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Posts Tagged: 'laura+howlett'

May. 21st, 2019



May 21 | Laura Howlett

I got help made chocolate chip cookies if you want some.

I'm watching you.

I'm watching you too. Are you going to leave?

What was Erik like when you knew him? I only know the stories from the books.

May. 5th, 2019



May 5 | Laura Howlett

Where are they? I will bring her back myself and kill anyone who dares to touch her. The one who already tried hurting her will pay.

Apr. 17th, 2019



17 April | Alicia Spinnet

It's good to be back, even if it does seem to be a bit of off timing.

I was thinking of heading out for a hike this weekend, do you want to come?

How was it here with just you and Laura in the house?

Thank you for the birthday wishes, sorry I couldn't get to them sooner

We've got a match coming up this Saturday, I hope everyone who wasn't involved with a mission of sorts was practising.

I'm sorry about your family that just left Julia.

Sometime next week we should all get drinks.

Is it just me or do all of these coming and goings feel like the start to something?

Apr. 6th, 2019



Network Post: Dash Parr

I'm not going anywhere. And Proud and Star aren't going anywhere, and if you try to take anymore of my family, I'm going to stop you.

Apr. 5th, 2019



April 5 | Laura Howlett

I learned a lot about rats at the animal shelter yesterday and got to hold one.

Isn't he cute?

Mar. 25th, 2019



[No Subject]

What's with all the fucking pecans everywhere? And if that ain't bad enough, I tried to eat one and it screamed bloody murder at me.

Still ate it. It sure did shut up after that.


Message to Laura Howlett )

Mar. 20th, 2019



Network Post: Dash Parr

Getting kidnapped by aliens does not count as skipping school, right?

Mar. 19th, 2019



March 19 | Laura Howlett

Why doesn't Atlantis have chicken nuggets today? I want chicken nuggets.

PLOT ♨︎ - There is no poultry in Atlantis today

Mar. 9th, 2019



Network Post: Dash Parr

This is why they should let us fight.

[Blinky Bunch]
I'm going to find her. I fed the pups.



9 March - Alicia Spinnet - Post Quidditch Matches

I really missed Quidditch.

Fantastic matches today, to all.

SPICY FALCONS (who are not mission/hunting - Clarke Griffin, Edmund Pevensie, Tommy McConnel, Eliot Black-Lupin, Ray Palmer, Steve Harrington)
Fantastic match! I'm so proud of all of you, especially given all you reserves who stepped up and were amazing!

I know a lot of the team is currently busy with some other things, and we all shouldn't go out after dark, so, who wants to come to my place, wards will be in place to keep everyone safe, and we can party! I'll also figure out transportation to your own homes, safely whenever you want to go. I wonder if we can set up a floo-- Guests are welcome.

Brilliant match again!

SPICY FALCONS ON MISSION/HUNT (Dimitri Belikov, Eliot Waugh, Marce Proudstar)
We missed you today, but you're doing important stuff, stay safe yeah?

Party, tonight, our place, don't worry wards will be up and if you'd rather not be part of it, I can put up silencing charms around your rooms.

I want the team to be able to celebrate, somewhere safely.

Great match mate! Your team looked brilliant. We'll still crush you when we play you.

I've asked my team if they want to come by my place tonight for a celebration, figured we can ward the place up and keep it safe from everything that's happening, want to invite your team too?

Mar. 7th, 2019



7 March - Message to Laura Howlett

Message to Laura Howlett )

Mar. 2nd, 2019



2 March | Tommy McConnel

Whoever caught this didn't have to share it.

Don't like all the turning into an animal.

PLOT: ONE CHARACTER EACH turns into a pig today - or well yesterday for Tommy

Feb. 17th, 2019



[No Subject]

Mythical lands and multiple universes are not outside the realm of possibility when you know very well your feet are on the ground. As I said when I arrived, I do understand a fight and if my universe needs me to hold lacking existence at bay, then so be it. I've seen this fight before and I want to be on the right side of it. All the better when none of mine are h

Erik Lehnsherr, at your service. You will have little trouble from me unless you pursue it.

Feb. 15th, 2019



netpost: okoye

Today I learned that apparently rhinos do not mind being serenaded.

[Laura Howlett]
Would you like to come rhino riding sometime?

Feb. 14th, 2019



14 Feb netpost and messages: Logan Howlett

Athos )
Lorna Dane )

Don't really care much for this Hallmark holiday. Hitting the bars to drink until I pass out. You're welcome to join in just don't expect much conversation.



[No Subject]

I think I have a new respect for the Jurassic Park people after this mission.

Did you like it?

Feb. 6th, 2019



February 6 | Evie Frye

All day I heard no mention of other people's stuffed animals coming to life. Though one did not belong to me. I cannot make heads or tails of this so here I am, asking if anyone has heard something.

It is quite sad having to shoot such adorable creatures, I would rather it not happen again. Incidentally, if anyone is good at mending gunshot wounds in stuffed toys of various proportions I need your services.

Dear Laura, I'm afraid the giant bear I shot was yours, as I later realized it hopped out of a window in your home. I am so sorry for having shot your bear. Please know I will do my best to fix and clean it and get him back to you safely. IF the bear wasn't yours, please relay this message to its owner?

Feb. 3rd, 2019



February 3 | Gwen Stacy

Well chirp chirp I guess

[OOC: Gwen is birb, Sam is birb mom. Anissa is birb sis.]

Feb. 2nd, 2019



24-25 January | Alicia + Wanda, Laura, Bucky, Elle

alicia spinnet + wanda maximoff
mention of kidnapping | complete

You’re back now, and that’s all that matters )

alicia spinnet + laura howlett
mention of kidnap | complete

It was her or a pig or a bigger bunny. )

25 january - hospital
alicia spinnet + bucky barnes
mention of kidnap | complete

Planning an escape? )

alicia + elle spinnet
mention of torture | complete

A year ago I was plotting my own methods of torturing you. )

Jan. 28th, 2019



Netpost: Logan Howlett

Folks here sure know how to welcome a fella.

The name's Logan. Just arrived on Saturday. Don't think I know anyone, but figure that's just a matter of time.

Got some training lined up for this afternoon if anyone's interested. Fair warning, I don't hold back.