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July 14th, 2018



[No Subject]

It seems Atlantis has gone from wishing me half naked to making off with every bit of clothing I own.



[No Subject]

Atlantis has an interesting definition of "team building activity," but I have to admit it was actually kind of fun.

Liv + Regina
Let's get together this weekend. I feel like we're getting closer with the ascendant and I have a few ideas for combining our magic.



13 July | Becker (Backdated)

How the bloody hell am I supposed to type when stuck in this thing.

PLOT - Wake up in a french fry costume



14 July | Rose Ward

Well, waking up to all my clothing gone makes things interesting.

I hope neither of you mind but I borrowed a few pieces for clothing today, I promise to wash and return.

I'm going to be a little late today.

PLOT - All Rose's clothing vanished



14 July | Sam Carter | Post Temple

That was one of the more interesting exercises, very well put together.

Great job to all of you, I'm really proud of the way everyone pulled together I know some of it was difficult but we got through it.

Miss anything exciting out here?

Dinner tonight?



14 July | Shuri

The toy kitchen experiment got me thinking.

I have been playing with the little easy bake and it's now set to make any cookies you'd like with a few inputs.

Who wants to come test it?



14 July | Taisia




Network Post: Raksha Keller

This isn't funny.

[Iliana Dominick]
Do you have anything I can borrow?



[No Subject]

I don’t really mind being naked, I’m just a bit surprised that Atlantis classes jewellery as clothing. I feel naked without my rings. Nakeder.



Arrivals & Departures - July 14

July 14
Arrivals & Departures for July 14th

  • Garrett Hawke
  • Sara Ryder
  • Bethany Hawke
  • Betty Bayer
  • Marcus Holloway
  • Wanderer
  • Jace Herondale
*keep in mind that with glitches, all your character knows ICly is that they didn't tell them they were leaving. Whether they chose to leave without saying anything or a glitch happened is purely for OOC knowledge.



[No Subject]

I'd wonder why Atlantis keeps making me naked whenever this happens. Except, Atlantis clearly has good taste.

Jyn, Coulson. You should probably be used to this by now. It's not like I don't already wander around naked.

Katherine....go and die in a fire. There's a good girl.



Network Post: Peter Burke

I got through today without tripping over anything or injuring myself again, so I'm going to assume that whole run was just Atlantis really enjoying Friday the 13th. Bad luck aside, we discovered a hidden treasure, so well done, everyone.



[No Subject]

Karma isn't usually this direct.

Anybody got some pants I can borrow?



After they're back from the Mission tonight

I realised that I never really properly introduced myself. So, sorry about that. I was pretty worried about some people. And then, I was sent off on mission.

Anyway, I'm Sirius Black. I understand that many of you have heard of me through a book series about my godson? And I'm still pissed at Dum So, umm....hi. I guess.



July 14 :: PJ Halliwell

I have to say... I find it hilarious that Atlantis is taking people's clothing on National Nude Day...



[No Subject]

Calling all naked or soon to be naked people:

Streaking race! Two laps around the Towers, starting from outside Body (obviously) at 7 o clock.


Loser buys the drinks.

See you all there. Or see all of you there, as it were.



july 14 :: lucian bole

Okay, Atlantis, give me back my clothes.

This is not funny.

I want my clothes back. ALL.OF.THEM.



[No Subject]

Maker's breath, this place has been constantly shocking me since arriving. The weather. How clean everything is. The food. My brother, I suppose.

My name is Bethany, and I just discovered ice cream, and now I'm fairly certain I'm addicted and never wish to go home again. Is that horrible? It might be horrible. I swear I'm not that horrible, this frozen delight is just delicious and I can't get enough. I need to go get signed up with intake so I can get more coin to afford such tasty treats. And to offer my services as a Mage and healer.



log: romitri & regina

June 10th - Afternoon
Rose Belikova + Regina Mills + Dimitri Belikov
With mentiona of Xavier & Ivan
PG-13 | Complete

Having someone show up with those shared memories was a good feeling after so many who’d had no freaking clue. )



[No Subject]

I figure it's only polite to introduce myself. My name is Wanderer, but please feel free to call me Wanda. I've been assigned to work as a nurse here.

I suppose I should also warn that I am not human, I'm merely a Soul parasite inhabiting a human body. That isn't a joke. I want to be clear and honest from the start, if this truly is a place for fresh starts and second chances.