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December 28th, 2018



[No Subject]

It’s my birthday so you’re all going to tolerate me being sappy for a moment, thank you.

The last few years have been a roller coaster, to say the least. A lot of highs that took my life places I never expected, and a lot of really low lows that did the same. More lows than anything else, the kind that spiral and you feel out of control. And then I came here and got to meet all of you (or see you again), got to have my mom meet all of you, got to spend the holiday with people I care about instead of staring at the walls of a hospital like every other year (which I didn’t hate, but this was a nice new normal, too), and that is a gift I’ll never take for granted. I feel really lucky to know all of you, and so I wanted to say thank you for making Atlantis one hell of a place to be.

Okay, I’m done. Carry on.



28 December | Elena Salvatore

Hi Atlantis. I have to say spending the new year on a mythical island wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but it beats being on call at the hospital. I'm Elena, for those who don't know me already, and I'll be working in medical once I get settled.

So, let's see, I've already seen my best friends, my dead ex-boyfriend, and my sort of husband. Anyone else here I know?



[No Subject]

Cards Against Humanity. 10 players. Civic center. Now til whenever. Who's in?
  1. Me!
  2. Astrid the Goddess!
  3. Vivi!
  4. Laaaando the Commaaaando
  5. Sam who most certainly can't team up with Astrid!
  6. Milady Kyna!
  7. Madame Grace!
  8. Momma Margo!
  9. Momma K!
  10. My Shamrock!

[♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH has the urge to play card games today.]



[No Subject]

You lot go on and get in line. I've gotten my hands on some Muggle tools, so I can re-engage in the carpentry hobbying I'd taken up at home. If you'd like oddly-shaped wooden goods, I'm your wizard.

[ Lily Luna ]
Hello, love. Are you busy this evening?

28 December :: Hottie of the Month (Net Post) :: Delilah Moon

The Hottie of the Month is:


I think the colloquial expression is "dilf", but you didn't hear that from me. Still, given his large collection of beautiful children, it shouldn't be a surprise that he's a hottie himself.
Speaking of, he's an amazing dad and granddad. He's got a huge family that loves him to pieces.
He's very nice. I haven't actually met him personally, but I see the way he interacts with others.
He's clever and inventive, and likes to try new things.
His has perfect cheekbones that anyone would be envious of. I know I am!

I hope that everyone got everything they were wishing for this holiday season! I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of party Atlantis gives us to close the year out.



Log: Hope & Kassandra - Mistletoe


December 28
time. Evening | location. Naval base
rating. PG | status. COMPLETE
Mistletoe kisses!

Malaka mistletoe! )



[No Subject]

Eliot James & Liam
In the elevator
G • Incomplete
This is definitely my fault. )