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January 16th, 2019



January 15 | Gwen Stacy

Quidditch, huh? I didn't know you were a Potthead!



January 16 | Cassandra Pentaghast

If anybody would like some hats I too have a collection that I am willing to give away.

There's a pirate hat you might like. I hear you are quite fond of them.



[No Subject]

My plush riddle dragon is making me miss D&D. Is anyone running a group here? Room for another if so? Otherwise, if anyone wants to put together a regular group, please count me in!



[No Subject]

Since I've made the decision to stay, I have a proposition: if any of you lovely individuals with an interest in swordsmanship could do me a favor to keep me fresh, I'd very much appreciate it. No need for magic - I learned in the traditional way of Grey London, for fun (so no charms, defensive spells, etc etc). I won't claim to be among the very best, but I'll give you a good workout, and I'd be happy to recompense your time with either payment in coin or goods.

Much obliged.



[No Subject]

Call me crazy, but I'm beginning to like the frigid weather. It makes coming inside and cozying up that much nicer... but then again, I'm also probably going to burn down the island with the amount of candles I have going at any given time for the hygge. The worst part is I have yet to find a good pair of gloves that lets me practice archery without freezing my fingers off. Any with magic on their side have any ideas?

[ Filtered to Isaac ]

I hope you're ready to yell your lungs out: Team 7, Beater. I can't believe this is actually happening!

Is it okay if I invite my field team over for dinner one of these days? The roster's been shuffled recently and I'd like to get to know them better. Also, one of them is ~Spiderman~.

[ /Filter ]





A riddle dragon. First, you turn me into a dragon and now stuffed ones with riddles.

Enough with dragon shit.




I never thought I'd see a grown man argue with stuffed dragons.

Saturday night is open mic night.

Up for being dragged?



january 16 :: charlie weasley

A stuffed dragon talking in riddles is a nice break from dragons who try to eat you for lunch.

Sora is getting a lot bigger and bites - a lot - but she's still a sweet dragon.

[ PLOT :: Stuffed dragons show up on the beds of CHARLIE today, that stuffed dragon happens to speak but only in riddles. ]



[No Subject]

I think dragons are awesome but this stuffed one on my bed keeps asking me the strangest things. I hope it doesn't turn into a real dragon when this over since I would have no idea where to keep it.



[No Subject]

Gonna admit, I thought I was over the phase of my life where I got near-murdered.

Is 'nothing' a new language? Some new craze with the kids Old Man Jim Kirk can't keep up with? It doesn't exactly seem like a happy way of communicating, I gotta admit. I came across two people saying the word 'nothing' to each other with increasing amounts of distress and asked what was wrong. I guess I kinda asked for that one.



[No Subject]

[Team Four + Reserves]

To-Be-Named Team Four, I'm Harry Potter and I'm your Quidditch Captain!

So. I'm gonna admit, it's been a while since I've actively ran a real Quidditch team past playing around with mates, so we're all on a fairly level playing field here. I plan on organising some one-on-one sessions for anybody who's brand new to flying and Quidditch if you want or need them - just ask me, okay? I'm an incredibly chilled out captain and you should all be glad you're not thrown into the Dragon's jaw by Oliver Wood with murderous bludgers.

That being said, we need to pick team colours. And a mascot. I would like to humbly suggest a dragon or a hippogriff because both animals are badass, but I'm willing to take a vote. I'm also always going to be loyal to the colours red and gold.

So, itinerary:

- One-on-one sessions to get everybody on a level playing field.
- Test games against each other! I want everybody to at least give other positions a go so you understand where you lay in relation to your teammates and playing other positions gives you an idea of how your actions can affect others. Beaters, this is particularly important - pay attention to where you hit shit.
- Teambuilding exercises. Yes, those. I don't know some of you at all and some of you are from my world's past/future one of you is my son's best friend who is like, my age, this is so we and being a solid team is super important. I'm not going to underestimate the other teams and I don't want any of you to do that either. Oliver might have nearly got me killed a few times, but he is one of the best captains I've ever seen and I'll bet that half of the people who haven't even played Quidditch have an affinity for it, so. I just want to make sure we're the best we can be.
- Notice that you can kick me in the ass if you ever think I'm being a dick or taking things too seriously. It is a game and we do have other jobs to do, but. I really want to win.

When is everybody free? Does anybody have any questions, by the way? We're going to cover everything you need to know about the game in training, but I'm happy to answer any questions you have now.


So, uh. I hope this isn't going to be weird for you?

January 16 | Kady

[Benjy Fenwick]
Sup Captain since you didn't say anything I guess I'll go first: I propose plum, black, black & plum, black & green, anything that isn't blue.

Since we're team 1 on the roster my only idea so far is calling us One and Done but that's kinda lame.



[No Subject]

[FILTERED TO QUIDDITCH TEAM 1 - co-captains, players, reserves]
Hello, you lot! I'm a bit excited and a bit befuddled that I've actually got a Quidditch team, but I promise that I'll represent you well. I'm Benjy Fenwick and you may know me from Magical Research. Back home, I was a Chaser on my school team.

We'll do our best to make sure that everyone gets the opportunity to play and experience all the excitement of a match. There are quite a few teams and lots of opportunity to get on a broom and show off. Not only that, but there is just something quite nice about hurtling through the air at breakneck speed with nothing to stop you from hitting the ground except for ... the cushioning charm I'm placing on the ground at all our practices.

Feel free to use this post to:
  • Introduce yourself, where you're from and what you do in Atlantis
  • What position you play and what you're excited about
  • Any ideas you have for a team name or colours (thanks to Kady I've got 'One and Done' and for colours I've got "plum, black, black & plum, black & green, anything that isn't blue" ...)

    Miss you.



    [No Subject]

    January 16

    Back a few months ago, you said the offer to sleep with me was off the table. )