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November 2019



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Posts Tagged: 'lucy+pevensie'

Jun. 16th, 2019



[No Subject]

All of this Disney stuff happening this month makes me reaaaaaally want to have a movie marathon. (Or several!) Does anyone else want to join me?

EDITED: OH, I also just realized I forgot to share a photo of the tattoo I got during the scavenger hunt. It's healing up really well. [inserted is a photo of this, behind her right ear.]]

Jun. 12th, 2019



June 12 | Network | Caspian

Hello. I am Caspian. I hope I am doing this correctly I will be assisting Team 1 as a Field Agent. I look forward to making your acquaintance.

Caspian | Pevensies

I am in fresh awe of your ability to travel so seamlessly between worlds.

Hello, my friends.

Jun. 8th, 2019



Peter Parker June 8

Ummm so sorry everyone! It might still smell like burnt pancakes. I may have gotten one stuck to the ceiling, too.

But I totally rocked making pancakes after the first trial and error!

I even made ones that look like the Avengers. Okay, so some of them look like squishy blobs, but some you can see if you squint and tilt your head.

Jun. 5th, 2019



Network Post: Mia Rinaldi

I actually like the rain. They aren't cancelling the pegasus riding lessons today, are they?

[Jill Dragomir and Adrian Ivashkov]
Come to the pegasi stables. Bring sugar cubes.

May. 10th, 2019



Network Post: Phil Fitzsimmons (Atlantis)

I heard a rumor that the sun is shining outside.

[Becker + Commanders + LCDRs]
Like those from before, the people we saw die are here in Medical. There are still no signs of physical injuries, despite what we saw on the screen, and they all arrived with the same puzzle pieces. We're only keeping them a few hours, but everyone will need to be seen by Psych.

[Separate Filters to Family and Friends of Jyn Erso, Leanne Mao, Sirius Black, and Susan Pevensie]
[Character] is in Medical and will be released within a few hours. Visitors will be allowed shortly one at a time for those of you already waiting at the doors, but we don't expect it to be long.

I know this has been rough, especially with Nurse Temple gone, if not in the way we thought it might be. Thank you everyone. Remember to take care of yourselves. If you have a spare moment,I imagine Harley could use some help in reception, as well. Word has gotten out that people can expect to find their lived ones here after a death in the arena.

[Lucy Pevensie]
Technically, you don't count as a visitor, but don't abuse it.

[Lorna Ramon]
I shouldn't say that it could be worse.



[No Subject]

I have an idea. COS can't block my SOUL. Probably?

Ambrose is in the arena and I can try to astral project to talk to him! We've had ... three BIG groups of people die and show up in medical. What if we tell them that this is like the plot of Inception? They have to die to wake up.

* Assume that if you've chatted with her, you are on this filter.

Apr. 7th, 2019



7th April | Peter Pevensie

I suppose Atlantis thought it had been long enough since it chose my clothing for me. The kilt was.. interesting, but I am glad to be back to my trousers today.

Mar. 28th, 2019



march 28 :: steve harrington

Well, I was not expecting this when I woke up, but of all the things I could've turned into this isn't bad at all.

Mar. 27th, 2019



netpost: reyna pevensie

I have to admit, I was a bit surprised by Admiral Poseidon's restructuring and getting moved out of the field, but it seems Atlantis knew something before I did...

Which is too say, Ed and I found out this morning that we're expecting a baby. Seems a bit too good to be true, but it's proobably the best birthday present I could ask for.

Mar. 16th, 2019



[No Subject]

In case anyone was even the slightest bit curious - waking up in a submarine when you were quite content to wake up in your own very cozy and comfortable bed is perhaps one of the most jarring experiences of my life. You know, waking up here was a bit odd - but at least the intake rooms are lovely and they explain to you whats going on! This submarine nonsense is a bit terrifying! But also so very why!

Mar. 14th, 2019



Network Post: Edmund Pevensie

St. Clement's pie. My favorite!

[Family and Friends minus Reyna]
Reyna's birthday is in two weeks. I'd like to have a nice dinner for her (not made by me, don't worry). Hopefully, everyone will be back by then.

[Emilia Spinnet]
Hi. I could use your help.

Mar. 5th, 2019



march 5 :: steve harrington

I never really thought much about the meaning of my name. It's just a name, right? A name I like. But it turns out Steve comes from the Greek name Στεφανος (Stephanos) and it means "crown". Funny coincidence I was wearing a crown last week.

[ PLOT :: TWO CHARACTERS EACH decide to do some research to learn what their name means. ]

Mar. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Today? Pigs are gonna fly.

Or at least one pig is going to.

Feb. 26th, 2019



[No Subject]

I'm not complaining - please don't think I am! - but I would quite love to know when the cold weather is going to end?

I know it isn't a lot for you, being able to fly and all, but I want to go to the carnival and ride all of the highest rides we can find. I also want to eat candyfloss and act like I'm not basically grown up. This all sounds very willful and winsome, I know. But I thought you would not mind to indulge me in the behaviour.

This is your elder, mildly smothering sister checking in with all of you. I would like to make sure that you are all doing well, eating your vegetables and not nursing wounds that no one can see because you are ever so valiant about suffering in silence.

All my love.

Feb. 21st, 2019



netpost | elena salvatore

I'd like to think this ski trip is making up for all of the missed vacations in my life. It's been really, really fun so far, and I'm supposed to be the chaperone. I can't believe we go home tomorrow!!!!

[Damon Salvatore]
See. Being the adult isn't terrible.

Feb. 17th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hey there! So, the past week has been really weird and I want to deal with that in productive ways instead of holing up and being a stereotypical teenager who plays Halsey and cross stitches edgy sayings on the back of her denim jacket. Also, it was Valentine's Day and I'm basically not with the love of my life anymore and necromancy really doesn't work in Atlantis. Sorry, I got off track. I would maybe just go ahead and start feeling sorry for Ambrose and Salem. You know how it goes.

There is a lot going on. There's a lot of different people and we all have these issues that impact us and we've been made to hide ourselves or run. The adults (and us, kind of) get to be educated and get to fight against the COS. But the COS comes to Atlantis too! And I'm not saying that we should fight. But we were really good at organizing things for the people who were in comas. I was wondering if there are any social / social justice clubs or organizations here in Atlantis? Like, ones that help people get stuff they need when there is a big drama happening and groups that celebrate all of our differences?

I think that's something we could do as younger people, if it's not already there. Or if you think it wouldn't be really dumb. There's that too.

Um. So hey.

I really appreciate that you didn't send me back. I'm going to show you that you can trust me.

I can go on Josie's birthday ski trip? RIGHT?

Feb. 5th, 2019



[No Subject]

Guten tag, my friends. Please call me Angela, though I will answer to Dr. Ziegler if you are more the formal type. Honestly, I will respond to a fair number of things, so long as they're polite! I arrived today and have already situated myself in the medical wing. The scientific approach to things here is greatly appreciated and I already feel it is quite the step up from my labs in the basement at our old base in Gibraltar.

I'll be reviewing medical files as quickly as I can, but if you have any pressing medical needs or someone to talk to, my door is open immediately. If you have not had a medical review or checkup in at least six months, please also see about scheduling one. If you're not certain as to how, please let me know and I can schedule it on your behalf. I welcome new challenges, and look forward to working with Dr. McCoy and the rest of the medical staff. Thank you for having me and I promise I will put in the work to fit in here as nicely as I am able.

Jan. 27th, 2019



[No Subject]

I have never particularly sought leadership positions, but I must say it is quite heartening to be in a place where a man with a name and color such as mine can be called Commander. I shall, of course, do my best to rise to the occasion and serve both my department and the people of Atlantis well.

I am simultaneously pleased to have my skills recognized and feeling a great deal of pressure as chief diplomat across multiple universes.

Jan. 25th, 2019



netpost: reyna pevensie

Does anyone of us here do tattoos?

Today is the two year anniversary of my coming to Atlantis. Anyone want to join me for a pegasus ride to mark the occasion?

Jan. 22nd, 2019



january 22 :: wendy darling

I hope I'm doing this right.

My name is Wendy Moira Angela Darling, but Wendy will do. I'm from London, England. I know I haven't arrived in the best of times but I hope I can be of some use in the war that is going on. Don't hesiate to ask for help.