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Posts Tagged: 'duke+crocker'

Mar. 20th, 2019



[No Subject]

It’s rather tempting to see how long I’m allowed to stay on this spacecraft. I’ve never experienced anything like this before.

But I suppose I shouldn’t miss all of the equinox. Sabrina, I’ll be around later, once I find my way home.

Mar. 15th, 2019



[No Subject]

Message to Claire Callahan )


Message to Duke Crocker )

Mar. 12th, 2019



12 March | Claire Callahan

We really need more mental health staff. Who wants to take over what Book--

I'm a fan of flowers, but planting them when it is freaking freezing out isn't what I'd call productive. And yet, I keep wanting to

How are you holding up?

As soon everyone is checked out, we're going to the beach. Or at least a simulation of one.

Mar. 6th, 2019



6 March | Charlie Montgomery

Last night was a lot of fun. These Atlantis themed parties are growing on me.

I was so confused this morning when I found a piece of paper while still not totally awake about the meaning of my name. Having the middle name Pandora, and writing 'don't forget the box' and reading those together not awake, well, a little sobering.

Feb. 17th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hey there! So, the past week has been really weird and I want to deal with that in productive ways instead of holing up and being a stereotypical teenager who plays Halsey and cross stitches edgy sayings on the back of her denim jacket. Also, it was Valentine's Day and I'm basically not with the love of my life anymore and necromancy really doesn't work in Atlantis. Sorry, I got off track. I would maybe just go ahead and start feeling sorry for Ambrose and Salem. You know how it goes.

There is a lot going on. There's a lot of different people and we all have these issues that impact us and we've been made to hide ourselves or run. The adults (and us, kind of) get to be educated and get to fight against the COS. But the COS comes to Atlantis too! And I'm not saying that we should fight. But we were really good at organizing things for the people who were in comas. I was wondering if there are any social / social justice clubs or organizations here in Atlantis? Like, ones that help people get stuff they need when there is a big drama happening and groups that celebrate all of our differences?

I think that's something we could do as younger people, if it's not already there. Or if you think it wouldn't be really dumb. There's that too.

Um. So hey.

I really appreciate that you didn't send me back. I'm going to show you that you can trust me.

I can go on Josie's birthday ski trip? RIGHT?



netpost: leonard mccoy

At least you idiots managed to avoid any serious injuries while you were flying around on brooms this time.

You settling back in okay?

Hey, you.

Feb. 10th, 2019



Log: Getting Rid of the Troubles

february 10

You’re sure you’re up for this? )

[ooc note: All troubles will disappear after Duke's death around mid-day today!]



February 9 & 10 | Duke Crocker

[Sabrina & Ambrose Spellman]
(posted late Saturday)
I need a favor - a big one. Remember that whole thing we talked about a while ago at the bar?

[Claire Callahan]
(posted mid Sunday morning)
They keep coming, but it's going to be alright. I'm going to fix everything before it gets even more out of hand.

Feb. 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

[Filtered to people working the Troubles]
I regret to inform you that there is a second victim of my Trouble. One of our interns, Penelope, was the unfortunate soul who told me that the coffee maker in the office is broken and there is not a drop of the stuff to be found anywhere in the building. I am walking her to Medical now and encouraging her not to cry, as she presently has her eyes sewn shut.

[Filtered to Will Laurence]
I trust all is well on your mission thus far?

[Filtered to Diplomacy Department]
If any of you have not yet heard, I am taking Penelope to Medical. I expect to return by luncheon. If anyone would like me to acquire a coffee on their behalf, please let me know, as I do intend to drop by the shop on my way.

On days such as these, I devoutly hope that my mother's belief that how one spent the first days of the New Year would dictate the tone of the entire year was incorrect.



February 7 | Duke Crocker

I always knew this place seemed a little too much like home for comfort.

[Trouble Teams/APD]

With new troubles popping up more re regularly, I'll be at the station all day today with my family's journal. It has a listing of hundreds of different troubles, tendencies, and sometimes how to keep them controlled.

Some normal Atlantis events might get confused with some of the troubles. There are a a couple of ways to verify which it is. The sure fire way is one I'd rather not have to do unless it's absolutely necessary, but the other way is to test them out on me. I'm often immune to the ones that effect other people. Now, if a another psychotic stuffed bear comes around weidling a knife, I'm not immune to being stabbed to death, but the others I probably am.

[Claire Callahan]

This is getting out of control.

[Charlie Montgomery]

You haven't been feeling strange lately, have you? Nothing weird or unexplainable going on? Even if you'd normally write it off as typical Atlantis shit.



[No Subject]

Can someone please tell me who is I need to know who is investigating the strange goings-on. I believe myself or Sara to be affected. This morning, Sara and I noticed that whatever I was telling - small, large, serious or joking - she would do. Sara has many beautiful and alluring qualities, but her obedience is thankfully not one of them. We are not certain if it is a problem with me or with her. A volunteer could likely solve this issue.

I'm skipping training until this is resolved; it's difficult enough to write without an implied command. I doubt I would be so cautious in-person.

[ ooc - Reyes's Trouble is that whatever he says to do, whoever he is speaking to is powerless to resist doing it. ]

Feb. 5th, 2019



netpost :: lando calrissian :: troubles

That's enough for today. I'm either going actually crazy after all the weirdness here or today is just far too much for my liking. I will be firmly sequestering myself away from people seeing as I can't seem to stop hallucinating any time I look at someone and attempt even basic conversation.



[No Subject]

To the attention of Medical and Magical departments: We had a bit of a problem at the vegetable market this morning. A young fellow asked me if I were Chinese or Japanese and then promptly had his lips sewn shut by an unseen force. I am accompanying him to medical now; he is quite distressed.

Feb. 3rd, 2019



3 February | Claire - Duke - Becker - TROUBLES

03 February
Claire Callahan + Duke Crocker + Captain Becker
troubles | complete

I don't care if she has a patient right now. I need to speak with her. Now. )

Feb. 2nd, 2019



2 February | Claire Callahan

I don't suppose my planned outfit for the day is out of the question.

Hopefully, this means winter is coming to a close soon.

PLOT: ONE CHARACTER EACH wakes up as a groundhog today!

Jan. 20th, 2019



20 January | Claire Callahan

There is a lot going on.

As already mentioned, check on your friends and family and if you need anyone to talk to my door is always open.

Please don't hesitate to reach out of there is anything I can do, or help organize.
Even if it's as simple as checking on your pets.

When it rains.

Think I could give you a list of people to check on?

Jan. 16th, 2019




I never thought I'd see a grown man argue with stuffed dragons.

Saturday night is open mic night.

Up for being dragged?

Jan. 5th, 2019



05 January | Charlie Montgomery


Is this working.

Yes. It is working.

When I decided to stay here I didn't expect to become a bird, it's amazing, but... how do we work when we aren't well, or well, when we are missing thumbs and fingers.

It's really cold today. I can't get the tablet to show me the warmest places with my voice. Where are the warmest places?

PLOT: Not again! ONE CHARACTER EACH turns into a bird for 48 hours, yes, you can speak, yes, you can use voice activation on your tablets.

Jan. 1st, 2019



Log: Duke & Charlie


You! I need you to kiss me. )

Dec. 26th, 2018



Duke Crocker

I've been to most all of them, but I want to hear a local's perspective. Or someone more local than me. Best bar in town and why: Go.

By the way, I own a restaurant and bar in Haven and am biased, so these best be good reasons.