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February 26th, 2019




February 26
Arrivals & Departures for February 26

  • None
  • Tenzing Tharkay Told Friends
  • Kassandra of Sparta Glitch
  • Isaac Lahey Glitch
*keep in mind that with glitches, all your character knows ICly is that they didn't tell them they were leaving. Whether they chose to leave without saying anything or a glitch happened is purely for OOC knowledge.

(This alert is pushed to everyone's phones at 5pm Atlantis time today)



Netpost 06: Helen Magnus

Herc Hansen
Can I tempt you into joining me for a picnic? Or has your time as a farmer put you off anything that might remind you of that experience?

Chuck Hansen
My door is always open should you ever decide to ask me all of those questions I know you've held yourself back from asking.

Will Zimmerman
How are you, Will?

And do keep in mind that it hasn't escaped my notice that you've frequently been the victim of this cities idea of fun. So, know that I won't accept an "I'm fine" as an answer.

Medical & Science
I'd intended to do this much sooner but our fair city had entirely different plans for me. Now that things are calmer, I feel it's time that I properly introduce myself to all of you. My name is Doctor Helen Magnus and I consider it an absolute pleasure to serve as the Commander of a team of amazing men and women.



[No Subject]

I'm not complaining - please don't think I am! - but I would quite love to know when the cold weather is going to end?

I know it isn't a lot for you, being able to fly and all, but I want to go to the carnival and ride all of the highest rides we can find. I also want to eat candyfloss and act like I'm not basically grown up. This all sounds very willful and winsome, I know. But I thought you would not mind to indulge me in the behaviour.

This is your elder, mildly smothering sister checking in with all of you. I would like to make sure that you are all doing well, eating your vegetables and not nursing wounds that no one can see because you are ever so valiant about suffering in silence.

All my love.



[No Subject]

Interesting story:

I was taking a walk, working on a project problem, when I "felt" someone behind me.

That someone was a polar bear. A polar bear that followed me down the beach and wouldn't leave me alone until I scratched behind its ears.

Atlantis is a hell of a place.