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December 7th, 2016



[No Subject]

anyone with agency clearance
Anyone with training, I could use an extra set of hands in medical.

Yours included, but first you might wanna tell Daisy to get down here.

You better get down here, too, Spock

Posted via Journaler.



Backdated to Yesterday

[Filtered to Agency Types in Atlantis]
We had a COS Agent in custody. And, I was bringing him back. But, he just kriffing disappeared.

[Filtered to HQ Team]
He just disappeared. I can't sense him anywhere.



[No Subject]

It occurs to me that those of you who were not in Lawrence, have not seen the amazingness that is:


[Filtered to Tower 1, Floor 3]
I made muffins last night. So, if anyone wants some, they're in the kitchen. Please feel free to help yourself. There's Apple & Cinnamon, Banoffee, and Chocolate and Raspberry.

Filtered to MCU/Friends*
I want to do something for Christmas. For all of us.

Which, I realise might be awkward considering certain people. But, still. I would very much like to spend my Christmas with all of you.

*Feel free to assume



[No Subject]

Today's the anniversary of when Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour. It's a day I should never forget. My countrymen were suffering from the Nazi's air raids for quite some time, and though Great Britain petitioned the United States' assistance, there was a strong leaning toward neutrality. The consequences of this attack became the U.S.'s involvement in the war, which in turn changed the tide.

Now I am in Atlantis, with a completely different war at hand, struggling with my emotions regarding my personal involvement. What I think I'd like to say is, if the people of Atlantis saw something in me that might help them win this war, then I should like to assist them in whatever way I can.

There were lessons in judo being offered, which I was able to attend. I'd been practicing judo privately, at home. My dear wife was my sparring partner. The instructors gave me many useful tips, which I shall continue to practice on my own.

Tomorrow, there are lessons of an entirely different sort - an all day brownie baking party at the shop, Sweets. I don't know if I'll be there at 8:00 am, but I do intend to stop by to check it out, as it were.




December 7th
The following alert is broadcast to everyone's tablets at approximately 5pm Atlantis time on Wednesday December 7th

The following have arrived today
  • Emma Swan (OUAT)
  • Raven Darkhölme (X-Men)
The following person(s) has elected to return home and was sent back through the portal today:
  • Teddy Lupin (He would have said something to those that he knows).



[No Subject]

Can you join me in medical please?



[No Subject]

Worried about people out on this mission?

Come down to Lightning Brew, you don't need to get drunk or whatever, it just might be good to do the social thing for a few hours, get out of your own heads, y'know?

Plus I might do my famous Tequila Dance.



[No Subject]

Getting drafted to a war in another world. Just what I've always wanted. Guess I better buckle in and get ready.

Since I'm going to be here awhile, might as well introduce myself. I'm Emma Swan.