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Posts Tagged: 'bethany+hawke'

Jan. 12th, 2019



SA Challenge Log - 1/5 - Bethany & Miles "Halitophobia - Fear of Bad Breath"

5 Jan 2019
Medical • Afternoon
PG • Complete
'Uhm, do you have any mints?' )

Jan. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

Lot of peculiar stuff on the network yesterday. Not just normal peculiar either, we've got people speaking in peculiar languages, peculiar things happening, peculiar bits of luck getting thrown about, peculiar shops showing up around town... the whole thing is just a step above our normal peculiar. It's also kind of peculiar how we're just rolling with it, as a whole.



January 10 | Clarice Fong

[In the wee hours of the morning]

Czarny bóg przyjdzie i wszyscy będą cierpieć. Kiedy zapada ciemność, też spadasz.

Jan. 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hello! I can't stop worr Over a decade ago, I nearly died due to a corruption - we call it the Taint, it's a terrible word, so I apologize if I use it here. In our world, the only way to save someone from the corruption is to hope they survive a Grey Warden ritual - I went through it, and survived and became a Grey Warden. It's a lifelong debt, rather boring to hear about so I'll spare you, but it involved me (bleh) ingesting more of the actual corruption and a drop of archdemon blood so my body becomes "immune" to the Taint.

I say "immune", because it is actually more like a "cross your fingers and hope for the best" and prolongs, rather than heals entirely. Depending on the circumstances, we're given an extra twenty or so years to serve as a Grey Warden for all of Thedas, and I'm over halfway through that. It has a whole host of side-effects, including infertility.

For the record, I feel perfectly fine here. I wasn't actually going to inquire about figuring out any sort of cure, because I assumed we'd all go home after winning the war and there was no point to it. But now that I've met my son, and I know I have a future here--

Well, I would like to see if there's anything to be done, at some point.

I know Thedas magic does little for it, I can't just heal away any traces of the corruption in a simple zap, and we have only ever heard of one person that's managed a cure in our world and they refuse to share that information.

So, if you have any thoughts or would like to help, I would appreciate anything any of you might have to offer on the subject at hand.

[*If your character has something to contribute and doesn't fall into this filter, feel free to tag them in anyway or poke me!]

Jan. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Farewells are never easy, even when one is well-used to them. I’m forever grateful that Atlantis gave Bethany and I a chance to meet Declan. The future is a funny thing, isn’t it? Something - someone - that a month ago I did not know has become so important to me in such immediacy that I am twice as excited to meet the coming year.

I’m sorry to see him go, but goodbyes go easier with plunging into freezing abysses - which is why I encourage all of you who are feeling bittersweet by the departures of your family and friends to join me in the Polar Bear Plunge! Diving into ice-cold water seems to be a great way of taking your mind off of things, and what a pleasant way to wake up and face the New Year! And now that I know what polar bears are, the title makes a great deal more sense.

I’ll see you at the water, happy New Year, and praise the sun!

Dec. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

While I always appreciate extra clothing, I don't think my outfit appropriate for the public, let alone for winter. Plus, I don't think the Qunari would approve of a Hawke wearing it.

Declan, Solaire and I have been planning food for the entire week! You're all invited to share with us, if you'd like, there's going to be more food than even I can eat, coupled with a generous amount of alcohol and movies and stories.

You don't have to come every night but it's an open invitation for all of you! The most magnificent feast is being planned for Saturday, and will more than likely leave us in a coma on the floor.

Dec. 14th, 2018



Network Post: W'kabi (NPC)

Well, Atlantis, I have been following your talk for the last three days. I wonder that you ever get anything done in this war of yours between this cold and the strange events of this place. This little one took refuge from the weather in my hotel room this morning. I don't know how he got in, but he's clearly resourceful, if vain.

Dec. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

I have a whole new level of respect for the Intake team. You guys are real heroes, getting us all through so fast. You absolutely earned those cookies from Mrs. Weasley.

[Filtered to Hawkes and Hawke-adjacent family (which includes Varric, of course)]

I think my favorite thing about getting teleported to the past is that Aunt Isabela's first impulse is still to call me Baby Sunshine, even when I'm not actually a baby.


[Filter to Next Gen Hawkes/Hawke cousins]
They're all so young.

And it's crazy that we're suddenly in the middle of the war. It's like we got dropped into one of Uncle Varric's stories.

Dec. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ Fenris & Hawke, plus their Companions ]
Re: This

Hello there! I'm Isabela. I'm a pirate, and we spent a lot of time together -- I'm not sure if you remember?

I just figured I'd introduce myself since you've clearly forgotten me when it comes to your exciting announcements.

Dec. 10th, 2018



Netpost: Solas

Apparently Atlantis decided I needed to revisit my youth and prompt me to get my ears pierced again. If this keeps happening, I might have to grow my hair out again.

Nov. 23rd, 2018



[No Subject]

Bloody hell.

I think I've found a cursed berry -- I ate one of the little things, and now I'm seeing colors radiating from people. The colors are lovely, at least.

Everyone, come see me. I want to know what color you give off.

[ ONE CHARACTER EACH eats a cranberry today and when they do they can see auras around the people around them for up to 2 hours. ]

Nov. 22nd, 2018



Network Post: Phil Fitzsimmons

Anyone still struggling with new powers who has not visited Medical yet, I highly advise you to do so. New abilities often lead to new vulnerabilities or to new requirements on the body: changes in diet, exercise and daily routine, for example. There is always someone in Medical or on call, and we are discrete. If you'd prefer to contact someone privately, my phone is always on and I'm always willing to help.

[Lorna Ramon and Penny Adiyodi]
And since these things have a tendency to get people more agitated than usual, if either of you need anything, I'm here for that, as well.

Nov. 21st, 2018



[No Subject]

So, all of these weird powers today? They're my fault. I'm sorry.

I mean, not really. I'm not really sorry. It's just

yes, they are my fault.

[ ooc: ONE CHARACTER EACH randomly confess to people about things that they didn't actually do. Yup, lots of false confessions today. ]

Nov. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

[SOLAIRE; Around Midnight]
Isabela made me go out into the wild during a blizzard and it was horrible. Now I'm cold and tipsy walking back.

Do you want to go to the dance with me? You seemed like someone who would like a dance. And I like wearing dresses. And you.



[No Subject]

Mm, I hate snow. I especially hate this much snow. Bring back the warmth, pretty please. I don't want to wear trousers.

Which of you are brave enough to venture into town to spend the evening on cards and alcohol? My Thedas mates, you'd better; I'm going to teach the others to play Wicked Grace. I'll even buy the first round of drinks to warm us all back up from the trek.

Nov. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]

Day three and apparently this is my life now. If anyone wants to console me with belly rubs and strips of bacon, I won't turn my snout up at them. Better yet, please take me for walkies. I'm bored out of my giant skull.

Nov. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

If anyone sees me wandering around making weird noises at the blinds, that's normal. For my cat. NOT ME. Switching bodies with Mittens, really? Atlantis, can we not have one day of semi-normalcy? Is that so much to ask? At least I don't have to wear pants in public. Being a cat is terribly comfortable in that regard.

[ Filtered to Close Friends + Breckenridge Bros ]
If any of you had a very clear delineation between this part of your life and that part of your life, you probably know why I hesitated to say anything when I first arrived. And then Breckenridge happened, and a few days turned into a few months, and I didn't say anything once we turned back to ourselves because it had been such a long while, and maybe it didn't matter, really. But the threat of potentially turning younger made me realise that it's not fair nor safe to say nothing, and --

Well then, all right, that's a lot of words. So I'll just try to salvage this and be brief: I wasn't always as I am now. Human, specifically. My father was the King of the Gods and I the Ruler of the Storm and god of War. There was a great deal of war growing up - against the dragons, against the witches, against anyone who my father labelled a treacherous enemy. I obeyed him up to a point when his true wicked nature was revealed to me, and thereafter refused to use my power or my army to support a particularly cruel and vicious battlefield decision of his. In retaliation, he stripped me of my title, power and kicked me out of Anor Londo, and I became what you know me as now.

Which is to say: I was never a bad person, nor vicious, but nonetheless a younger version of myself in possession of my full powers and convinced that I was being kidnapped or played a cruel trick on by a bunch of humans could be... destructive. I'm sorry I said nothing earlier. I honestly don't like to think much of the before, because I very much like my life now. I hope you can forgive me for my silence on the topic.

Also, I'm a cat now. I don't know why that's happened. I hope it doesn't last long.
[ /Filter ]



[No Subject]

20 was a terrible year for me and whoever that strange fellow is with the odd hat should feel sorry for himself.

At least it seems like it was fairly short lived? Not that younger Bethany couldn't have benefitted from all of this.

Nov. 4th, 2018



[No Subject]

Soooo I guess I'm not taking the SAT today?

Cool, cool. Cool.

[ ooc: Ian saw King Tut, and is now suddenly once again an 18-year-old mathlete. Enjoy! ]

Oct. 31st, 2018



[No Subject]

It's my first Halloween, and I am very much looking forward to the festivities tonight! I understand there will be feasting and drinking and dancing, yes? And magic? I love a good party.

In keeping with the season, I'd like to hear your most-frightening, bone-rattling, and spookiest tales. I understand there to be a lot of heroes and adventurers here, yes? So you must have good scary stories! Use this missive as a space to tell them, for I would dearly love to read them. (And as a kind suggestion, please don't mistake "scary" for depressing. There is nothing worse than the buzzkill that comes with a fun story ending badly. Lie if you have to. I won't know the difference.)

Thank you, Atlantis! I will tell my own tale as well.