November 2015




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Jan. 31st, 2015


gwens s. maryjane w.

[Locked to Gwen]
Tell me everything bad I ever did to you.

[Locked to MJ]
Did you die or was that a dream?

Jan. 28th, 2015


Jason T, Mary Jane W, Sharon C

[Locked to Jason T]
Hey, James Dean. Long time no swoon.

[Locked to Mary Jane W]

[Locked to Sharon C]
Are you busy doing awesome things, ma'am?


gwen s., mj w., harry o., sharon c., bruce b.

[call to gwen s.]

Ring ring!

[text to mj w.]

still think we shouldn't talk?

[locked to harry o.]

Hey. You doing okay?

[locked to sharon c.]

Hi, ma'am. We've never spoken, but I'm Peter. A friend of Gwen's. I know Cap, too.

eta: [locked to bruce b.]

Hi, Dr. Banner. I'm Peter, you might also know me as that awesome spider guy. I know Gwen, and she says you're working on the antiserum?

Jan. 17th, 2015


[Stark Tower.]

[Locked to the contents of Stark Tower and various spider children in weird shapes and sizes: Peter, Martha, Bruce, Harry, so on.]

Someone bring me up to speed on what is occurring in my basement?

Jan. 14th, 2015


Les Womens of Marvel, Public

[The Women Club: from Natasha's previous post - Wanda M, Sharon C, Jane F]

If we ever came to a conclusion on invading the clubhouse, I didn't see one. But how about having our own?


I have, three days in advance of the usual deadline, broken my New Year's resolution.



[After awakening from all the sedation and things.]




Jan. 13th, 2015


spidey gals.

[Sometime after Harry is brought to Stark Tower. Fuzzy timelines woo.]

[text to mj watson.]

hey. checking in. you okay?

[locked to gwen s.]

You took off pretty Hey.

Jan. 6th, 2015


Email: Tony S

[After this conversation.]

Email to Tony S )


Log, Marvel: Pizza Party at Harry's

[The cab that dropped MJ off in front of Harry's pulled away from the curb with a roar, starling the girl and causing the pizza to slide in its box. She managed to keep it from tilting off of her palm, but only just. She just... needed a minute, outside, alone—well, with the pizza, but otherwise alone, to stare at the mansion that erupted in bulk marble from the perfectly manicured lawn. After her conversations, with Gwen and Peter both, she wasn't sure how she was feeling.


Totally lost.

And still not quite sure she believed it, because who would?

Then again, there was some guy going around with webs coming out of his hands, so who could say what was believable or not? Not MJ.

She wasn't dressed for the cold. She'd left her coat on her bed, too tangled up in her own mind to remember it. So she came in a black sweater, purple skirt, and tights—all of which the wind ate right through. She held the pizza close for warmth, red hair blowing wild, and opened the front door. (MJ didn't like waiting around for the Osborn servants.)

And even though the place looked the same, she stopped right over the threshold, the honey and cream foyer around her familiar, but... strange somehow. She stood on the toes of her boots and looked down the wide hall, into the bowels of the mansion.] Hello? The famous MJ Watson has arrived. Anyone?

Jan. 5th, 2015


public, Peter P

[In an appropriately girly hand, in a slip of pearlescent pink gel pen.]

Dear Diary,

What the fuck?


ETA: [After this.]

[Phone call to Peter P]

[Also text(s) to Peter P]

Nov. 25th, 2014


mj/flash also sharon

[Call to MJ W.]
[After talking to Peter and Gwen. Ring, ring!]

[Sharon C.]

hey boss i need a favor


text: maryjane watson

[After this. A brief drive by his house showed black cars packing the driveway, so now, in his mind, Harry is on the run.]

Need to see you.


spidey kids, steve r., jess d.

[After this disaster.]

[locked to flash, mj, & gwen.]

Sooooooo we have a problem. Harry's kind of [...] lost it. And he's on the run.

[locked to steve r.]

We found Harry, sir, and it didn't go well.

[locked to jess d.]

Do you want to hear how badly I messed up? I bet you do.

Nov. 6th, 2014


harry o.

[call to harry o.]

[After this hits the news, ring ring until he picks up.]

Nov. 5th, 2014


spidey kids.

[locked to the spidey kids (flash t., mary jane w., gwen s., harry o.)]

Everyone okay?


public, avengers+, peter p, flash t, mary jane w


I'm still up for paper football and beer and convincing you I'm better than tolerable, whoever you are. I'll even let you win the first round.

[Locked to Avengers + Allies]

Everyone in one piece?

[Locked to Peter P, Flash T, Mary Jane W]

You kids all okay?

Oct. 17th, 2014


Jason T, Bruce B, Steve R, Sharon C, Peter P, Harry O, Mary Jane W, Helena W

[From the lab.]

[Individually, Jason T, Bruce B, Steve R, Sharon C]
Chances are good that you've already heard, but we're all back and uninjured.

[Individually, Peter P, Harry O, Mary Jane W]
Hey. Okay?

[Locked to Helena W]

Oct. 15th, 2014


mary jane w

[Locked to MJ Watson]

Hey. I heard you were back. You okay?

Oct. 13th, 2014


quicklog: peter & mj, hotel → marvel.

[Peter was running for his life, literally. MJ was close at his heels and behind them, fast approaching, were their farmhouse friends, except they'd proven to not be very friendly at all.

Okay, so he hadn't been naive enough to think they'd be thrilled with the four of them sneaking out, but giving chase? He hadn't actually expected that. Not like this. They'd been on their tails for days, which meant meeting up at the rendezvous point hadn't been possible and he could only hope that Gwen and the others had better luck. He hoped they wouldn't wait around, hoped they'd go on and find a door and get the hell out. There was a lot to hope for, too much, but he tried. The past couple of days involved a whole lot of running and hiding, and then, in a terrifying moment, their pursuers had actually caught up. Peter was no stranger to physical fights but he was powerless here, and he thought it was something of a miracle that he and MJ managed to fight them off and escape at all.

And here they were, running again, for their lives, so, so close to escape. The city offered more cover, and they tried door after door in the hope that one would work. There it was again; hope.

He pulled MJ into a building, ran up, up, and stopped at the door leading out from the stairwell to the hall. They were right behind them, he could hear the footsteps. It was now or never, and Peter sucked in a breath, yanked open the door, and hoped.

It was, thankfully, the hotel hallway he stumbled out into, and once MJ was through he slammed the door shut hard and leaned against it.] That... was way too close. [He could barely catch his breath, his chest hurt, and the right side of his jaw was swollen; plus, there was something sticky (blood?) in his hair and at his temple. But he was alive, and that was what counted, right? So was MJ.]

You okay?

Oct. 7th, 2014


mj watson.

[locked to MJ.]

[...] Hey.

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