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April 6th, 2019



April 5 | Valkyrie

It's that time again, I'm off! NOBODY ELSE LEAVE WHILE I'M GONE OR SO HELP ME ATLANTIS. Anyway yes have fun be good let's keep pushing for springtime.

[Kára Calrissian]
Feed the pets for me? Dog food's in the pantry, the ladybug eats invisible insects that show up normally but just in case put some raisins in there. Walk the dog too please? I'll bring you back a present. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

[Regan Wyngarde, Antoine Triplett]
I'm leaving my key to my future kid so she can feed my pets and walk the dog. If she doesn't, please do. Dog food's in the pantry, the ladybug eats invisible insects that show up normally but just in case put some raisins in there. Thank you, I'll repay you when I get back, name your price.



log: swedish aquapup

march 25
Shamara Andor + Anissa Pierce

Cryptid: Storsjöodjuret )



[No Subject]

This place sucks sometimes, you guys know that righ I mean, don't get me wrong, I have extremely nice legs. Very defined calves. Muscular thighs. But I don't know that everyone wants the neighborhood friendly guy-that-swings-from-building-to-building wearing a kilt the "proper" way. Right? So I'm just gonna wear my suit under it. ... Is there a Scottish fairy that's going to pinch me or curse me or something? Do I gotta go.. you know, traditional?

Hey, cool, I can check off "do a caber toss in my spidey suit AND KILT" on my bucket list today.



6 April | Hope Mikaelson

I really wish I was on the mission right now.

I didn't think. I thought I was over-



5PM March 6 | arrivals & departures

April 02
Arrivals & Departures for April 02

  • Carol Danvers
  • Elijah Mikaelson
  • Angela Ziegler (glitch)
  • Athos (glitch)
  • Clark Kent
  • Fenris (didn't respond to activity check)
  • Marceline Proudstar (glitch)
  • Miles Morales (glitch)
  • Nymphadora Tonks (glitch)
  • Ray Palmer (told Sara he's needed more at home)
  • Thor Odinson (glitch)
  • Varic Tethras (by choice)

*keep in mind that with glitches, all your character knows ICly is that they didn't tell them they were leaving. Whether they chose to leave without saying anything or a glitch happened is purely for OOC knowledge.

(This alert is pushed to everyone's phones at 5pm Atlantis time today)



Network Post: Mia Rinaldi

[OOC: Before departures]

Some Atlantis pranks aren't so bad. Are we going to have Russian dancers next?



Network Post: Dash Parr

I'm not going anywhere. And Proud and Star aren't going anywhere, and if you try to take anymore of my family, I'm going to stop you.



April 6 | Carol Danvers

I feel like this must be some kind of joke, right? Ha ha, this is hilarious?

I'm Carol. This whole thing is a little weird, and the exact opposite of being in space. But kind of similar? I feel like maybe I came at a wrong time. People seem to be really upset.

Oh and my cat likes to wander. If you find him, tell him to go home. His name is Goose. He might not listen to you, he tends to do his own thing.



[No Subject]

I wish I'd Hug your family more while you can. I kept worrying it was too weird. Which seems really stupid in hindsight.

I was magically crossbreeding a hibiscus for her. It'll shift colours throughout the day. Can I show it to you when it blooms?



april 06 :: charlie weasley

Still a little chilly to be wearing anything but trousers, but when Atlantis gives you a kilt, you wear it!

[ PLOT :: ♆ - ONE MALE CHARACTER EACH wakes up with a kilt on the end of their bed, and yes, of course, you want to wear it! ]



april 06 :: aleksandra belikova

I spent all day yesterday looking for dandelions... Thanks Atlantis. I know you have something to do with that! Now I have a massive amount of dandelions and I don’t know what to do with that. Plus, my cat keeps making a mess when she plays with them. And Ro follows her.



April 6 | Clarice Fong

Oh, baby girl. Here's to seeing you again soon.



April 6 | Shamara Andor

[Anissa Pierce, Shania Andor, Cassian Andor, Mara Jade]
Marceline's gone home. Not of her own will. I feel a little lost, and I have work to do so have a little patience with me for a little while, okay? I won't be around much. It's not personal. Think of it as emergency resource management, but the resource is my mind.



April 6 | Leanne Mao

[ooc: before departures]

Highland Games! In Atlantis! Yer right I'm comin' tae it! Shan't participate though wouldne be fair I'd have tae use me magic couldne hope tae win otherwise.

I am exceptionally Scottish today, aye, ye might'e noticed.