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July 25th, 2019



[No Subject]

I'm bored, which is never really a good sign.

I'm toying with the idea of making equipment to help enhance people's natural abilities, if anybody's interested in being a test monkey for that.


Morgan is very offended that you didn't attend her tea party. She threw the invite in the ocean and everything, so it clearly should have reached you.



[No Subject]

[OOC: Klaus is Oopsy Bear today, please pretend his icons are bear ones as I am mobile and can't make them right now.]

This is NOT bloody alright! Who do I need to kill to undo this?



[No Subject]

[OOC Sharon is Daydream Bear. Please pretend she has bear icons - mobile with no way to make them!]

Well, this should be an interesting day at the office.

I'm sorry to the poor person I spilled coffee all over first thing. I know I should have been paying more attention.



Network Post: Peter Burke

Just a general reminder to everyone to cross the street at the crosswalks and remember to look both ways first. If you're driving (or riding) always wear your seatbelts and drive within the speed limit - slower in bad conditions. If you have little ones, make sure their car seats are properly installed. Feel free to come by the police station for a car seat check, if you're uncertain, and we can make sure the seat is well secured. It's not just about traffic laws. It's for your own safety.

[Family + Friends]
Everyone eating healthy? And remember your teeth. Brushing and flossing regularly protects you from cavities and gum disease.

[Atlantis PD]
Welcome, Detective Halliwell and CSI Stokes! We're very glad to have you. We get some odd cases here, and it's often all hands on deck, but it's never dull.

There's a fruit and vegetable tray in the break room if you're looking for a healthy snack. If anyone needs me, I'll be out front helping with the car seat check.

PLOT: Peter is Take Care Bear today and for the next four days. Feel free to mock and/or head scratch at him.



july 25 :: donald pierce

You have got to be kidding me.

[ OOC :: Pierce is Grams Bear. ]



Network Post: Marcus Cole

It's been so long since I was in space that I've gotten too used to the blue sky. It really is beautiful. We should appreciate it more.

[Friends + Alpha Teams + Roommates + People-He's-Talked-to-in-Passing]
It's a good day for a picnic after work. What do you say? We don't relax often enough.

PLOT: Marcus is extra social Friend Bear.



[No Subject]

Oh goody goody gosh!

I’m a Claire bear again. Everything is so much farther away than when I was a panda, though. I can’t reach anything. Thankfully Matt’s letting me ride around on his shoulders. Much faster that way.

I know this can be distressing, but think about it this way: you get a break from your normal life, and you get to experience something new! Does anyone need a hug? It’ll make you feel better. I’m very good at hugs. Matt says so, so it must be true.

[OOC: claire is baby hugs bear!]



25 July | Tommy McConnel

I'm going to blow something up.

PLOT: ♆ - TWO CHARACTER EACH wakes up this morning and finds they wake up as a Care Bear, yes, you are either a Care Bear or a Care Bear cousin... The only problem is, is that you're not completely sure which Care Bear you are! You have emotions and inclinations towards the one you are, but you must figure out who you are to free yourself from the Care Bear, and free to Care Bear from you! You have 4 days to figure it out!
- Tommy is Grumpy Bear



25 July | Bella Hartley

I hope everyone is getting lots of good sleep.

Stories before bed are very important! Don't forget them!

PLOT: ♆ - TWO CHARACTER EACH wakes up this morning and finds they wake up as a Care Bear, yes, you are either a Care Bear or a Care Bear cousin... The only problem is, is that you're not completely sure which Care Bear you are! You have emotions and inclinations towards the one you are, but you must figure out who you are to free yourself from the Care Bear, and free to Care Bear from you! You have 4 days to figure it out!
- Bella is Bedtime Bear



[No Subject]

I'm still feeling a little jittery after that clown business a few days ago. It was very odd and I come from a world of very odd.



Netpost | Peter Parker

[Ooc: Peter is a care bear! Smart bear]

I finally pulled my nose out of a book. And the internet. You can learn the most fascinating things about how the world works.



[No Subject]

So many soft bears
Strange and also delightful
I just want to hug.

But more than hugging
I want to try wine tonight
Better than Rakk ale?



july 25 :: steve rogers

This makes working on the log cabin a lot more difficult. Or just reaching for my coffee.

[ OOC :: Steve is Do-Your-Best Bear. ]



Log: Emily & Riley

july 25

Are you here to make sure someone has enough caring? Or sharing? Or care bear glare or whatever it is? )



[No Subject]

Usually I count myself lucky when I escape Atlantis' ... antics... but apparently Lauren is rather disappointed that neither of her parents are carebears today.

Thirty years in Starfleet did not prepare me for "Papa, but WHY can't you be a carebear?"

Apparently being a human father is a disappointment.