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January 29th, 2017



Leonard McCoy

Has anyone asked you how you're doing, love?



[No Subject]

Doesn't look like the Atlantis I'm familiar with.

This a case of uh, one of those alternate reality thingamabobby thingies?

And this ain't 1929? I know it ain't, but just do me a favor and tell me again.



Log: Pansy Parkinson and Edmund Pevensie

WHO: Edmund Pevensie and Pansy Parkinson
WHERE: Pansy’s studio
WHEN: Jan 7
WHAT: Pansy gives Edmund a preview of the painting he commissioned
STATUS: log; completed

He’d better like it; she wasn’t sure if she could do it again without saying something that would definitely jeopardize a potential alliance. )



[No Subject]

I'm glad to have my dreams back to normal. Good job to everyone that was on the mission.

[Kara Danvers]

How are you doing? I saw your sister left, and I wanted to give you some time before checking up on you.

[Daisy Johnson]

I saw Lincoln had arrived. How's that going?

[Zane Donovan]

How have things been going on your end? Nothing broken or anything like that?

[John Young]

How are you feeling?

[Cara's team: James Rogers, Steve Rogers, and Bellamy Blake]

You guys did a good job and I enjoyed working with you three. For doing a great job, I'll take you three to dinner where ever you three can agree on. You guys worked hard so you deserve this.



[No Subject]

Friends and Family*
I've just put in my application to be transferred from intake to a spot in magic specialties. They said they'd let me know in a few days.
*Feel free to assume!

Trainers + Eddie
After this mission, I think I really need to learn to fight better. I know I'm not a field agent, but if any of you are willing to teach me, I would really like to learn.



[No Subject]

So, hi everyone! I'm Goku. Been here a little while now. Gotta say, this place is lots of fun. But anyway, who here wants to spar? Or fight? Happy to fight with anyone (even Vegeta, but shhhh, don't tell him I said that!).



[No Subject]

Now that this mission is over, who do I talk to about going on the next one? Because if this place keeps sending my friends into danger, you can sure as hell bet that I'm not going to sit back and fight the good fight here next time.

Besides, I don't think there's anything left that needs fixing right now. Maybe a few things.
[Filtered: James Rogers]

And how's that hand of yours? Because if it's better, we gotta work on fixing up that car of yours before I just take over the project myself.