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Posts Tagged: 'garrett+hawke'

Feb. 2nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Should’ve figured there’d be a literal interpretation of Groundhog Day.

Does anyone want me to predict if we have 6 more weeks of winter?

Jan. 29th, 2019



[No Subject]

January 25th

I was back in Minrathous, a slave again. )

Jan. 26th, 2019



[No Subject]

Mm, this cane I'm sporting has me wondering if I oughtn't just complete the pirate image and go for a peg leg. I think I could manage the look.

Is everyone back to themselves, now? No more comas? What a bloody week...



January 25 | Cassandra Pentaghast

I can no longer say that my time in Orlais is the worst time I've had anywhere. Or the (waking) Fade, for that matter.

Jan. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Tried to eat an orange this morning. Hot sauced. Tried to have a granola bar over at medical. Hot sauced. Tried to enjoy a bit of chocolate. Hot sauced.

All right, I get it.

Who's up for an old fashioned Kirkwall Hottest -- well I guess you just call them Wings here. I know I could use the distraction.

Bethany, you've got that pink stuff for later?

Jan. 21st, 2019



[No Subject]

[ command + team leaders }
I wanted to check in with the status of our rescue mission. We had a few snags at the start, between a nasty storm and a bit of tricky navigating. Today, we found and were tracking a COS agent -- the bastard disappeared into a tree, which then exploded. We've got a few plans we're working through now, but it's at least a lead.

We're getting there. We'll get them back.

[ kirkwall + musketeers ]
I just checked in and saw something about comas? What in Maker's breath is going on back there?



Netpost 03: Abby Griffin

The timing of this is terrible

I’m positive I won’t be of any use to anyone today so I’m staying home. I’ll see you all tomorrow.

Jan. 18th, 2019



posted earlier this morning!

[ Team 3 + Daisy and Clarice ]
Round yourselves up, my loves. We're tasked to meet with Command on a rescue mission. I don't have too many details, but we're off this afternoon.

[ Kirkwall ]
My team is off on mission! Be back soon!

Athos )

Jan. 17th, 2019



[No Subject]

So is that whole five month notice on a wedding a requirement around here or just extra polite? Also can I custom order giant balloon versions of two people dressed in formalwear? Is that a thing? Asking for a friend.

We really should finalize a date and get going on the planning. Do you have anything you've been imagining in particular? I was thinking something down at the harbor but we'd need things to warm up a bit first, if we don't want everyone whining about how cold they are through the whole ceremony. (By everyone, I mean me, obviously.) End of February or sometime in March, maybe?

Jan. 16th, 2019





A riddle dragon. First, you turn me into a dragon and now stuffed ones with riddles.

Enough with dragon shit.



January 16 | Cassandra Pentaghast

If anybody would like some hats I too have a collection that I am willing to give away.

There's a pirate hat you might like. I hear you are quite fond of them.

Jan. 14th, 2019



[No Subject]

Mm, blue may be my color.

[ Leonardo ]
My darling, is there anything I can get you for the ship? I certainly want to make sure you have all you need.

Jan. 13th, 2019



[No Subject]

[Thedosians + Solaire]
I think I may have opened a small doorway to the Fade when I slept? this has never happened bef They're not tangible and I'm not entirely sure but there are most definitely spirits and I'm not certain what I'm supposed to do with them and I can't figure out where they're coming from.

I'm sorry. Bananas are much more fun.



[No Subject]

Today's a special day. Mac and cheese day in the ProudParrDane household. We celebrate, on this day, the birthday of my mom, so if you see her roaming around, be sure to give her a big hug and let her know how special she is. <3

[ooc | downstairs in the Blinkhouse, a cake will be found! enjoy my hastily/poorly recolored artwork HERE]

Jan. 12th, 2019



January 12 | Clarice Fong

Aaaand we're back! Ok I gotta make amends whoever got injured at base or during these last three days or so while I was around sound off and tell me how I can help.

Thanks to the researchers and magic users who rallied around me as well. You guys are great.

Jan. 11th, 2019



[No Subject]

Wait wait wait wait so that day I climbed a lot of stairs (do not ACTUALLY recommend, no matter if I stopped you to tell you HOW GREAT stairs are. No. Just don't do it. Love yourself.) there were a bunch of nerd stores that popped up. I got this guy, thinking it was me. Cause hey look, he's cute. But now I think it's the blonde, attractive Peter? There's no B.

So basically now I have a Spider-Man watching over me and telling me to start a Keto diet and take the stairs and ughhhhhhh it's like having a Spider-Mom instead.

At least I have Spider-Ham to keep me warm at night. I miss that little guy sometimes.

Oh. Hey. I never did an actual intro. I'm Peter B. Parker. I guess I'm staying? They gave me a job and everything, easiest interview I ever did. (We're not counting the Cosmo one that was over in about 5 minutes because I laughed at their question.)

Jan. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

Lot of peculiar stuff on the network yesterday. Not just normal peculiar either, we've got people speaking in peculiar languages, peculiar things happening, peculiar bits of luck getting thrown about, peculiar shops showing up around town... the whole thing is just a step above our normal peculiar. It's also kind of peculiar how we're just rolling with it, as a whole.



January 10 | Clarice Fong

[In the wee hours of the morning]

Czarny bóg przyjdzie i wszyscy będą cierpieć. Kiedy zapada ciemność, też spadasz.

Jan. 9th, 2019



[No Subject]

Everybody gets to have ridiculous banana and rain powers and I just get clumsy.

I broke my foot today, and I'm on "no weight on it for a week" at the moment. I heal fast, and I can get a boost from medical if I need it. SAM gave me a three-day-estimate. If anyone needs me, I'm hanging out at Reyes place until Friday. Maybe Saturday. Probably Friday though, because he keeps roping me into stupid board games and I can't punch him from my place on the sofa.

Oh! Er- Sorry, Heart 13, Goliath is nosy af and I didn't want to leave him alone since Reyes insisted I stay. If he bugs you, let me know or just tell him to shoo. (he likes bananas, I suggest stealing some from Hawke)

Porthos, you're free to just stick with the Musketeers the rest of the week.



[No Subject]

Someone please sort this out before my home is filled entirely with bananas. I enjoy fruit, but this is ridiculous.