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Posts Tagged: 'anthony+goldstein'

Feb. 23rd, 2019



February 22 | Leanne Mao

Well, against all odds and even though I did walk dogs in the park today because who wouldn't, here's my first pet as an adult, not a dog:

cut for pic )

This is Beulah, she's a kneazle. She knows if you're dodgy so if anyone needs a magical lie detector, here she is. Thanks to Teddy Lupin for coming with me and helping me find her.

Feb. 17th, 2019



17 February | Charlie Montgomery

I think my birthday wish is for warmer weather. I know, I know, can't get a weather wish! A girl can dream though.

Tango isn't usually the style of dancing I go for, but I think it'd be fun to try tonight.

Who is coming? The more the better! It'll be fun.

PLOT: Charlie's Birthday. She turns 28

Feb. 1st, 2019



Network Post: Anthony Goldstein

If George Weasley were here, I'd say this had to be a Wheeze.

Does anyone have any spells for getting rid of stubborn bubble gum?

Jan. 29th, 2019



January 29 | Leanne Mao


Hello friends name's Leanne I'm not from around here and I'm kind of unsure why I was selected to participate in a war, not very creative or very war oriented to tell the truth but I guess I'll do my best.

(In the event that this is some kind of curse or I've fallen into a state of complete delusion please disregard the above message. And get my ma, I suppose. If you're real.)

Now. Peeps who know me, where're y'at? Show me around!

Jan. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]


Filtered to Remus Lupin
i saw him.

Jan. 20th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hi! Hi there. Um, I'm sorry to bother everyone. But I know there's a lot going on. You are all very capable and knowledgeable. It's really neat to see and be around. It's just that I wanted to offer up any help if I could. I can cast protection spells around the hospital at the very least. Would that help? I don't know.

Otherwise, let me make you a latte.



[No Subject]

This morning I wasn't able to wake my partner, Gabriel Reyes. He was breathing and his pulse was a little elevated but he just looked like he was in a deep sleep and wouldn't wake up. I contacted medical and he's been moved now, but is still asleep. He isn't the only one, either - I discovered Jesse McCree in the same state after he wouldn't answer text messages and medical was bringing in more when we first got here.

Check your friends, housemates and loved ones today, and please report anyone in the same condition to medical, where they will be transported and kept there for tests and monitoring. It's easy to tell you to not panic, but I won't do that - I get it. There's coffee and food here in medical for everyone visiting, along with support. Security won't tolerate aggression towards anyone here, so be on your best behavior if you want to stay, the medical professionals are doing everything they can.

Sydney was with Jesse, and in the same state. I just gave transport the go to have them both transferred to medical. I'm sorry, I wish I had more answers for you.

Jan. 14th, 2019



[No Subject]

If this is someone's idea of a joke, I don't find it particularly inspired.

Jan. 4th, 2019



Network Post: Anthony Goldstein

I wouldn't have minded the doors. It would be like being back in Ravenclaw Tower.

Are we certain no one dosed the water with Dreamless Sleep yesterday?

Dec. 29th, 2018



netpost: bonnie bennett

Hi, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Bonnie Bennett. I'm a witch and here in Atlantis I work as a Magic Specialist.

Awhile back, I brought up the idea of doing a kind of magic group. We only had a few meetings at the time, but with a lot more of us here, it seemed like a good idea to start it up again.

Basically, what I'm suggesting is that we meet regularly - weekly, biweekly, monthly, whatever - and talk about magic. We can share experience and advice. Those of us with more training can help to guide the ones who are still learning. We can even experiment with combining powers to see what we can do together, which Atlantis is probably cool with as long as we don't blow anything up.

If you guys are interested, I'll reserve one of the meeting rooms on the base. I'll even bring the coffee and the donuts.

Dec. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

I have no idea what to wri I'd heard of Atlantis, of course, but I always thought there would be more togas. And volcanoes. A thank you to my new flatmates for making space for me. Kreacher will learn to behave more properly, and if he doesn't, he will be going home before the week is up. He's only calling you "foul monstrosities" because this is very overwhelming to him and he's never been around Muggles before. That makes two of u Let me know if his behavior continues to grate, and I'll fill his time with an adequate amount of chores.

Siri I hadn't written anything yet because of the holiday. I believe I've said 'hello' to most members of my extended family, but if I have neglected to do so, please let me know.

Oh, and my name is Regulus Black. I frankly don't know what to make of any of this, but hiding grew dull so here I am.

Dec. 24th, 2018



Christmas Eve evening

A quick break from all of our holiday celebrations to inform everyone that Cisco asked me to marry him and I said YES!

not an ic cut )

Okay! Everyone back to your scheduled Christmas Eve celebrations!

*ooc: The ring looks like this, log is still in progress but I'm impatient and wanted to share it now since it technically happens on Christmas Eve.

Dec. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

Filtered to Magicians/Harry Potter People/Sydney Clarke )

Dec. 13th, 2018



Network Post: Anthony Goldstein

Thank you for the violin?. There's no card, and I've never played, so I'm either missing a joke or Atlantis is at work. I'd like to learn if there any instructors around.

[Katherine Pierce]
Are you coming to the Three Broomsticks tonight?

Dec. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Cheers to the white knight that saved me this morning when I was bleary eyed and stuck under mistletoe. My teeth were brushed and I didn't have morning breath so I'm fairly certain I didn't embarrass myself too much, at least? You'll have to tell me if I'm wrong.

Tomorrow, Anthony Goldstein gets one year older, and as recently appeared best mate, I've decided we're having a gathering at the Three Broomsticks tomorrow. If you're friends with him, feel free to come and buy him a round, have a piece of cake. Can't promise mistletoe won't pop up, can promise you'll have plenty of choices.

Dec. 11th, 2018



[No Subject]

A Spinnet says what?

Roc's on his way (I think) but I see there's so many of you here. Like migratory birds. Only more tolerable because Spinnets don't usually get hit by bludgers. But this thing must be on the fritz because there's too many Potters. And Professor Lupin? Als? Katie? Fill me in while I wait? Or come with Rocco. I'm okay for either.

Ambrose (did I spell that right?) has been explaining it, very helpfully. But this is all hard to believe until I hear from a friendly face that I already know. And if he's right, time isn't moving at home, and that means I can get in more practice than the other teams and I'm kind of okay with that. I'm not getting any younger. There is a pitch here, yeah?

Dec. 3rd, 2018




You two throw a bloody fantastic party, brilliant magic, this is not me just stroking your ego.... what would you say if I said I wanted to make a kind of Hogwarts Sorting Hat that we could use in Atlantis for... reason? Think you could help me out? I was going to talk to magic research, too, but I wanted your thoughts first.

All right, you lot. Benjy and I have a task for you that might seem mad, but we need a sorting hat. The idea is to be able to sort anyone in Atlantis who wants to play quidditch. We don’t have the REAL sorting hat here, obviously, but I think if we all put our heads together, we can come up with something that’d do the job! This is sort of extra research, so it’s completely optional but I’d love anyone who wants to help!

Dec. 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]

Left on the table in the kitchen of Head 12 with no note.

[Head 12: Sara Lance, Buffy Summers, Solas, Anthony Goldstein]

Nov. 11th, 2018



11 November | Taisia + Anthony

11 november
Taisia Belikova + Anthony Goldstein
(open to someone she doesn't know well)
Low/TBD | Ongoing
If You're interested in tagging head over here

Hey, you, beer, now. )

Nov. 10th, 2018



Network Post: Anthony Goldstein

Even when it slows from a flood to a trickle, the effect is still felt.

[Katherine Pierce]
I'm sorry.

I have terrible timing, but this 'fun.' I'm trying to get better at it. Do you have any suggestions?