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December 13th, 2017



[No Subject]

It's probably a good thing I don't have a roommate right now because otherwise I'd feel maybe a little bad for how much I've decorated my apartment. And for playing Christmas music all day at the shop and when I get home. My dog is wearing a Christmas bow on her collar, and there are Christmas lights outlining my doorway on the outside.

I'm officially waist deep in the Christmas spirit. Sorry not sorry, Atlantis.


Speaking of Christmas things... a week from today marks one year of Atlantis helping us officially meet.

Future Kid Plot | Hallie Anders (Future One)

So, this is the past, huh?

This is soooo weird. I never thought I'd get to do the whole intro thing that you all did.
Anyway, I'm Hallie Anders.

Spinnets, Anders, etc check in! I know you're all here!



Backdated to the 9th

Opening a little door, only for wine to appear. It is like a dream come true. Or, a nightmare. Perhaps the fates do not wish me to stop

[Eponine, Enjolras and Jacob]
We should go for dinner.

[Enjolras and Eponine]
So, about what I said when you were not yourselves....

What do you truly think?

[Claire Callahan]
Let us try this again. May I make an appointment to talk with you?



Future One: Lia Smith

Well Atlantis doesn't look that much different than it did when I left. Place is still weird though. Anybody know my parents by chance? Georgina and Roman? They're kinda hard to miss.

Yeah, I guess I should say who I am. Lia. That's me.