November 2015




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Sep. 20th, 2014



[As Spike]
Okay... Gotta say this is a new one. Bloody hell I haven't gone crazy again have I?

Sep. 19th, 2014


Public as Faith L

[Drawn absently on the middle of a page, the pencil led mixing with red flakes and a little bit of dust.]

Sep. 18th, 2014


Xavier Mansion + mutants

[Locked to Xavier Mansion residents + mutants in general]

Hi everyone! I thought I'd introduce myself since I just got here. I'm TJ Wagner, I'm from a future, not the future. I'm second generation X-Woman. I used to have a mutant rock band (RIP Butt Monkeys) and I'm overly chipper in the morning. I also have blue fur and glowing eyes, so don't be too surprised if you see me. I know some of you are new to being a mutant, so if you want to train or talk or anything, let me know. I have a lot of experience.

Sep. 17th, 2014



"This work contains adult content. Do you wish to proceed?"

Why do you think I'm here, Ao3? Come on.


"im so sorry, i'm a fuck up, forgive me, 12k words of FILTH, they dont even kiss, im sorry b ye (One Direction)"

Sep. 16th, 2014


Xavier Mansion: Talia/Morph/Open

Who: Talia Wagner, Morph, and OPEN to any inhabitants
Where: Xavier Mansion
What: Checking out the homestead to see if it's different
When: Nowish!

[It was impossible not to go home first. She probably shouldn't have, since they had no idea if it was there or if they'd be facing the evil X-Men. But Talia was just getting used to having her feet planted in a world where the X-Men knew who she was. She wanted some brief moment of normalcy, and she was going to yoink Morph with her in order to get it. She wasn't that surprised to hear he was from a different time; they were so used to it at this point, it would be stranger if they were from the exact same second. That was so not going to happen. TJ knew how to get to the mansion by any number of ways, and how to keep her head down and out of the way of normal people.

When she finally made it to the mansion she decided to stop by the gate and wait for Morph. Now safely outside of the main eyes of humans, she pulled her hoodie back. To any stranger, she was something to be feared, with her blue fur, gold eyes, and demonic appearance. But TJ figured even evil versions of the mutants she knew and loved wouldn't care too much about her face. At least this time she wasn't taken in her underpants or sleep wear again. That was awkward enough the first time. She could already tell there were maybe a few differences to the mansion from this distance, but she wasn't sure how many. They'd have to reconvene and talk it out before approaching.]



[public, voice-to-text as Kevin S.]
Oh MAN why didn't I ever think about converting the Crystal Palace to a creepy Hitchcockian hotel which connects the multiverse through a series of unguarded doors?

Oh right, because I'm trying to fix timelines, not tear them apart. Teeny diff.

But it's good to be back in the field, such as it is. The journal is way more compact than the Tallus, that's for sure. But can I get a shout out from my freaky X- and Avengers-types? I probs know some version of all of you, so heeeey.

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