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November 2019



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October 21st, 2018


October 20 | Kady Orloff-Diaz

What the fuck. What the actual fuck.

Okay Magicians help me out: I'm tangled up in yarn onto a bridge. I can untangle the yarn and I can levitate but I need a spell for the inbetween so I don't fall, 'cause I'm way high up and I can't use both hands if I'm holding onto the cut up yarn. What do.



october 20 :: marcel gerard

Everyone keeps talking about this festival, I guess I'll have to go check it out.

Hey, D. Want to come with me?



october 20 :: lucian bole

You know when you avoid something for so long it ends up becoming a bigger thing than it was supposed to? No? Well, lucky you.

We need to talk, Monkey.



October 20 | Clarice Fong

I'd like to thank not only God but also Jesus for a whole festival full of samples. There's no time to think or feel feelings when you're stuffing your face and drinking your weight!




18 September | Challenge - Claire + Will

18 SEPTEMBER - challenge
Claire Temple + Will Zimmerman
pg | comomete

You think you can catch it or what? Aren’t they supposed to be… pinker? )



[No Subject]

Gods, you people think loud. To whichever one of you dumbasses has the theme song to Friends stuck in your head - thanks, I hate you.

Cut for S3 Magicians spoilers )

[OOC: More spoilers in comments as well.]



27 october - forward dated challenge! Asuna + Shuri

27 October - forward dated Challenge!
Asuna Yuuki + shuri
g | complete

Oooo! Pumpkin carving! )



[No Subject]

Alright, loves. Most of us love to talk about ourselves, and the abundance of alcohol present with this festival has me wanting to play a game. I ask a question. You respond, or you drink. The catch is that I don't particularly care if your answer is truthful, so long as it's interesting. I'd always prefer an intricate lie to the boring truth any day. You return with a question of your own, and so on.

Of course, continue the game as you see fit amongst each other. I just like stories and booze.

What is the riskiest thing you've ever done?



Delivery to Rosalie Ivers

Delivered to Rosalie Ivers by Dash Parr )



Log: Octavia & Becker

early october

I was thinking of taking a break until... morning. )



Network Post: Raksha Keller

All right, for Atlantis weirdness, this isn't bad. Raining candy corn is better than nothing but vegetables.



[No Subject]

Note to self: you are not 18 anymore, you can't keep up with all of this drinking and expect to be functional the next day.

Is it really raining candy, or is that my imagination?

How are you feeling?
So there's this potion in our world, and it's disgusting but when brewed properly and taken properly, it eases quite a lot of my... furry little problem, as you liked to say. It's very tricky, but two people from Julia's world wanted to see if they could brew it for me. I'm not sure if it'll work yet. The full's in a few days. On the 24th.



[No Subject]

So no worries! There was a bit of a mishap in one of the buildings. Very deadly, lethal singularity, but it's all fine now!

Everyone should be absolutely, pleasantly safe.

If you happen to taste peanut brittle, that's perfectly normal. Just take some water and mix it with old, used tea bags and you should be fine.



[No Subject]

...So, why did I wake up yesterday tied up in knitting wool on a bridge? Why?