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March 6th, 2018



Network Post: Clint Barton

OOC: Monday.

[Steve Rogers + Natasha Romanoff + Bruce Banner]
There may not be an Avengers to assemble anymore, but has anyone talked to Wanda or Stark or Tony today? I don't like what I'm hearing.

[Leo Fitz]
Any news?



posted around 10am

Uhh.. did anyone else receive a weird and demanding message on their screens a bit ago?

How many people have we noticed are missing so far?

[ooc: per calendar, this message appears on all screens around 10am: "Return two tools of Creativity in exchange for your friends. You have 72 hours to decide how you want to proceed."]

[Georgina Kincaid]

Two new angels just showed up, one of the claiming outright to be some kind of trickster. Coincidence?



[No Subject]

[posted late yesterday afternoon]

Clarke, Alicia, and Wanda are missing. All their things are here but I've looked everywhere they could possibly be and they aren't there. What the hell is going on
and what are we doing about it?

[Sara and Emily]

Please tell me you're both still here so I can stop being paranoid that whoever
or whatever took them is targeting me and people I care about.



[No Subject]

I feel like a real idiot saying this right now since we've all got a lot on our minds but I am compelled to remind everyone that you should make a dentist appointment. Take good care of your teeth and they'll take care of you and all that stuff.

Now back to the important stuff.



After the message this morning

How many do they have? One of them is Chris. I hadn't said anything because I was hoping to keep it from Lauren as long as I could but so much for that.


I won't be in today and possibly tomorrow. Lauren is hysterical and won't let me out of her sight. I'm not worried about myself, I've been through this before but she's too young to understand.




March 6
The following arrive and depart today March 6rd.
The following have arrived in Atlantis today:
  • Cara Coburn
  • Tom McNair
  • Angelina Johnson
*keep in mind that with glitches, all your character knows ICly is that they didn't tell them they were leaving. Whether they chose to leave without saying anything or a glitch happened is purely for OOC knowledge.



Backdated Log: Sarissa and Mordecai Roberts

WHO: Mordecai Roberts and Sarissa
WHERE: Mordecai’s Room
WHEN: Sunday, February 18
WHAT: Another drink in good company

Of course, it was hard to sit around being maudlin about their past and things that were going on back home without turning to wine. )



[No Subject]

April - December 2017
Laura Howlett ✦ Cat Chandler
Snapshots: April-December 2017
PG - mentions of violence/death

Maybe this guardian thing wouldn't be so bad after all. )



Backdated to Monday

...has anyone seen Iliana?

[Keller and Jez]
I'm going looking. I'm assuming you want to come.



[No Subject]

I don't think I like Atlantis anymore.



[No Subject]

By now you've all seen the message on your tablets and you're understandably worried about your friends and family members. We're still gathering intel, but we do have the Atlantis PD and some base personnel working on the case and I promise you we will find them.

You all have your assignments. If you have questions, now's the time to speak up. Report any leads you find to me or Peter Burke.



[No Subject]

Will Palmer & Darcy Lewis
Backdated: March 5th; noon(ish)
Tower Two: First Floor common kitchen area
TBD: Likely Low
Closed & In Progress

Eggs for all )



[No Subject]

I was going to ask if you guys missed me. But, what the hell is this about Alicia being missing?