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October 2nd, 2019



october 01 :: tallissan lintra

I think Atlantis is definitely backto normal. I had the most interesting talk with a dog today.

It's good to see weird things happen again.

[ PLOT :: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH finds themselves talking to a very chatty newfoundland dog. ]



october 02 :: flounder

So I really appreciate the gift but, uh, I have no idea how to ride a bike. Help?

[ PLOT :: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH wakes up with a gift of a bike today. ]



[No Subject]

We've been through a lot, lately. We've lost loved ones and colleagues, and this war has left gaps behind in our lives, whether it was because someone left Atlantis or because they were lost in the battle. I won't lie and say that those holes ever fill in entirely. My truth is more that you learn to live with them, and you learn how to support the ground that's left, so it doesn't all crumble. There are always going to be moments where I think about the friends I've lost, and one in particular. I often find myself wondering what he would say about the person I am now, about the choices I've made - especially when it's one that has put me in the crosshairs. Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, all of these moments have a tendency to stir up immense emotions. Or they don't - and that's okay, too.

There's usually a lot of talk about the stages of grief, but I don't like to talk about it that way. That way makes it sound like there's a specific timeline, specific steps we all take, when that is rarely the case. Grief differs between people, it differs day by day, and that's all completely normal. What you feel right now might be different from the person next to you. It might be different from how you feel tomorrow, or a week from now, or six months from now. It's not linear in the way we've been lead to believe. Sometimes you cycle back to emotions you've already felt. Anger, regret, helplessness, betrayal, loneliness, isolation, disbelief, even thankfulness - this can all be part of the process. You might have trouble sleeping. Your appetite might change. You might just feel tired, or maybe you'll feel energized and like you can accomplish a whole lot in one day. You might be angry at the person who is gone, or at those who took them from you, or at yourself for thinking you didn't do enough. There's no one way to grieve for someone or something.

Lean on each other. Be patient with one another. And remember our doors are open for anyone who wants to talk. Or you can message me here if that's more comfortable.



backdated to oct 1

-- What do you think?
--attached photo



2 October | Alexios

I woke up find I had been gifted a bicycle by Atlantis. It's very entertaining and learning to ride it was exciting. I fell off many times. I find I still prefer a horse though. My Phobos is far better than a bicycle.