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February 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

Can someone please tell me who is I need to know who is investigating the strange goings-on. I believe myself or Sara to be affected. This morning, Sara and I noticed that whatever I was telling - small, large, serious or joking - she would do. Sara has many beautiful and alluring qualities, but her obedience is thankfully not one of them. We are not certain if it is a problem with me or with her. A volunteer could likely solve this issue.

I'm skipping training until this is resolved; it's difficult enough to write without an implied command. I doubt I would be so cautious in-person.

[ ooc - Reyes's Trouble is that whatever he says to do, whoever he is speaking to is powerless to resist doing it. ]



[No Subject]

I can't stop flipping people off! It's like my fingers have a mind of their own, I'm sorry everyone. I swear I don't mean anything by it. My mom taught me better and my dad would have this really disapproving stare, it's like I can feel them being disappointed right now. But I can't help it!

Pay no mind to the hands! I think I'm just going to stay above Atlantis as much as possible today, so I can avoid people. This kind of sucks. And today had started off so nice with that e-Card.



[No Subject]

[Filtered to people working the Troubles]
I regret to inform you that there is a second victim of my Trouble. One of our interns, Penelope, was the unfortunate soul who told me that the coffee maker in the office is broken and there is not a drop of the stuff to be found anywhere in the building. I am walking her to Medical now and encouraging her not to cry, as she presently has her eyes sewn shut.

[Filtered to Will Laurence]
I trust all is well on your mission thus far?

[Filtered to Diplomacy Department]
If any of you have not yet heard, I am taking Penelope to Medical. I expect to return by luncheon. If anyone would like me to acquire a coffee on their behalf, please let me know, as I do intend to drop by the shop on my way.

On days such as these, I devoutly hope that my mother's belief that how one spent the first days of the New Year would dictate the tone of the entire year was incorrect.



February 7 | Duke Crocker

I always knew this place seemed a little too much like home for comfort.

[Trouble Teams/APD]

With new troubles popping up more re regularly, I'll be at the station all day today with my family's journal. It has a listing of hundreds of different troubles, tendencies, and sometimes how to keep them controlled.

Some normal Atlantis events might get confused with some of the troubles. There are a a couple of ways to verify which it is. The sure fire way is one I'd rather not have to do unless it's absolutely necessary, but the other way is to test them out on me. I'm often immune to the ones that effect other people. Now, if a another psychotic stuffed bear comes around weidling a knife, I'm not immune to being stabbed to death, but the others I probably am.

[Claire Callahan]

This is getting out of control.

[Charlie Montgomery]

You haven't been feeling strange lately, have you? Nothing weird or unexplainable going on? Even if you'd normally write it off as typical Atlantis shit.



[No Subject]


mother, father? This is Atreus! I think something might be wrong?? I didn't do this, I swear! DID I do this?? What if

[OOC: Valkyrie's trouble went in effect today! Bodyswapped with Loki.]



february 7 | evie frye

OOC: Trouble evening post! | The bear & cow she's referring to.


I was out at the shops and within minutes of my seeing my seeing them both the bear and the cow mascots from two shops came to life and they are violent. They are quite large.



[No Subject]

Oh, my goodness. I've... two things to apologize for, it seems? I've been unable to keep from showing my middle finger to people all day, and it seems my frustration has impacted those around me. Forgive me, please.

[ ooc; Anne's Trouble makes people talk gibberish when they're around her and she's annoyed, which she has been all day. She's also flipping everyone off today, due to more Atlantis shenanigans. Sorry, friends. ]



february 7 | clarice fong | mission comm



Well, we followed the frequency to a tunnel yesterday. Looks man-made. There were gigantic spiders, took us time and some sanity but we got then back in there and closed the anomaly. Following up on the frequency, Davina Claire and Bobbi Morse seem to have gotten lost while placing an extender for comms into the tunnel. If you somehow see them, please let us know and I'll portal there and bring them back. Thank you.



Network Post: Aurora Sinistra

[Magic Department + Medical + Regulus Black + Callie Spinnet]
I seem not to be myself today. I don't think I will be available for work. If there is a way of correcting this without waiting for Atlantis to weary of amusing itself, I would like to find it sooner rather than later.

[Regulus Black]
Do not laugh.

[Rhy Maresh]
I hope I am addressing this correctly. I found what I hope believe is your identification.

[ooc: I am out of icons, but after coming into contact with Valkyrie at Coffee Me Better, Aurora was affected by the body swap trouble and switched with Rhy.]