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December 11th, 2018





8th december | intake


Hey, are you saying I age badly! )



001. Phil Boyce [NPC]

Now that I've been briefed both by the good people at intake and also by Admiral Pike Chris, I figure I'd introduce myself.

Dr. Philip Boyce, most recently working at Starfleet Command and, it looks like currently, here at Atlantis in time for my birthday and the holidays.

Jim Kirk

Admiral Pike told me you're around. How are you feeling since the last time I had to help McCoy bring you back from death?

Care to get a drink?



[No Subject]

I've talked to a few people, but I have this bad habit of being kind of insular when I'm not forced to publicly socialize, and since I'm trying to not make my parents regret having me-

I'm Liam. My parents are Athos and Isabela and I've gotta give them credit for handling the idea of a surprise kid pretty well, especially one having a panic attack about spoiling the future on day 1.

But for the record in the future, you all support your local artists and buy my graphic novels, and occasionally stories that are inspired by Atlantis shenanigans, including all the times I illustrate for Uncle Varric's work. And when I drew on Uncle Garrett's walls and he called it a masterpiece so I wouldn't cry.

Growing up around here could've definitely been worse.



Early November | Caroline + Stefan

late november
caroline + Stefan Salvatore
PG | complete

You aren’t unbreakable anymore, I don’t want to hurt you, or something )



netpost: christopher pike

I can't decide if Atlantis sent an older version of my daughter to freak me out or to reassure me since there's another child on the way. Sometimes I think cadets were easier than children. I'm pretty sure it sent my best friend to smack me upside the head though.

I did appreciate getting blueprints of the Enterprise, though. As much as the Mojave is my retreat space and where I spent some time as a kid, the Enterprise will always be home, even if she wasn't mine all that long.

Thank you, Atlantis, sometimes you're not all that bad.

I love you .

Also, I promise to take all nighttime feedings and diaper duties. Since you've been doing the lion's share of work thus far.



[No Subject]

Well now, ain't this a fine mess of things. Name's Calamity Ashe, and if you've heard of me, pleased to make your acquaintance. Otherwise, all you gotta know is that I'm a great shot and B.O.B.'s an even better one, so stay on my good side if you want to keep all your parts on right.

I've already been read the riot act so no need to worry about me doing what it is I do. Sure, I aim to one day be rich enough to set a wet dog on fire, but I'm here for the holidays and plan to be on my best behavior, Overwatch. Less putting 'em up, more 'nog and cheer. Doesn't that sound nice?



[No Subject]

As if Atlantis didn’t have enough goddamn people running around.

Hey, you. I know you’re probably really tired of being pregnant by now. You doing okay, otherwise?

Claire Callahan
You free for dinner sometime this week?



[No Subject]

This place is strange but I'm told this is what normal looks like in the future. I don't like it I am Deimos Alexios. Kassandra's brother, for those who know her.



[No Subject]

The gifts from this advent calendar have been deciedly odd but today's gift was very much appreciated. The map for the quest is not of much use here but I am glad to have it as a reminder of home.



Karen Page

They say seeing is believing, but I think I'm still having a little trouble with the believing portion. Anyway, hello. I'm Karen Page and a friend of Matt Murdock's. He's told me he's managed to make a few friends here, but I might need to see that for myself too.




December 11
Arrivals & Departures for December 11

  • Keith
  • D'Artagnan
  • None
*keep in mind that with glitches, all your character knows ICly is that they didn't tell them they were leaving. Whether they chose to leave without saying anything or a glitch happened is purely for OOC knowledge.

*(This alert is pushed to everyone's phones at 5pm Atlantis time today)



[No Subject]

December 8

Even right now, and we’re not in deep shit as we usually are, the only thing keeping my head on straight is you. )



[No Subject]

A Spinnet says what?

Roc's on his way (I think) but I see there's so many of you here. Like migratory birds. Only more tolerable because Spinnets don't usually get hit by bludgers. But this thing must be on the fritz because there's too many Potters. And Professor Lupin? Als? Katie? Fill me in while I wait? Or come with Rocco. I'm okay for either.

Ambrose (did I spell that right?) has been explaining it, very helpfully. But this is all hard to believe until I hear from a friendly face that I already know. And if he's right, time isn't moving at home, and that means I can get in more practice than the other teams and I'm kind of okay with that. I'm not getting any younger. There is a pitch here, yeah?



NPC NetPost - Marceline Proudstar

[Filtered to Family] )



11 December | Network Post | Damon Salvatore (NPC)

Well, isn't this cozy? Atlantis for the holidays.

Bonnie Bennett

Bon Bon?



december 11 :: mikaela banes

Seems like my Candy Manupilation power is sticking around.

Bucky, you know what that means. Free cake whenever you want!



december 11 :: roger davies

So, I'm suck under a mistletoe... Any female want help this handsome guy out?

So I've heard you have a son now... How are you dealing with that? Need to talk? Punch someone? Drink till we pass out?



[No Subject]

Been reading all your entries, Atlantis. You're all very opinionated. Just thought you should know.