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October 23rd, 2018



[No Subject]




[No Subject]

he lp



Network Post: Marcus Cole

not what i meant about being planetside

[OOC: Marcus is a mole until 6:02pm.]



Netpost - Daisy Johnson

Seriously, Atlantis?



23 October :: Net Post :: Marcus Flint

If you need me, I'll be hunting for worms.



23 October :: Net Post :: Ginny Weasley


Are any of the pumpkin people missing? I think I found someone.



[No Subject]

I have been somewhat distracted the last couple of days. After finding myself inexplicably tangled in yarn and hanging from a bridge the other day, I was reminded of the string puzzles of my childhood, both the ones woven through your fingers and the one set on wooden boards. I have been making a few of my own and I find them as calming as I did when I was young.

8 September :: Breckentale Oktoberfest

8 September 2018
Dia Sampson was having a good day. )



Network Post: Phil Fitzsimmons

Has anyone else never notice how erie scrubs look? I never noticed before.

[Lorna Ramon]
I'm sorry I failed at trivia last night. I just couldn't seem to concentrate. The lights were getting to me, I guess.
I don't know if I'll be able to come in today.

PLOT: Phil drank a special drink yesterday and is irrationally frightened of ordinary things.



Log: Regina Mills & Rose Belikova

Valentina Oliver + Dellie Blackwood
PG | Complete

who wants to help mama build the best pillow fort this town has ever seen? )



Net Post/ Rocco Spinnet

So let's see. October has seen me sleeping on the beach in a tent with Marcus then having a weird black cat following me around. All things considered, I suppose that's not bad. At least I'm not a mole so there's that.

But dammit now I want a cat.



Arrivals & Departures

October 23
Arrivals & Departures for October 23

  • Henry Ferris
  • Landonis Calrissian
  • None
*keep in mind that with glitches, all your character knows ICly is that they didn't tell them they were leaving. Whether they chose to leave without saying anything or a glitch happened is purely for OOC knowledge.

*(This alert is pushed to everyone's phones at 5pm Atlantis time today)



[No Subject]

Now that High Queen Margo the Mole is resting comfortably in her gem encrusted dirt-filled pot (with custom made throne and crown, I might add), it seems like a good time for this:

Since our two groups have been brought together by our respective Magical Parental Units, it seemed fitting to have a little get together to celebrate such a union.

This Saturday, we're having a little Eliot and Margo party to welcome everyone into our little Physical Kids club. From 7 in the evening until ... whenever, there will be drinks (made by yours truly), food (also made by yours truly), conversation, music (contained with magic, because we are not rude neighbors), dancing and magical theory and practice. No costumes required, this isn't a Halloween thing.

If my roommates don't agree, we'll be having it at Julia and Remus's place, but until then - Heart 13, Saturday October 27th, 7pm. Feel free to bring a +1 if they're not on this.

(Oh and we have an escape plan in the works for Penny if they won't let us have a 2 hour hall pass. I know how much he loves hanging out with people.)

Hello, newcomer! Haven't even met you yet, on account of my best friend being a mole, but welcome to the house. I'm High King Eliot the Spectacular.

Does anyone have objections to my throwing a party on Saturday? You'll be welcome, of course, it's going to be full of magic and drinks for all of you to enjoy. I'll have wards up to block the noise from the bedrooms, and obviously no one's allowed to get up to any shenanigans in your rooms.

MWAH, thank you beautiful people ♥

You're not a mole right now, right? What are you doing on Saturday?

October 23 | Kady Orloff-Diaz


Alright magic using trainees your tasks today are to a) Conjure up a bucket of worms out of thin air, b) make a dirt mound fit for a mole (or more) c) Try to turn the mole who's friendliest to you back into a person and film the results.

If you're not a conjurer, transmuter or fan of moles use magic to circumvent something like this should it happen in the field. Film yourself/your steps I'm gonna wanna see it.

Professor Orloff-Diaz OUT



posted around dinnertime

HEAD #7 (Leonardo DaVinci, Everett Ross, Remus Lupin)
I ordered enough takeout to feed a small army - it's all in the kitchen, so help yourselves if you're hungry. I'm pretty sure there's enough for us all and leftovers for the next week, because I didn't know what everyone liked best, so I kind of ordered some of everything.

I also know you probably feel like shit since tomorrow's the full and you might just want to sleep, but if you want to hang out in front of some terrible movie you won't care if you miss half of, I'm good for that, too.

Hi, I'm Julia, if we haven't met yet - I think I've met most of you, though. Some friends are having a party this weekend, if you guys want to come and haven't already gotten the invite from Eliot.



Network Post: Henry Ferris

Hello. I understand this is the way to introduce oneself. My name is Henry Ferris. I am lately come from the campaign against Napoleon's forces in Russia. Atlantis has the advantage of much warmer weather and much better food, although it is very strange different from anywhere I have been before.


I look forward to getting to know my companions here.

[Theresa Cassidy]
If I understand my orders correctly, I am to report to you.



Net Post/Alex Danvers

I'm really glad that I didn't get turned into a mole because I'd miss Taco Tuesday. I would not want that to happen. Hopefully it won't last too long for those of you who did get zapped.



october 23 :: roger davies

There's something underneath my bed. I can feel it. I don't know what it is and I refuse to look, but I know there's something there.

Als, I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm scared of everything. I woke up and I screamed at my glass of water because it was scary.

[ PLOT :: TWO CHARACTERS EACH try a special drink today while out and about and all of a sudden little things start to become scary, things that normally wouldn't be scary are all of a sudden over the top scary, and you can't exactly figure out why. Yes, you might end up terrified of a water bottle, or candy. It lasts for 48 hours. ]



[No Subject]

Claire Temple & Matt Murdock
Late Sept / Early October
Claire's new room in Atlantis
PG-13 for smoochin'

God forbid. )