November 2015




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May. 27th, 2015


death, steph, public


I never had the desire to know what I would dream about if I did dream.

[Stephanie B.]

After one of these, I understand it's typical to check on people.

[Public, from "Dot"]


May. 26th, 2015



[locked to batfam+]

I'm going to presume we all experienced something similar last night. Is everyone alright?

May. 15th, 2015


log: joker & dr. steph

Who: The Joker and Dr. Steph
What: The Joker's intake exam at Arkham.
Where: Arkham
When: Severely backdated.
Warnings: Violence, blood.

Steph pressed into one of the broken ribs that she suspected he had. Probably a little too hard. )

May. 14th, 2015



[From Batgirl. Babs likes to keep it official.]

I have a project to work on, if you're interested.

May. 12th, 2015




I never see a bat signal in the sky. There's barely any blimps, either.

[Private to Oswald C.]
[He makes sure not to private it to "Penguin."]

Hi, I was wondering if you had any openings for music acts at the Iceberg Lounge. I went there last night and I really like the feel of it. I played piano over at Gionni's Restaurant a few nights ago, but I can do more modern stuff, too.

May. 11th, 2015




Yankees or Mets?

[Private to Muerte]

Woouuuldd you like to go to a birthday party with me?


Death, Stephanie, Leo


How is Marvel?

[Stephanie B.]
[As Destin R.]

Did you enjoy space?

[Leo C.]
[Also as Destin]

Opening at the Lounge on 49th. Saturday, 7 pm.

May. 10th, 2015


Locks and Public!

[Selina K]

How many selfies does Jason have of himself in the Batsuit?

[Jason T]

I fucking died again!

[Babs G]

Well then. I'm only ever wearing this if we bedazzle the back to say "Talk shit, Get Hit."

[Bruce W]

I'd like to come home.

[Eddie N]

Thanks for not trying to kill me anymore.

[Stephie B]

Don't we have some kind of hug scheduled?

[Gwen S]

Bacon wrapped hot dogs.


Ah just a small public service announcement - The door in the hotel that says "Namaste" over it - if you go in just stick to the beachy areas and don't forget to push the buttons.

May. 6th, 2015


batfam+, selina k., zatanna z.

[locked to the batfam+]

I'm back. Fill me in.

[locked to selina k.]

[...] Hello.

[locked to zatanna z.]

My timing was unfortunate. Did you and Eddie handle it?

May. 4th, 2015


zatanna z., operation arkham, eddie n.

[locked to zatanna z.]

Hey. [Blink.] I know you're probably busy with [...] your own things, but I was wondering if I could ask you a favor?

[locked to op arkham.]

[A couple of cautious blinks.] Still no headway on getting into the basement. Eddie's brought in a warden to keep an eye on the patients, and we've moved them as far away from the source as possible. I'm getting in touch with Zatanna to see if she can help make headway with getting access. [Blink. Blink. Blink.] I'm going to be gone from the city for a bit, but I'll come back in a second if you need me.

[locked to eddie n.]

[A couple of pictures of Flounder and Bandit roaming around the Mass Effect apartment.] I'm taking custody this week. You okay?

May. 1st, 2015


op arkham members ; public

[locked to operation arkham (barbara g., jason t., solas, evelyn t., eddie n.)]

[A day or so after this.]

[Blink, blink.] First off, everyone introduce each other if you want to be friendly. If not, well I'll just be upset. Cranky, even.

[A pause.] I tried to get into the basement to assess what's going on before we all go in there, but it's completely locked us out. Nothing's opened it. No keys or any kind of force that I've been able to use. I'm looking into more options, but it's not looking like we're getting into this basement tomorrow.

So, I think it's best to take this time to figure out what to do while we work on the door getting opened. Get prepped. Take our time to decide how best to tackle this situation. We don't know exactly what we're dealing with down there, but we know it's strong.


Is it passe to explore doors yet? I don't want to be out of style.

Apr. 29th, 2015


eddie/steph arkham pre-heroics

Who: Eddie & Steph
Where: Arkham
When: recently
What: Eddie is the Agent Coulson of the bat family basically
Warnings: none probably

While leaning back in Crane's big fancy head wizard chair, it occurred to Eddie that he had told himself that he wasn't going to get caught up in this demon stuff. )

Apr. 28th, 2015



[locked to batfam+]

[After this, a link to the news report from Gotham City's NBC affiliate, the two emails she received, and the two voicemails she received after the fact.]

Well. That's happening.


Stephanie B, News: Gotham City

[Emails & Voicemails left for Stephanie B]

Late Monday Night/Tuesday Morning )

News: Gotham City

[Tuesday morning, reports trickle out of Arkham Asylum regarding the disappearance of the director, Dr. Jonathan Crane. Police were on the scene early in the morning after the discovery of three bodies on the stairs to the basement. The cause of death of the three found has not been released, nor has their names pending notification of the family. No further details have been made available.]

Apr. 27th, 2015


batfam + public

[Batfam +]

This Gotham has the same sociological structure of the one my dad used to tell me about circa 1980's. Has it always been this way? How am I supposed to

[All of it (including comments) is deleted after talking to Stephanie.]

[Public as Anon.]
[After realizing all her friends outside of the bat fam went poof:]

Single white female looking for a friend. 20's. Likes hipster music. Can pretend to like mainstream stuff, too.


Lo, a public post.

[As Destin R.]

Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur.

[ETA: Locked following this]

Apr. 21st, 2015


locked to the batfam

[Excluding Helena, because he has no memory of her.]

So Bruce is gone. I'm going to be the Bat in his place for a while, just to keep anybody from getting too relaxed. No doubt he'll be back any minute, and I can throw the suit back at him when he is.



[Text to Stephanie B.]
[Completely unaware of this Billy Joel reference.]

Hey, I'm here!

[She sends a picture of Batgirl giving the thumbs up while upsidedown in front of the bat computer.]

This place was cake to break into. The security hasn't been updated in like months.


narrative: mmm i'm movin' out

WHO Stephanie Brown.
WHAT A narrative: moving out of Wayne Manor.
WHEN Recently.
WHERE Upper West Hill, downtown Gotham.
WARNING sads, demon possession, hints of suicidal thoughts.
So, here she was, in a loft fit more for some recent graduate than a doctor with all her years of experience... )

Apr. 15th, 2015


crane, selina k., public (as anon)

[email to crane.]

[After her trip with Eddie to the basement, after not being at work since, she shoots Crane a one-line email, no subject:] I'd avoid the basement if I were you.

[locked to selina k.]

How are you healing up, kitty cat?


[As anon.] Okay. Ghostbusters. Or just general demon banishers (is that a word?). Where you at?

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