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Posts Tagged: 'james+kirk'

Mar. 25th, 2018



25 March | Clarice Fong

[Emilia Spinnet]
Thanks for the pie. I wish I could pay in kind but I have zero talents. If you ever need to teleport somewhere I've been before I can do that, though. Or I can babysit your pet if you have one.

[Bonnie Bennett, Mason Ashford, James Kirk]
Sup roomies there's pie in the kitchen as a 'hello' present. Emilia Spinnet made it but I thought I'd offer. There's one slice, divide it amongst yourselves.

Mar. 24th, 2018



[No Subject]

So today I spent the day avoiding water balloons which appeared to be stalking me. You never know what's going to happen next here.

Mar. 14th, 2018



NPC | Laura Barton.

I never imagined I'd find myself in a situation like this. I've always been strange event adjacent rather than in them myself.

I'm told my husband is here, Clint Barton. If anyone can point me in his direction I'd appreciate it.

Mar. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]


I have questions.

Did someone drive a truck through that cave, because I kind of feel like one hit me.
Why is hospital food so universally gross? Seriously, Atlantis, I'm disappointed in you.

First person to bring me a cheeseburger is my new best friend.



[No Subject]

Goodness. It seems that my husband and I have arrived on the tail end of some kind of hostage crisis. That's quite a welcome to the island. Neither of us are medical doctors, but if there's anything we can do to help, please do let us know.

I can't say I thought I'd go through a displacement again, but I suppose after traveling 400 years into the future anything is possible. My name is Lady Mary Stark, nee Crawley. Howard and I got married about a month ago. I'm glad to be working in the intake office, as I did a similar job on the Enterprise. If anyone arrives from the early twentieth century or prior, I would be happy to speak with them.

I recognize many of the names of the people who are listed as being here, though I fear that they will not know me...

Feb. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

For those of you who knew her, Hoshi Sato has gone home. I'll miss her.

Feb. 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]


February 12th
characters. Jim Kirk & Rose Belikova
time. Late Afternoon | location. Base Training Rooms
rating. PG | status. Complete
sparring, catching up, serious talk

You owe me a drink. )

Feb. 15th, 2018



[No Subject]

So I think aside for a big dinner with my crew and anyone else from the Trek universe who I know, I'm done with reunions? I hope so. I hate feeling like I missed people.

I'm James Kirk, and hi to anyone I didn't already know.

[Crew + Assorted Trek Characters]

So this big dinner I want to do we want to do it? I want my nieces there, too, you have no say in the matter, so it's got to be somewhere child-friendly. I have a roommate now so...can't be at my place. Please, no one ask about Nyota right now, I don't want to talk about it.

[Clint Barton]

How are you settling in, roomie?

Dec. 10th, 2017



Marien Christine Kirk | Future One

Who wants to come to Lightening Brew and try all the brews of the past with me?

Wait, is my brother here? Tiberius Kirk? If you are, don't worry, I won't drink the whole bar.

Nov. 14th, 2017



[No Subject]

I'm going to miss Spock.


I know it's a work day tomorrow, but what do you say about us just staying home all day?



[No Subject]

It's always tough to lose a friend and Spock will certainly be missed. Live long and prosper, my friend.

[Starfleet + ]
Spock's departure makes me realize it's been awhile since we've all gotten together. I'd be happy to make a pot or two of chili if folks want to do dinner sometime.

Oct. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

As much "fun" as it was hunting down the damn clown, I'm glad I don't do missions anymore. I'm still sore.

[Bucky and Sharon (same message, separate filters)]

You're evil. A freaking month and nothing?

Oct. 7th, 2017



Pennywise Extermination Team

He's been spotted heading towards the sewer systems. Should we put an end to this?



[No Subject]

My name is Hikaru Sulu and I have just arrived along with my daughter, Demora. She's four and I was wondering if there were any other children near her age here or any other children period.

I'm going to be working with Team Number Five so it's nice to meet you.



07 October : Derrick Hill : Netpost

this place is wild. lara croft is sharing my living space. edmund pevensie exists in duplicate.

i'm still not entirely convinced this isn't some controlled drug experiment, and that my hallucinations have taken a dis-associative turn.

but i also can't figure out what sort of benefit such hallucinations would have if i were being tested for some super soldier drug, so maybe the reality is simply the truth.

a philosophical conversation better suited to a beer. or twelve.

that would require my leaving this room first.

oh right. i'm derrick. hill. not that anyone was asking. shit. i'll figure out how to sign off these things better at some point. oh my god stop talking.

Oct. 5th, 2017




[May be stuff about clown plot in comments; set after this post]

Hey. I'm going to help out with the "capture and destroy" team. I don't know when I'll be coming in tonight. Why don't you ask Hoshi or someone to join you for dinner tonight?




[cut due to mention of clown, there will be conversations about said clown in this post. It Hunting sign up]

We could use some personnel to help us )

Sep. 23rd, 2017




So, did I mention there's a movie projector on our rooftop?

Sep. 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

Well, that was an experience I'd like to never have again.

and for the record, if anyone actually believed that pile of garbage, I'm not a piece of property that can be stolen.

Sep. 17th, 2017



[No Subject]

Since someone decided that they knew the inner workings of my relationship with my wife and someone who is practically family, let me suggest a thing: watch the third movie, and then watch the first, and then

I need to punch something.


Us...we're good, right? No regrets?