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May. 21st, 2014


Avengers; Loki

[Avengers Lock minus Wanda]
[After this]

Uh....did I accidentally break her? Cause I didn't mean to! I was just trying to help and reassure her that we're all cool and good and...yeah. I think I broke her?

Sir. A rather interesting development has occurred. A woman, an Avenger named Wanda M. has come through and she is less than stable. We were speaking when she began, it appears, to frantically start apologizing for killing the version of me in her world/reality then ceased all communication currently.

It also seems she has a son here, Billy K-something.



[Locked to Avengers: new, old, young and the ones that ate onions at lunch]

Where is the Mansion? [Scribbled out, still visible.] everyone?

May. 20th, 2014


Avengers, phone call to Gwen S

[Reluctant Avengers lock, minus Wanda]

I need to talk to anyone familiar with my mother, Wanda Maximoff.

[Gwen S]


May. 19th, 2014


Natasha R, carol d

[Locked to Natasha Romanoff]

Hey call off any missions you've got in DC, shit's going down there, Cap wants everyone out.

[Locked to Carol Danvers]

Might need to be on stand by for potential Hulk duty, Danvers. You're one of our biggest guns.

May. 18th, 2014


[public, clint b]

[Clint B]

I want to know more than I do right now about the personal relationships and liaisons of the Avengers. Friends, lovers, confidants. Tell me what you know.


Winning against players with a handicap is sadly not as exciting as I had hoped.


steve r., natasha r.

[Locked to Steve R., after this]

Need to talk to you.

[Locked to Natasha R., as an after thought]

Have something I need to tell you. Something that needs to be kept on the downlow.

May. 16th, 2014


Public, as Clint B.

How much trouble would I be in if I were to say "I'm bored" and then something catastrophic happens?

May. 15th, 2014


public, Avengers


Starbucks everywhere I see. Yup, it's New York.

[filtered to Avengers]

So! Go team go? Anyone up for some training?

May. 11th, 2014


tony s, carol d

[Locked to Tony Stark]

In which Jess rambles a bit )

[Locked to Carol Danvers]

I just rambled at Tony, I'm not even sure why.

May. 10th, 2014


Stark Tower, Group Log

Who: Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, and open to all Stark Tower / Avengers peeps.
What: Dinner time, a la Banner and Rogers team up.
Where: Stark Tower common floor
When: Back dated just a little to here!
Warnings/Rating: TBD

Taco Time! )

May. 7th, 2014


gwen s., harry o., peter p., public

[locked to gwen s.]

Hello, Ms. Stacy. I wanted to follow up and see how you're doing.

[locked to harry o.]


[locked to peter p.]

How goes it, Spidey? Still alive?


It just warms my heart to see how much progress has been made since the aliens were defeated. Being able to contribute to the effort through Oscorp's resources and my own was truly a privilege. And now if you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to be sick.

May. 6th, 2014


Thor + Tony S + Bruce B + Natasha R + Clint B, All Avengers + Peggy C + Bucky B + Sharon C

[Group locked to Thor, Tony S, Bruce B, Natasha R, Clint B]
[A link to this.]

[Locked to All Avengers+]
It's time to pull together a roster, folks. The more organized we are, the easier and quicker we can respond to threats. We know Loki will be returning and we best be ready. I know there are those of you who are unwilling participants in this, or those who prefer to work alone, and that's fine. So long as you don't take on the world alone, we can make it work. I'd like it if everyone could respond here with whether or not they'd like to be part of the first line of defense, so we know who we have at our disposal when the time comes, as it inevitably will. If anyone would like to stay on as consultation or for training purposes or any manner of support, that would be appreciated as well. There's no shame in hanging up the cape, if that's what you want to do. For some of us, this is a choice and a duty, an obligation, yes, but one we walked into. Then there are those of us who had no chance to do anything else. Now's your chance.

We should come up with general procedure too for how to handle situations and fires that spring up outside of our own world, so we don't leave this one unattended in the meantime.



Has anyone else experienced dreams/nightmares that are more vivid than they normally are?


log: carol d./jessica d.

Who: Carol Danvers and Jessica Drew
What: A reunion.
Where: Carol's apartment
When: before this
Warnings/Rating: TBD

Carol didn't consider herself a religious woman, but she was pretty sure she needed to thank some higher power for this. )

May. 5th, 2014


log: marvel, carol d./anyone/everyone at the tower

[It had taken a while, but Carol realizes eventually that she can't put it off any longer. She's pushing people away for the sake of not revealing her secret, but maybe Parker has a point. Maybe it really doesn't make her a terrible person.

And it's not like she has anything to lose, right? ...Well, she has a lot to lose, but she's pretending she doesn't.

She had elected to take to the sky rather than the ground. Touching down on the walkway, the Captain Marvel uniform melded into her usual casual wear--in this instance, a Red Sox baseball shirt, jeans, and her Air Force cap. Shoving her hands in her back pockets, she takes a deep breath.] Hello? [She's calling fairly loudly, but she's staying rooted to her spot for a few reasons: One being that she doesn't know what kind of security system is in place.]



[Public, as Jessica D]

I'm not sure if it's good or bad that even alternate universes end up with the Avengers fighting off aliens. Or maybe just a resounding sigh and "typical."

May. 4th, 2014



May the Fourth be with you.

[Bucky B., added later]

Favor to ask.

May. 2nd, 2014


Texts: Bucky B, Clint B, Tony S, Bruce B, Carol D

[Separate texts to Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Carol Danvers]
[During this]

What's a "nerfherder"?


Who: Anon & Carol Danvers
What: A dream within a dream
Where: Dream land
When: Current
Warnings/Rating: To be determined

((OOC Note: With moderator approval, this is being done anonymously. Feel free to jump in if the post grabs you! If you decide to grab the post, please post a 'dibs' to avoid confusion or others thinking the post is still open.))

It's hazy. Murky.

The air is thick with humidity, hard to breathe. It hurts to breathe deep, a nagging thought that maybe there's not enough oxygen left in the air. Not enough to breathe. With the humidity, maybe it would be like drowning.

In the middle of all the haze and murk, a small cottage sits. One room, two windows in the front, one on the right side. The plants outside are naked of their leaves and flowers, skeleton branches that had long since been left to die. It's easy to imagine death here with how still the air is, and it's no wonder no one else is around.

Inside and outside, it's miserable and horrible, but someone sits in the yard to the left of the house, lounging against the outer wall, a bookend to the window that resides on the other side of the house. Legs stretched out, they're a listless thing, concentrating only on the steady in and out of humid air, each deep pull not quite enough to satisfy the ache for oxygen left behind in the cage of their chest.

There's illness here. A sickness that pervades through all the haze and murk.

May. 1st, 2014


Locked to Marvel

[Locked to Marvel]
I am sorry. I did not mean to cause strife.

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