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September 27th, 2019



Network Post: Edmund Pevensie

It has been an honor to fight beside each of you. I don't have words worthy of those who gave their lives in this war, but we won't forget them.

[Pevensies + Izuku Miyodora + Caspian + Julie Power + Mia Rinaldi]
I am hoping they will wheel me out of here soon. I'm sure they need the space for others. I only wish



netpost | September 27

Thankfully, Harry's doing alright, so guess he's the boy who lived times three now.

Harry Potter
Best not make it a fourth time or I'll hex you myself.

Hannah Abbott
Thanks for everything.



[No Subject]

Sometimes Atlantis does us a solid.

I'd rather have Melinda than the house, but I can't say that having Our house from Breck turn up here is a bad thing. Seems to have a few more bedrooms than I remember.

There's room for all of you if you want. No pressure.

Clint & Natasha
Not sure if you two have plans, but there's room for both of you if you want.



[No Subject]

So the Atlanta Underground building is here. I portalled back to housing for a sec and was thinking about how that was the first place I'd felt safe in a long time (comparatively) and stuff, and when I walked past the housing place there it was. Massive bank building.



[No Subject]

This place never ceases to amaze me. I was thinking the other day about how I missed Queen Manor even if my mother's decorating style was a little bit over the top for me.I was hoping to remodel it one day but it burned down so that never happened.

Well guess what? Atlantis brought it back and it's much more to my taste which means less antiques, an indoor gym, and a huge kitchen. And everything is already moved including Symba.

[Clarke, Madi, Harley, Caitin, Sara/Emily]

Harley, Clarke and I would love it if you would come live with us. You'd have all the privacy you want, there is plenty of room and you are more than welcome.

Caitlin, it goes without saying that you are also invited.

Sara and Emily, we'd love to have you too but if you'd rather have a place to yourself, I understqand. You can still come over and use the gym, the pool, whatever you want. Come for dinner, I don't care but if you want to stay, that would be great.


What about Bellamy? He's more than welcome but I didn't want to say anything without talking to you.



[No Subject]

Everybody has one, I guess. The kind of house you always wanted but could never afford. Well much to my surprise, mine is here in Atlantis now.

[Michael, Tilly, Paul, Jim]

Please come join us. It's way too much house for me and the girls and the dog. I would love the company and I promise that living with Lauren is never boring.

[Claire Temple]

I don't know what plans you and Matt have but you're both welcome here if you want to come. There's room and I'd love having you here. I know you're still newlyweds and might prefer to be alone but I wanted you to know that you are welcome.



september 27 :: steve harrington

You know how sometimes you have dream that's just a dream because there's no way in hell it's actually going to happen, but you still wish it'd happen someday? Well, it happened. In fron of my own eyes.

You're awesome, Atlantis.

robin, charlie & violet.
I wished for the perfect house to live in with all of you and it happened.

We have a HOUSE. To ourselves.

Movie nights are gonna be AWESOME.



September 27 | Netpost | Cappie

If anyone needs me, I'll be hugging my house.
So, who wants to see the legendary Kappa Tau House? More to the point, who wants to get drunk in the legendary Kappa Tau House and forget what a fucking terrible few weeks it's been?

Beer's on me tonight.
So. Happy.



[No Subject]

september 20
robin buckley & chloe price
"Hey spy kid. Having a nice vacation on mermaid island?"
mako island
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[No Subject]




september 27 :: lucian bole

Having all these broken bones makes it really hard to try and help in the rebuilding.

How are you, love? Want to have dinner tomorrow?



[No Subject]

august 22
sam wilson & michael burnham
"What’s an elmo?"
near housing | g
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