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March 24th, 2019



[No Subject]

This is one for the scrapbooks, I think.

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March 23 | Leanne Mao

Good game loves. I'm sorry about my sad display I suppose I haven't kept "my head in the game" as much as I should have. I also have bruises but don't worry they're none as big and angry as the one on my ego.

And also Dash caught the damn snitch so I could've been scoring properly and we still wouldn't have made it. But! I'm proud of you Dash. Even though you're my adversary. And I'm proud of my team!

(This post is public purely because I didn't feel like filtering it there's a lot of people on my team so this seemed simpler.)



[No Subject]

I'm not a very crafty person, well I am but not in an arts and crafts kind of way. Usually Atlantis finds a way to get me into cooking contests or classes but this time there was something different. I went to the class on making pressed flowers and this is what I made.

It turned out pretty well. I guess I should frame it, I don't know what else to do wth it.



[No Subject]

Hawke & Fenris Wedding March 24th )



[No Subject]

With all the puppies running around yesterday, I'm surprised Lauren didn't try to talk us into another dog. Thankfully she seems to be happy with a little sister. She's a great big sister, she's very protective of her and I found her sitting on the floor next to her bed reading to her. Emily was sound asleep and Lauren was proud of herself but I didn't have the heart to tell her that Emiily as already asleep when she started.



005. James Potter

Did you know that today is the anniversary of the seventh time that Henrik von Schpeklaklaus found a iris-colored sporkwheeler in his back garden? What a wonderful day and we need to celebrate with yorkschemlders! Does anyone have any?

ONE CHARACTER EACH spends the day trying to tell people about a holiday that they made up.



March 24 | Octavia Blake

Even though I know I don't have the time to join one of the official teams, these Quidditch matches make me miss playing sometimes.

[All Agents/Teams/Reserves]
I've been meaning to post something formally with this for a while, but this place doesn't like to take breaks. So, I'll just do it informally, and we'll have a go when we can.

Is anyone interested in having a round of Capture the Flag? We can spread out into teams down by the lake and woods. The idea of this is to work on team building but also to have a little fun. The number of teams will depend on the number of sign ups, my hope is to mix up people with powers and skills. Use the skills like you might would on a real mission with protection of the flag and looking out for your fellow teammates.

I'd want anyone to be able to join in and not interfere with a mission, so as long as we have enough people to make this worth it, the target is in a week or two to avoid interfering with any future missions. Just leave your name below if you're interested.

We should check out some of those cabins down by the lake for a couple nights.



March 24 | Bucky Barnes

It was fun having two dogs in the house for a while. Steve is a very good boy.



March 24 | Kol Mikaelson

I hope everyone had a nice celebration of Wrap Up In a Blanket and Eat Brownies Day. I sure did.

PLOT: ONE CHARACTER EACH spends the day trying to tell people about a holiday that they made up.



March 24 | Liv Parker

Who wants to go skiing tomorrow? Or snowboarding, whatever.



March 24 | Elle Spinnet

[Text to Alicia Spinnet]
>> Do you want to stop by Cava for a drink after my shift tomorrow night?
>> If you don't, it's fine.
>> Don't worry about it.

[Text to Tommy McConnel]
>> Dragons, huh?