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Posts Tagged: 'katie+bell'

Jul. 1st, 2019




Natasha Romanoff | Marcus Cole | Caspian X | Buffy Summers | Josie Saltzman | Keith | Shania Andor | Katie Bell | Edmund Pevensie
As you've already been briefed you'll be heading back in town to the Notebook Mission

Communicate with the base as needed but please keep other communication to a minimum.

Stay safe out there.

Jun. 27th, 2019



Network Post: Mordecai Roberts

Flavian and I used to go camping quite often, until but it's been years since I had the opportunity. It was a bit too cold at Christmastime. The tent is a rather nice reminder, and it's certainly warmer now. Perhaps an adventure is in order?

Jun. 23rd, 2019



Log: Katie Bell and Mordecai Roberts

17 March
Katie Bell + Mordecai Roberts
PG | Complete

On St. Patrick's Day, the last thing he really wanted to do was think about past (or present) romantic drama. )

Jun. 22nd, 2019



June 22 | Katie Bell

Having so many dogs on base yesterday inspired me to top at the adoption event and get one of my own.

Meet Ellie.

cut for image, not filtered )

May. 14th, 2019



14 May | Theo Montgomery

How does one figure out if they've gone insane or not?

I suppose if this is real then it'd be rude not to introduce myself. I'm Theo Montgomery.

May. 12th, 2019



May 12 | Katie Bell

This probably goes without saying, but all quidditch matches and practices are postponed until we get our people back.

May. 6th, 2019



Network Post: Mordecai Roberts (Atlantis)

I've a dislike of I've never understood this form of entertainment.

[Tony Stark + Charlie Montgomery]
We have our work cut out for us. Miss Montgomery, I apologize in advance. We're going to be keeping you very busy coordinating.

Our tasks as I understand them:
  • Disrupt that broadcast so we can get it off our screens.
  • Find a method of communication that doesn't involve these tablets. I'm going to task some of magic research on that.
  • Tracking. Any information we can feed to Command as to where they might look.

    I'd like to set up committees for each task with members from all teams, if that suits you.

  • [Remus Lupin + Harry Potter]
    I'm sorry. I know you both have family inside. I'm sure you know Command has teams out looking for them. I want some researchers and specialists on every tracking spell our worlds can come up with. That information will help the field agents find them.

    Second, we need to find away to turn off that broadcast. We'll be working with Technology and Engineering for that task. You know best to who to assign.

    In the meantime, we need a secure method of communication that doesn't record the tablets. They obviously aren't secure at the moment, and working around the broadcast isn't going to help anyone. We've used mirrors in my world, but I'm sure there are other methods. I'd like a team on that, as well. Give me any suggestions you have.

    Thank you.

    [Magic Department]
    You should be receiving your specific assignments from your LCDRs shortly if you haven't already. Our role is support for the field agents. Everything we do is going towards bringing our friends back.

    [Katie Bell]
    I'm terrible at I wonder if we oughtn't swear off birthdays.

    May. 4th, 2019



    4 May | Katie Bell

    FILTERED TO QUIDDITCH PLAYERS (including reserves)
    I swear every time I do this, someone else leaves, but you should all have access to the update quidditch rosters on your tablets.



    may 4 :: roger davies

    Whoever came up with Star Wars Day was bloody genius.

    May. 2nd, 2019



    Network Post: Anthony Goldstein

    "To absent friends. Well remembered."

    [Battle of Hogwarts Veterans]
    Three Broomsticks. 7pm

    May. 1st, 2019



    Log: Katie Bell and Mordecai Roberts

    January 20-ish

    It's difficult to be dignified in a hospital gown )

    Apr. 30th, 2019



    Network Post: Mordecai Roberts

    [Tuesday Morning]

    Happy birthday, Captain Becker! May you continue to keep us all on our toes. I feel safe in the public congratulations this year knowing I'm no longer in the field.

    PLOT: Mordecai can't lie today. He hasn't realized this yet, but will soon. Have at him.

    Apr. 23rd, 2019



    [No Subject]

    Cheers, Atlantis! This is Katie Bell, once again inviting new and old Atlanteans alike to sign up for QUIDDITCH! Now, some of you are probably thinking what the bloody hell is quidditch??? It's a brilliant sport that's played in the air! We've charmed some brooms so even you mugg nonmagical types can fly them and if you've never played, DON'T WORRY! There are plenty of us veteran players to teach you the ins and outs!

    So, in short, if you love flying or throwing balls around or trying to knock people out of the air (you sadistic fucks), please SIGN UP to have a brilliant time playing with the rest of us!

    I'll be hanging round Cinders for Taco Tuesday, if anyone wants to pester me in person about Quidditch or anything else!

    Look at us, vying for first place! It's going to be an interesting match when our teams play each other, yeah?

    Apr. 22nd, 2019



    22 April | Alicia Spinnet

    Seems these aren't bertie botts every flavour beans. All the flavours have been fantastic in this massive pit of them.

    PLOT: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH wake up in a ball pit filled with jelly beans.

    Apr. 17th, 2019



    17 April | Alicia Spinnet

    It's good to be back, even if it does seem to be a bit of off timing.

    I was thinking of heading out for a hike this weekend, do you want to come?

    How was it here with just you and Laura in the house?

    Thank you for the birthday wishes, sorry I couldn't get to them sooner

    We've got a match coming up this Saturday, I hope everyone who wasn't involved with a mission of sorts was practising.

    I'm sorry about your family that just left Julia.

    Sometime next week we should all get drinks.

    Is it just me or do all of these coming and goings feel like the start to something?

    Apr. 10th, 2019



    Network Post: Mordecai Roberts

    [Katie Bell]
    Well-intentioned meddling aside, I wouldn't like to have it said that I don't follow good advice.

    Apr. 8th, 2019



    [No Subject]

    My bird looks like a penis rainbow with wings. Sorry. I took everyone else's posts as a hilarious challenge and ... well, here we are!

    It did, in fact, smack me in the side of the head before flying away to harass the rest of the base.



    april 08 :: roger davies

    Quick note to wish my best friend, my sister from another mother, my other half (not romantically, though) the happiest of birthdays!

    Happy birthday, Alicia!

    We shall party like crazy when you come back!

    Apr. 7th, 2019



    7th April | Katie Bell

    Hello, Atlantis - I'm sure some of you have noticed we've had a bit of turnover lately. People leaving, new people showing up. For you newer people who don't already know, I'm Katie Bell and we've got a bit of a quidditch league going, which I started up with Benjy Fenwick! If you've never seen the sport or played, we play on brooms, it's bloody fun and those of us who have experience playing are happy to teach anyone who wants to learn.

    That said, we could use a few more reserves to pad the rosters, so if it sounds like something you'd like to do, please sign up! We practice on weekends, so come on down to the Pitch to see what it's all about! Spectators welcome, even if you don't plan on playing!

    Mar. 23rd, 2019



    post-quidditch | katie bell



    I’m inviting everyone to the Three Broomsticks tonight for an impromptu party!

    ETA: Sorry for all the roster changes, loves. Here’s hoping we’ll be able to leave them alone for awhile!