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April 9th, 2019



Network Post: Phil Fitzsimmons

I don't draw, but I miss craft month and the birds inspired me.

Cut for Image )

[Lorna Ramon]
Would you I had never heard of artichoke-stuffed potatoes before last night, but I want to try them now, even if they aren't on special anymore. What do you think?



Network Post: Edmund Pevensie




[No Subject]

I am being punished I see. Was it the matrimonial bliss? If this is the price I pay to keep Leonardo here with me then I will submit. But not without complaint! I cannot possibly escape this enclosure when it takes four hundred years to get anywhere.



april 09 :: poe dameron

This is not fun. How do I get out of here? I'm at the zoo and I can't get out.

[ PLOT :: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH wakes up in the zoo today as a zoo animal! Help your fellow zoomates and turn back into yourself! ]



april 09 :: steve rogers

Happy birthday, Peggy!

Also, I have a feeling Atlantis might have something to do with this but, I can't remember my name.

[ PLOT :: ♆ - 12 CHARACTERS can't remember their names today. ]



[No Subject]

Hi Atlantis!

I'm Tilly and I'm new here! Well, Sylvia. Sylvia Tilly. But everything calls me Tilly. But that's because we use last names in Starfleet. Do you know what Starfleet is? I don't think there is Starfleet here, but there are people from Starfleet. Which makes this seem like maybe it's more than just a bad trip on the mycelial network or a really crazy dream. or some bad drugs. Which is unlikely because since Captain Pike came onboard we haven't really had time for any parties and he's not the kind of captain who I think would be fun to run into hungover. Not that he's a debbie downer or anything... I nearly broke his hand on his first day.

Anyways! Right! Tilly. Or Sylvia. I've been assigned to work in science which should be fun. I mean, I like science. And math. I'm more of a theoretical engineer, but engineering is science and I've worked in astromycology so I think I can be a good fit for science.

Taisia - you're my new roommate! My last one ended up being a goood friend so I hope we'll be friends too!

Lieutenant Stamets! I didn't forget yuo! They said you were here! Are you here? Where are you?




April 09
Arrivals & Departures for April 09

  • Neal Burke
  • Sylvia Tilly
  • None

*keep in mind that with glitches, all your character knows ICly is that they didn't tell them they were leaving. Whether they chose to leave without saying anything or a glitch happened is purely for OOC knowledge.

(This alert is pushed to everyone's phones at 5pm Atlantis time today)



[No Subject]

end of january
antoine triplett + daisy johnson
g | complete

'Guess you’re stuck with me for a little longer.' )



9th April | Neal Burke

I’m still not really convinced this isn’t all just a very vivid dream, but hi, I guess? I’m Neal. Someone convince me I’m actually not going crazy.