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November 29th, 2018



Netpost 02: Myka Bering

Back in Lawrence it often felt like my days were never-ending and there was little joy to be found. My family attributed this to the 50 years that I spent in hell. What they didn't know is that I had felt that way from the moment I had arrived. Hell had simply just made an occasional feeling an everyday feeling. Not even the knowledge that we had won the war or cuddles from my son could put a smile on my face. All I wanted to do was to close myself off from everything; something I found myself doing here.

You are probably wondering why I'm sharing this with you today. And the answer to that is that I came to a realization the other day. Actually, no, that's a lie. I realized this shortly after Claudia left but chose not to accept it. Until now. My realization was that in not making an effort to get to know all of you I'm only hurting myself. I can't guarantee that I won't close myself off every so often. It's so easy to fall back into old habits but I will make an effort not to do so.

So, I propose that we play a game. Let's all share with one another something about ourselves. And I'm going to take a page out of Claudia and Pete's book and say that there are no restrictions on what you can share. So, share whatever you like.

Even though I've all ready shared a little bit about myself, I'll still go first. My name is Myka Bering, I'm 81 years old and I have an addiction to twizzlers.

Separate Filters: Housemates + Team 20
I apologize for not being more present



[No Subject]

Okay so can we have like, a check in for people that randomly got powers last week? Because I'm still not-sexy Poison Ivy but either Peter ran out of juice or lost his powers? Normally people all go back at the same time, right?



[No Subject]

I just found out about the wine tasting tonight. Not going to lie, if anything is going to make me wrap up even warmer and head out in the cold, it's those two words. Wine. Tasting.