken breaks to eat? Actual food, not-

At any rate, I made food. As an apology because I plan to work a little late tonight.

Jan. 30th, 2019



[No Subject]

Well, if this don't beat all. Hell of a step up from Diamond City, I gotta say. I'm actually feeling a little grubby by comparison; normally I get to feel like a class act because I'm one of a half dozen guys in town who know how to tie a necktie.

For the people doing the staring: I'm a synth. A jumped-up robot with a mind of my own, basically, but not quite as fancy as the new ones that look and work just like average joe humans. Fancier than the ones that just follow Institute orders, though, so you don't have to worry that I'm gonna start shooting lasers at you. I'm actually going back on the old Protect and Serve beat here.

So, this looks like a place that's probably got a good mechanic. Anybody know where I can find 'em? I haven't had time for a full tune-up in a while, and if I don't go for it now I'll have Ellie on my case.



[No Subject]

Hidden lands and ancient legends! This is my kind of knock in the head! Surely it bruises my ego a bit to know that there are places that even I don't know about - although I did know of a tale of a beautiful woman rising from the sea form to beckon one to a maze of marble palaces buried under the waters, palaces that once formed the skyline of a vast and unknowable continent. Although, pity - she only appears to those about to drown.

Either way - I can't drown! Know that now. I'm Mimir, a fellow traveler with the big fellow and the brave lad. They'll be employing me in with the library sorts, looks like - I'll be imparting my knowledge to the wee next generation. Oh, and don't let my appearance concern you - all's well.

Jan. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]


We should call out sick today. )

Jan. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Hey, everyone. What’d I miss?

Gonna second what Jesse said before about the nightmares. I’m sorry I don’t have better news than that, and that I can’t just wake everyone else up. It’s I can’t h

When can I come back to work?
I’m glad you were there.

Jan. 17th, 2019



[No Subject]

So is that whole five month notice on a wedding a requirement around here or just extra polite? Also can I custom order giant balloon versions of two people dressed in formalwear? Is that a thing? Asking for a friend.

We really should finalize a date and get going on the planning. Do you have anything you've been imagining in particular? I was thinking something down at the harbor but we'd need things to warm up a bit first, if we don't want everyone whining about how cold they are through the whole ceremony. (By everyone, I mean me, obviously.) End of February or sometime in March, maybe?

Jan. 14th, 2019



[No Subject]

Mm, blue may be my color.

[ Leonardo ]
My darling, is there anything I can get you for the ship? I certainly want to make sure you have all you need.

Jan. 5th, 2019



[No Subject]

I do believe I am the fanciest pigeon in existence. I am taking that choice very personally, Atlantis. Especially during my honeymoon.

That said, if anyone would like to have a message delivered, I would enjoy the poetic justice. Thankfully my flying experience has come in handy and I don't think I will be plummeting to my death today.

Jan. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Is it too late to have the history books change my name to Leonardo Auditore da Vinci, or has that ship sailed? I know time is merely relative here, but perhaps if I make a few notations at the library...

I'm making a very greasy and hearty brunch at our new house, if you would like to join us before your departure? I think it's fair to say we would like to see you as much as possible before you have to go, a honeymoon can be set aside a day.

Dec. 31st, 2018



Log: You get a wedding and you get a wedding and you...!

December 31st (DURING BALL)
(With bonus Claire Temple, Matt Murdock, Claudia Auditore and Abby Addams near the end)


I don’t have any gadgets for you, but I will always be your faithful errand boy. Even if it means fetching cadavers. )

Dec. 28th, 2018



[No Subject]

It’s my birthday so you’re all going to tolerate me being sappy for a moment, thank you.

The last few years have been a roller coaster, to say the least. A lot of highs that took my life places I never expected, and a lot of really low lows that did the same. More lows than anything else, the kind that spiral and you feel out of control. And then I came here and got to meet all of you (or see you again), got to have my mom meet all of you, got to spend the holiday with people I care about instead of staring at the walls of a hospital like every other year (which I didn’t hate, but this was a nice new normal, too), and that is a gift I’ll never take for granted. I feel really lucky to know all of you, and so I wanted to say thank you for making Atlantis one hell of a place to be.

Okay, I’m done. Carry on.

Dec. 26th, 2018



[No Subject]

My wonderful family managed to find me a working, well-tuned piano for Christmas, which I've so enjoyed over the last day or so. Are there other musicians here who would come play with me? Music is, perhaps unsurprisingly, a bit of a rare commodity in my timeline, and it's one of the bits of 'creativity' that I'd like to explore while I have the chance.



[No Subject]

Can I ask you something that might be kind of ... I don’t know. Something you might not have an answer for, I guess, but I need to just say anyway so I have a chance to stop thinking about it? I thought about asking someone else their opinion, but then I didn’t want it getting around and either of you thinking I don’t want to confide in you, because you’re always the first people I call. And I didn’t want to ruin Christmas with my stupid crises, so now I’ll just ruin a regular day. ... God, I’m a mess. Okay. The life we had, the one I had. That’s real, right?

Dec. 20th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hello, Atlantis. My name is Rachel Turner and I just arrived here. A few of you might know me, and I have to say it'll be nice to see you face-to-face again.

[Message to Claire Callahan]

I've been informed that I need to set up counseling sessions with you.

Is this really necessary, or can we maybe hand wave it all and save both of us some time?

Dec. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

Well, the good news about being a nurse is that I know exactly how long I have to spend in this stupid forest before I'm too cold to do whatever I'm supposed to do out here. I don't know what about me screams "yes, this city girl is very comfortable outdoors," but here we are.

Sorry. I'll be back, I guess.
Hey. Do you want to hang out sometime, just us? We never really got a chance to talk back home, as chaotic as everything was.

Dec. 13th, 2018



Log: Leonardo, Ezio & Abby

December 8th

Bigger on the inside! )



Network Post: Anthony Goldstein

Thank you for the violin?. There's no card, and I've never played, so I'm either missing a joke or Atlantis is at work. I'd like to learn if there any instructors around.

[Katherine Pierce]
Are you coming to the Three Broomsticks tonight?

Dec. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hold up, there really are pegasus riding lessons? I thought that was a joke.

Do any of the newbies want to go with me? Or - anyone, really. A death-defying experience could be a good bonding exercise. Or I might break the other leg, but I'm sure that's no big deal here.

Dec. 11th, 2018



Karen Page

They say seeing is believing, but I think I'm still having a little trouble with the believing portion. Anyway, hello. I'm Karen Page and a friend of Matt Murdock's. He's told me he's managed to make a few friends here, but I might need to see that for myself too.

Dec. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

I am Claudia Auditore - some of you may know my evil brother, who got me drunk last night and left me to sleep, after dropping bombshells and not explaining. He is a criminal and I want him arrested.

After I have breakfast, I suppose. I am a benevolent sister, after all.