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Posts Tagged: '%2Alena'

Oct. 1st, 2019



October 1 | Jaina Solo

I heard a rumor that tomorrow is Tallie’s birthday, so I was thinking we should do a house dinner or a party or something. What do you guys think?

Don’t worry, Tallie, I’ll get Emilia Spinnet to do the cake so it’s actually edible.



October 1 | Katie Bell

[OOC: Definitely posted after Alicia is awake and Katie has checked on her.]

Hello, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m Katie Bell and I’m happy to report that the Quidditch Pitch is good as new and we will be resuming matching this upcoming weekend! Our reserves are looking a bit thin, so if you’d like to play, whether you’re an old pro or new to the game, we’d love to have you. Please have a look at the sign up form on your tablet. If you’ve never played before, we can teach you!

I could absolutely get used to these new living arrangements of ours. Have I mentioned how glad I am to have you back in Atlantis proper?

I know you’re planning to go home when they fix it so you can, but for the love of Merlin, wait until after the cup, will you? I would really love to no have to redo the rosters again. I’m going to bloody miss you

I’m not sorry I hex Are we Hey.

Sep. 30th, 2019



30 September | Caroline Salvatore

Having the boarding house here is amazing! What's more amazing is that I get to do some redecorating!

Sep. 29th, 2019



september 29 :: nick stokes

I see a lot of people talking about going home. I've been thinking about it too, I have to admit. I mean, I can't do much while I'm still bed-bound.

I think Sam and I will go back home. This place is awesome and I'll hate not being able to remember it, but I've got stuff to do back home.



[No Subject]

[FRIENDS & FAMILY] *Feel free to assume

I'm not feeling particularly diplomatic at the present moment so I shall be plain.

I'm not going back to England. I don't have any particular bloody good reason to go back to England. Bother England. I've had enough.

England is a long road to get what I already have here: family, friends, and loved ones. So you're sadly mistaken if you think I'm going to let you be! We're in it for the long haul, so long as you'd like to stay here in Atlantis.



[No Subject]

To those of you rebuilding: I will be up and about tomorrow to start reframing as needed.

Given that we've received a new home, I suppose the dogs need new beds. What do you say?

I don't have the right words to express how thankful I am for your generosity. Please get well so I can express my thanks with more than words.



[No Subject]

Is anybody intending to leave now? And if you are, are you scared?

Does it h Scared of what you'll come back to? I know I'm scared of what I'm leaving behind, if I decide to go back to Greendale.

I don't want to ... that all sounds really weird, I know. But I keep thinking about home and what everyone's doing. I would miss everyone so much but I'm also honestly really worried.


Sep. 28th, 2019



28 September | Bella Hartley

I considered going home, but with Mako still around here and the fact I've been here for so long I think it'd just be too weird to go home, especially because I might not even remember ever being here and how weird would that be?



28 September | Davina Claire

I suppose the new housing isn't so bad. I do think it's a good step in rebuilding.



28 Sept, Post-Wedding | Jill Dragomir

Congratulations, Lissa and Neal! I know I already said it in person, but I am incredibly happy for you.

Everyone else seems to have houses showing up, but I was thinking... I think I'd like to just stay on Mako, in one of the beach houses. If any of you wanted to move out there with me, well, I really wouldn't complain about that.



28 September | Klaus Mikaelson

Thanks in part to Hayley, our home, The Abattoir is here. I have to admit, I've missed it. It's nice to have a piece of home.

I'm not oblivious to how many of you feel about me, but you are all welcome, if anyone cares to stay.



Netpost | Madi Griffin

To everyone on Mako, I was glad to serve with you.

I hope no one expects me to go back to school just yet.


How are you? All things considered.



[No Subject]

Ow. I hear I've been asleep for awhile. Sorry if I worried anyone.

I guess I'm stuck in medical awhile longer, but if anyone wants to get me a cheeseburger, that'd be great.



9/28 pre-wedding | Rose Hathaway

I guess random awesome houses are a thing now. I went out for a run yesterday and came back to a really great house with all mine, Dimitri and Ivan's stuff in it. Mom, there's a separate suite set up with your stuff in it, too, so I guess Atlantis decided you're staying with us. I mean, if you want to.

Alex and Taisia
Look, you're both adults and I get it if you don't want to live with your parents, but if you do want to, there's plenty of space.



27 September | Zer0

Ow. I miss New-U.
Healing is oh-so-boring.
Resurrection rules!

Where is John Proudstar?
It was fun fighting with you.
Glad you are okay.

Sep. 27th, 2019



[No Subject]

Sometimes Atlantis does us a solid.

I'd rather have Melinda than the house, but I can't say that having Our house from Breck turn up here is a bad thing. Seems to have a few more bedrooms than I remember.

There's room for all of you if you want. No pressure.

Clint & Natasha
Not sure if you two have plans, but there's room for both of you if you want.



[No Subject]

So the Atlanta Underground building is here. I portalled back to housing for a sec and was thinking about how that was the first place I'd felt safe in a long time (comparatively) and stuff, and when I walked past the housing place there it was. Massive bank building.



Network Post: Edmund Pevensie

It has been an honor to fight beside each of you. I don't have words worthy of those who gave their lives in this war, but we won't forget them.

[Pevensies + Izuku Miyodora + Caspian + Julie Power + Mia Rinaldi]
I am hoping they will wheel me out of here soon. I'm sure they need the space for others. I only wish

Sep. 26th, 2019



September 27th Early Morning

[OOC: Forward dating in case I don't have time in the morning. If anyone medical or who would have been near Alicia's room wants to say they encouraged Em to leave for a shower and some clean clothes, go for it!]

This probably goes without saying, but Snoozle will remain destr closed until further notice.

I went back to the house to freshen up this morning and I was thinking about the time my family and I spent in Tuscany and how much I missed our home there when it just suddenly appeared at the edge of the housing area. When I went to explore, my old room had my Atlantis things in it! The dogs, too!

Rocco Spinnet
Your stuff is there, too, Roc. I guess Atlantis thought it owed us one.

Paul Atreides
You're a part of our family now, Paul. If you want a place in our house, it's yours.

Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, Mordecai Roberts, Roger Davies, Hannah Abbott, Theo Montgomery
Blood or not, you're as good as family, alright, and we've plenty of room, so if you want to stay with us, there's a room for you.

Wanda Maximoff, Erik Lensherr, Laura Howlett
If she was able to ask you herself, I know she would want to, so I'm asking for her - please come stay at the villa. Laura, you can bring your animals. I know none of us really want to stray far from medical until she, but our home is your home, too, for whenever you need it.




Log: Wanda & Harry

september 15

Something was happening, something big, and it was only a matter of time until the next attack happened. )