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Posts Tagged: 'jesse+mccree'

Feb. 14th, 2019



[No Subject]





[No Subject]

FEBRUARY 14 (after teams return)

Darlin’, you ain’t never gotta be sorry for a hello like that. )

Feb. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hello, everyone. If we haven't met yet, I'm Sam.

Between the fear coma, the kidnapping, and the Troubles, there may be some of you in need of someone to talk to. I wanted to remind you that there are counseling services available here in Atlantis. My schedule still has plenty of room for those in need, and I'd love to see if I can help.

Please let me know.

[ ooc; APD received a basketful of samosas this afternoon with a little note thanking them for their hard work and wishing them well on the rest of the Troubles mission. ]



netpost | billy kaplan

Uh, hey Atlantis? As much as I love traveling across dimensions, I'd like to think I'm usually in A LOT more control. I'm Billy, retired Avenger, retro-reincarnated son of the Scarlet Witch, and uh -- bartender at [insert name of gay bar here]. My specialty is reality warping, so expect all the glitter.



[No Subject]

Open Love Letter to Evie Frye, because Ashe gives no fucks )

[ ooc - THREE CHARACTERS EACH have the urge to write love letters today to people. ]

Feb. 5th, 2019



[No Subject]

Guten tag, my friends. Please call me Angela, though I will answer to Dr. Ziegler if you are more the formal type. Honestly, I will respond to a fair number of things, so long as they're polite! I arrived today and have already situated myself in the medical wing. The scientific approach to things here is greatly appreciated and I already feel it is quite the step up from my labs in the basement at our old base in Gibraltar.

I'll be reviewing medical files as quickly as I can, but if you have any pressing medical needs or someone to talk to, my door is open immediately. If you have not had a medical review or checkup in at least six months, please also see about scheduling one. If you're not certain as to how, please let me know and I can schedule it on your behalf. I welcome new challenges, and look forward to working with Dr. McCoy and the rest of the medical staff. Thank you for having me and I promise I will put in the work to fit in here as nicely as I am able.

Feb. 4th, 2019



[No Subject]

I'm looking for volunteers for research regarding the testing of and implementation of a restorative serum from my world that will affect my powers. My job is to try to utilize my powers (pain, and removal of) on you while under various doses of said serum. Your job is to give me a quantifiable number describing the sensation and/or lack thereof.

Before we get started, I'll need to run a few tests to get an idea of your pain tolerance and sensitivity. At no point will I produce any amount of pain in you more intense than a persistent headache (around 3-4 on the pain scale out of 10), and the pain will dissipate as soon as you quantify it. Likewise, all numbness I produce in you will be temporary. I understand that this will be uncomfortable, but it's for a good cause, and all you people are heroes and should eat up good deeds like catnip.

No one under the age of 21. No one with active reoccurring pain such as a badly-healed injury or arthritis. I won't pay you, but I might spring for doughnuts. Please leave me a comment here with questions or to volunteer. I have one open spot (Leonardo da Vinci, Penny Adiyodi, Evie Frye).

EDITED TO ADD: All spots taken. Thank you.

[ Filtered to Thor ]
Are you going to be in Atlantis during the next few weeks? Another incident is brewing. Let's not have mistletoe waiting for my return to consciousness this time.

Feb. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Ah, Atlantis. My apologies to anyone my husband and his friends kidnapped today, they were quite persistent that several of us needed rescuing! It's not wholly different from being married to him, because I often do need rescuing by him.

At least his arms are strong, si?

Isabela, I have a gift for you. Beyond Ezio carrying you about!

Have you taken breaks to eat? Actual food, not-

At any rate, I made food. As an apology because I plan to work a little late tonight.

Jan. 30th, 2019



[No Subject]

Well, if this don't beat all. Hell of a step up from Diamond City, I gotta say. I'm actually feeling a little grubby by comparison; normally I get to feel like a class act because I'm one of a half dozen guys in town who know how to tie a necktie.

For the people doing the staring: I'm a synth. A jumped-up robot with a mind of my own, basically, but not quite as fancy as the new ones that look and work just like average joe humans. Fancier than the ones that just follow Institute orders, though, so you don't have to worry that I'm gonna start shooting lasers at you. I'm actually going back on the old Protect and Serve beat here.

So, this looks like a place that's probably got a good mechanic. Anybody know where I can find 'em? I haven't had time for a full tune-up in a while, and if I don't go for it now I'll have Ellie on my case.

Jan. 28th, 2019



Netpost: Logan Howlett

Folks here sure know how to welcome a fella.

The name's Logan. Just arrived on Saturday. Don't think I know anyone, but figure that's just a matter of time.

Got some training lined up for this afternoon if anyone's interested. Fair warning, I don't hold back.



[No Subject]

You know, it's been stressful enough. Let's do something fun. I put out some heaters but can't be fucked to do anything else and I'm hosting a grill party on my deck, come on by. Let's just do nothing but grill some meat and veggies.

Dibs on the hammock.

Jan. 26th, 2019



[No Subject]

Ah, it is good to be alive! And AWAKE! There is nothing like being forced out of life for a few days to remind you how precious it is! I haven't enjoyed getting up in the morning and getting into the gym this much since the last time Angela had to give me medical clearance after an injury! And pancakes! They can keep you from starving to death in the hospital in a coma, but they cannot give you pancakes! It is a beautiful morning!

[Filtered to Eileen and Overwatch]
Thank you all for looking after me while I was unconscious! You are the best of friends, and I am glad to have you all!

[Filter to Eileen]
I haven't been able to move for almost a week! What do you say to going dancing tonight?



[No Subject]

So it doesn't get missed in the midst of everyone being distracted by each other: the hospital's doing a blood drive today. Lord knows they've worked their asses off the last week, so I'm heading that way to contribute what I can to make their job easier. Anyone want to join?

Jan. 24th, 2019



[No Subject]

I'm no doctor, nor learned in anything beyond the "slap a poultice on it and walk it off" style of healing. Being unable to do anything more than sitting and waiting is infuriating. I'm delighted that those who've awakened are with us once more, but have to wonder: why is there such disparity between wake-up times when everyone afflicted fell asleep at the same time?

I assume we've tried throwing water in their face and yelling at them? That seems nice and medical. (I jest. I'm frustrated and worried with no outlet. Obviously everyone is doing their jobs to their upmost abilities, and I am grateful for their courage and dedication. But shite.)

Jan. 23rd, 2019



[No Subject]

What the hell, I missed penguins AND squirrels? All I got was having to face a self-righteous murdering asshole ~sent by God~ (choke on a dick, Eli). That is one shitty tradeoff and I would like to opt out of further newsletters, thanks.

Jan. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

If you wanted me to feel bad about myself, you coulda just made me ugly. Anyway, if you got family or friends still asleep, chances are they're stumbling their way through a nightmare. And they probably ain't alone in there.

Reckon that don't mean much. Wish I could go back in and fish them all out, I really do.

Did you drink all my booze in your premature grief?
Can I take Dol for a walk?



[No Subject]

January 20th-22nd
Lavender Brown + Jesse McCree
PG-13 | Complete
Warnings: Greyback is featured so warning!

What's going on? )

Jan. 19th, 2019



[No Subject]

Oh, wow! This is so great. I've seen a lot of snow before, but I've never been on an island, and these communications are just- this is so great.

Hi! Hello. I'm Atreus, of Midgard. My father and I are here to help! Or, at least, help as much as we can - we've been pretty good so far at being problem solvers in multiple realms. That this adds to the realms is just- wow. I never expected something like this.

Is there a blacksmith here? Or a place to make arrows? Are we allowed to explore the forests? Or the mountains?

Jan. 16th, 2019



[No Subject]

January 16

Back a few months ago, you said the offer to sleep with me was off the table. )



[No Subject]

Call me crazy, but I'm beginning to like the frigid weather. It makes coming inside and cozying up that much nicer... but then again, I'm also probably going to burn down the island with the amount of candles I have going at any given time for the hygge. The worst part is I have yet to find a good pair of gloves that lets me practice archery without freezing my fingers off. Any with magic on their side have any ideas?

[ Filtered to Isaac ]

I hope you're ready to yell your lungs out: Team 7, Beater. I can't believe this is actually happening!

Is it okay if I invite my field team over for dinner one of these days? The roster's been shuffled recently and I'd like to get to know them better. Also, one of them is ~Spiderman~.

[ /Filter ]