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November 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]

So, I woke up and my clothes just. Appeared.

I went outside and had the vague wish 'damn, it would be cool if I could fly' and suddenly I have some kind of fucking rocket boots on which, yes, are letting me fly.

What is going on? My gloves appear and disappear as and when I need my hands. It's amazing.



[No Subject]

November 3
Anissa Pierce + Valkyrie

I'm going to live )



[No Subject]

I appear to have one of those strange powers. Those I have inadvertently affected report that it feels like a... tickling sensation. I apologise profusely if I have affected you and I shall endeavour not to use this.



Network Post: Phil Fitzsimmons

Anyone still struggling with new powers who has not visited Medical yet, I highly advise you to do so. New abilities often lead to new vulnerabilities or to new requirements on the body: changes in diet, exercise and daily routine, for example. There is always someone in Medical or on call, and we are discrete. If you'd prefer to contact someone privately, my phone is always on and I'm always willing to help.

[Lorna Ramon and Penny Adiyodi]
And since these things have a tendency to get people more agitated than usual, if either of you need anything, I'm here for that, as well.



Network Post: Raksha Keller

["Family" (Bella Hartley and Clarke Griffin) and Roommates (Lauren Strucker and Daisy Johnson)]
It's weird remembering holidays you hardly ever cele Are any of you I'm going hunting today.

[Bella Hartley]
Are you



[No Subject]

I thought it would be over when I woke up ??? But instead I just have an entire bedroom FILLED with flowers now ??? I dreamed about walking in a field and- flowers everywhere.

Soooo basically I'm giving flowers out to everyone I see. And is Poison Ivy here? Or Lillymon? Or Princess Daisy?? Because I need help learning how to do this.



Backdated: November 21st

Uh, sorry for the accidental skin tone changes. I guess it’s random weird power week in Atlantis.



[No Subject]

It appears the opposite of what I say is coming true. I think I shall have to refrain from speaking until this wears off. I bloody hope it wears off



[No Subject]

[Jack Harkness & Darcy Lewis]

So how are we celebrating Darcy's birthday? Dinner and drinks? Any special requests, Lulu?



[No Subject]

Hey, can we talk about something?

I promise it's not bad. ... I mean, I hope it's not.



texts to darcy lewis

✉️ Happy birthday, Tiny!
✉️ If you’re not doing anything today, let me buy you dinner.



november 22 :: steve rogers

private to darcy lewis.
Happy birthday, Darcy!



[No Subject]

So, since this is all continuing I just wanted to say that I didn't, in fact, do this power thing. I just had the urge to confess it anyway, or something. I don't even have any magic, so I couldn't have done it anyway. Some of you picked up on that, I guess. Thanks?

Sorry everyone else. Please don't actually punish me or anything, because being grounded is annoying and I'm tired.