November 2015




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Sep. 14th, 2015


Public as Lily F

[As Lily F. The handwriting is very shaky and comes slow, as if she is still trying to learn how the letters are formed.]


Victor, is this book your doing?


Peter P, Flash T, Jason T

[Locked to Peter P & Flash T]
So, that went super badly.

[Locked to Jason T]
[Obliviously.] Thanks, James Dean.

Sep. 13th, 2015


eddie/bruce look for the batcave!

[While Bruce had a nerd-fantasy future mapped out for him on the journals, Edd had a feeling he wasn't so lucky. The word rogue stuck with him like a thistle. A silly, old fashioned word that had never meant anything to him in his whole life until someone accused him of it. And in this Gotham Steph had painted with vigilante bats and "colorful" villains, he couldn't help but worry that he'd be on the weird side of things. He never grew up in this awesome manor and he never felt a deep desire to help everyone in the city. Kids like him? Were too busy trying to survive. The more he thought about his childhood, the more it felt like a super villain origin story.

But, Bruce was his best friend and if they found a Batcave and a costume below this ancient house? Maybe that would set Ed's life on a new track. Maybe he could prove all of them wrong. So, he came over to Bruce's giant manor with two backpacks full of video games and consoles like they were just going to have a nerd weekend. His sixth sense pricked at the back of his neck as he approached the manor; ghosts of every possible generation swirling around inside like the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. Some of the voices were loud, others so soft that a thought could drown them out. It was kind of a ghost hunter's dream, but Ed knew this was not the time for that kind of thing.

He walked up the stairs to the manor, felt really silly about knocking on the massive doors, but did it anyway.]

Sep. 11th, 2015


[Triage for the billionaire]

Who: Clem, Penny, Pepper, Bucky (+ not!dead Tony Stark)
What: Checking Tony's non-vital vitals
Where: Graham & Shane's old place
When: Recentish
Warnings/Rating: Don't think so

Clementine, she wasn't sure of any damn thing. )

Sep. 9th, 2015


Log, Borderlands: Kara Z & Rhys

Who: Kara Zor-El & Rhys
What: sun...bathing
Where: Borderlands; Pandora, Hollow Point → Badlands
When: not long after this
Warnings/Rating: tbd

And he really, really just wanted some cafeteria coffee and like, a seat at a nice, clean table. The kind in the Hub of Heroism. Sleek and not… covered in blood and other fluids. Was that so much to ask? )


Bruce W, Selina K, ETA: Dick G, Barbara G, Tony S

[During this.]

[Locked to Bruce W]
That idiot clone is talking of coming to Gotham, to help.

[And after some consideration...]

[Locked to Selina K]
What happened to Tony?

ETA: [Locked to Dick G]

ETA 2.0: [Locked to Barbara G]
Is Montoya still stabled at the manor?

ETA 3.0: [Locked to Tony S]
[After Selina's... comment, he decides to try this. Because.]


Sep. 7th, 2015


quicklog, vegas hospital (ocean's eleven): neil & mere

[Neil wasn't drunk.

He was hungover, though. After parting ways with Sam he'd stopped off for a couple of bottles of whiskey and got himself a hotel room. Drank himself back into oblivion. All afternoon, all night, and in the morning he dumped the rest out and got some coffee. He showered twice. Brushed his teeth three times. But even with a change of clothes and his skin scrubbed raw the sickly sweet scent of booze clung, faintly, and his eyes were bloodshot, his face haggard. Stubble had started to show. But he knew he needed to see Mere regardless of how he looked, and despite his fear of taking care of her he did want to see her. Guilt roiled in his belly; he couldn't eat anything. He seemed to only be existing on liquids these days, and sleep? Sleep was passing out drunk, that was the only way he could manage it. He wondered if pills could, eventually, replace the booze when (if) he went back to A.A.

For now, he focused on putting one foot in front of the other. On going into the hospital without turning on heel and running the fuck away like the coward he was.

Up the elevator and down the hallways, Neil shuffled along until he found her room. Nobody stopped him, nobody said he couldn't go in, so he knocked lightly before pushing the door open.]


Jason T

[Locked to Jason T]
[During this.]

Um, there's kind of a situation, and I don't think we need to do anything about it, but in case things get like super worse, I thought someone should know, and since I kind of cut you off, which logically means you're going to start worrying soon, you have been chosen. I think Peter and Flash are working on a plan for Ms. Carter, so I didn't want to distract them.

Sep. 4th, 2015


Dracula, Joker

[Locked to Dracula]
[With less than her normally perfect penmanship, after this.] I believed I'd remedied the situation.

[Locked to "Griffin"]
[From "Ballerina"] Are you yet here?

Sep. 3rd, 2015


log: sherlock and vanessa bond over a body

Who: Sherlock and Vanessa
What: Investigating a corpse, possibly tbc.
Where: London, Penny Dreadful
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Mentions of corpses? Nothing explicit.

Glad to see you back, Mr. Holmes. )

Sep. 1st, 2015



[Phone Call: Donna C.]
[Ring, ring!]

Aug. 31st, 2015


Declan M

[Locked to Declan M]
[Despite being holed up in his guest room at the lake for the whole damn day, and without coming out even once.]

You be real kind and say you're willing to get plenty drunk with your sister.

Aug. 30th, 2015


Marvel, NYC: Declan & Ryan

Who: Declan Murphy & Ryan Ramos
What: Two grouchy people meet.
When: Recently. Lets say before Saranac Lake with the sibs.
Warnings: None besides language.

Course he didn’t yell back. Whitebread didn’t look like he’d yelled in years, maybe they atrophied vocal chords when you lived somewhere rich and dull. )


Gotham: Vanessa, Mina, Dracula, Victor

Who: "Alexei," Vanessa, Victor, Mina
What: Exploration, part deux
Where: Gotham Cemetary: 1 and 2
When: Immediately after this hallway interlude
Warnings/Rating: Likely none

I almost wish we were butterflies and liv'd but three summer days - )


Who: Song Mingmei and OPEN
Where: Coffee shop off Main St. (Marvel DOOR)
When: August 30, afternoon
What: Debating going for another degree, researching and drinking coffee, and people watching
Status: Open to anyone!

Life goals. Those were important, right? )

Aug. 29th, 2015


Louis D, Neil D, Joseph W, Helena W

[Locked to Louis D]
Shane's gone.

[Locked to Neil D]
How're you holding up? And skip the bullshit and go right to the truth, yeah?

[Locked to Joseph W]
Hey, baby.

[Locked to Hels]
Thanks for all the info, yeah? It saved our asses.


[Quicklog: Louis, Peggy, and the Abandoned Subway Station]

A single, blue-white electric blip of light. )

Aug. 24th, 2015


babs/ronan partying it up

[Babs was in need of some fun that didn't include skinning deer or crafting leather armor. Skyrim was a great way to blow off steam and clear her head, but she was only 21 and she needed a reminder of what real fun looked like. With all her friends pretty much gone from Burnside and her bat family unfamiliar at best, she couldn't ask any of them to go dancing with her without constantly worrying about stepping on toes (figuratively). She needed to make new friends and some in the other door would be even better.

And for the record, she did make shirts. No, they weren't the highest quality or even the best thing to have on your shirt when going out for a night of partying, but Barbara didn't care. If they could have a good time being goofballs, they could get dressed up next time. She was wearing her shirt with some cute jeans and her red hair curled to look flowy and princessy (which contrasted the TRASH lettering on her shirt nicely). And she had Ronan's shirt wrapped up in some dollar store wrapping paper with purple stars all over it. She thought that (plus buying him a few drinks?) would make up for taking a sabbatical in another door.

She waited near the Marvel door and tried not to look nervous. It didn't really work. When was the last time she made friends, anyway?]


"Mortal Danger" in Marvel - Bruce B, Pepper P, Selina K, Steve R, Gwen S, Bucky B (+JARVIS)

[The coordinates that Robert provided were on the water, just at the river and overlooking the murky blue that Selina assumed hid Tony's bay lab from nosy eyes. And, honestly, what had the man been thinking? Building something down there. It seemed the most unsafe thing a person could do, and it didn't surprise her at all that Tony had done just that. Oh, she'd known about the lab when the last version of Robert Banner had been working on it, but looking down at that murky water made her comprehend just how deep the thing had to be.

Alright, so the kitty cat was fond of taking risks, but she was as hypocritical as anyone else. And right now? Right now she wanted to hiss at the tin man. It didn't help that she was tense, and that her mood wasn't precisely buoyant. And maybe she was a tiny bit concerned with what they'd find inside the lab itself. JARVIS had all but confirmed that Tony was inside and not doing well.

Impatient, she settled her hands on her hips. She'd taken a few minutes to change into skinny jeans and a simple t-shirt in black, her whip looped through the jean's beltloops, and heeled boots on her feet. And unlike the hotel lobby, now it was her turn to pace.] What's taking them so long?

[She assumed they'd let JARVIS know when everyone was there, and commence this farce of mortal danger that somehow involved six people who hadn't even been in the same space prior to said mortal danger occurring. And the fact that JARVIS went for that? It was the most worrisome thing of all.]

Aug. 22nd, 2015


[Log: Penny Dreadful]

Who: Daniel Webster and Mina Harker
What: Noms.
Where: London, Penny Dreadful.
When: Now.
Warnings/Rating: Mild.

She disliked him greatly, this man who preferred the spine of a book to her weight upon his lap. )

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