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December 23rd, 2016



Christmas Gifts Delivered

[He does realize this is a little early, but he also figured that they would want to spend Christmas by themselves. Spock's arranged for the following gifts to be delivered to Uhura, McCoy, Kirk and Daisy Friday morning.]

For Uhura )

For Jim )

For Leonard McCoy )

For Daisy )



[No Subject]

Well, well, this is curious. One normally asks for help before whisking someone off for heroics. The magic in this place is certainly charming, rather unlike any plane I've yet to visit. Really, I don't think this place is even in Ryndarien's Atlas of the Planes.

Speaking of, it appears I have been assigned to be an arcane researcher. What, exactly, am I going to be researching? I'm feeling a bit at a loss without my Athenaeum.

Gilmore, by the way, of Gilmore's Glorious Goods in Tal'dorei. Charmed.



[No Subject]

I am gonna try to throw a Christmas party soon, on Christmas Day. Since Christmas Eve is for Anwen.

[No Subject]

Thanks for the gift.



Christmas Presents

[Early Christmas morning, Padma will deliver a house scarf that she's knitted for any of her friends. Please feel free to assume friends (mostly if she's talked to you and been on friendly terms) and she probably would have gotten the house fairly close, especially if they've talked about it before.]

Delivered to Dr. Strange )



[No Subject]

Hello! Is there someone out there willing to help me with a mistletoe issue? You'll receive a red-velvet cupcake in return!



[No Subject]

[Private to Gene Hunt]

Better get your jolly on. You're going to play Santa Claus for Anwen on Christmas Day.



[No Subject]

This is a bit last minute, but it's the holidays and no one should have to enjoy the holidays alone, which is why I'm happy to cook a giant meal for anyone that doesn't have people to be with for the holiday season. With new people showing up, and everything, I figured I would offer this up to anyone who doesn't have anywhere to go. I might even be willing to cook up certain dishes you would like, but only if I can find the recipes for it. Please let me know if you're wanting to come, I want an idea on how many might come without any surprises.



[No Subject]

Thank you for the carving tools. It's quite a good set. And Happy Christmas!

[Peter Pevensie]
I assume if it was you, you would have just said.

And oughtn't we do something for Christmas?

[Pansy Parkinson]
I understand the mural on the Lions' floor is your work. Do you do any smaller projects or private commissions?



[No Subject]

Unbelievable! The Quattro's here and I got myself a decent bottle of scotch. Mind you, Bolly's been taking the piss out of me and saying it's now her motor since it was gifted to her for Christmas and not me. But at any rate, cheers to whoever managed that!



[No Subject]

I am still in search for a suitable location for meditating. There are a few locations that would have the space, and quiet, needed, but I would need to speak to those running it to see about acquiring a bit of space. Until I have that sorted, there seems to be a park near where they sell the pastries and what they call coffee, it is named different where I am from, that seems to be free of use. Weather permits the first lesson in meditation shall be there. I also know there is a beach, if the park does not work out. If anyone has any other suggestions do let me know. I wish all residents to be able to benefit so I wish to be as accommodating as I can be.

As for the other lessons, thanks to a conversation I had at the party I have gotten a few more ideas. Much of what I know can be done with the Force seems to be capable of being done by people with other powers. I am very interesting to see if the powers I know of can be translated, and if the powers others have can be converted to being used by the Force. That is not to say others cannot learn things as well. I still intend to teach how to shield thoughts. For that I need a rough estimate of how many might be willing to learn. My method is a bit unorthodox and I will need adequate supplies and I fear I have yet to find any who might sell me pazaak decks, so I shall need to make a few.