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Jan. 26th, 2015


Quicklog: Marvel - Saint & Louis

[The small apartment on the east side of Manhattan was cramped quarters but inside it looked a lot less like an architect's imperfect partitioning of a family home, and a lot more like an actual one. The space had been opened up through the arrangement of furniture and the coat of cheap white paint on the walls. There was a couch, despite Preston's polite disbelief that it had been acquired, with its back to the wall and a cheap, hand-assembled coffee table that was usually drawn up to its edge had been pushed aside as well. The screen in the corner just about masked the mattress on the floor, but the corner of unmade sheets tumbled just beyond its reach.

It wasn't a studio. There were no wide open spaces and the music playing from a cheap stereo was classical piano rather than something that outright intended to help guide meditation. There were no mirrors on the walls and no abundance of women in stretchy pants but Saint had conceded already to the practicalities of practice, and wore loose, soft pants beneath a very faded t-shirt that advertized a band he had never heard of and didn't intend to see. Twilight came in fast and quick in the winter, even with the street-lights outside and that had been several hours previous. Now the dark had dropped outside, blanket-heavy and with it the chill of promised snow. Saint sat in the corner of the couch, with a sheaf of photographs spread loose over the cushions, and a cup of tea steaming, forgotten on the floor at his feet.

The show had been good. Not a headliner, and he hadn't sold as many photographs through it as the old days in Vegas and New York and London. But the old days had gone and there were few photographers making money from their cameras these days and Saint's contentment was easy. He waited for Louis, looking at pictures of street-corners and pockets of community within the broader city, one bare foot tucked beneath his thigh and a posture of comfortable languidness.]

Jan. 11th, 2015


Evie S/Wren H, Louis D, Loren C

[Evie S/Wren H]

I saw something from Evie. Are you okay? Both of you.

[Louis D]


[Loren C]

Did you go?

Jan. 2nd, 2015


Public and various locks

Come on 2015, be cool. Be Cool.

[Locked: Jack C]

I loved the song (and Daisy does too). Thank you. Happy New Year.

[Locked: Sebastian V]

Thank you for the wine, Sebastian. Happy New Year.

[Locked: Marina S]

Thanks for the gift card. Seriously. It meant a lot. Happy New Year.

[Locked: Saint R]

This gift is going to help with my New Years Resolution. Happy New Year, Saint

Jan. 1st, 2015


Wren H, Louis D, Preston R, Public

[Wren H]

Thank you. Have you looked at it?

[Louis D]

That's some present.

[Preston R]

Good Christmas?


Resolutions: buy new socks. Learn to play the ukulele. Find a good story.

Dec. 26th, 2014


meredith j, public

[After the gift. LOCKED: Meredith J]

Looks expensive.

Christmas is still a good time around here?

Dec. 6th, 2014


Quicklog: Evie and Saint

Who: Evie and Saint
Where: Some dancing bar
When: Saturday night!
What: Adulthood?
Warnings: LOL no. But we'll let you know if/when she ends up getting him arrested.

[After what was certainly hours of sending Wren snapchats that looked like this, this, and this.

And getting any variation of this, this and this in return.

It was it finally decided that this, was worthy of this.


Then there was waiting for Saint, but he was on time. And then there was snapchatting a selfie of the both of them to Wren (like prom??) and then there was snapchatting a picture of his shoes as well. She did not hand him a prom script, who had the time? All of her prime prom script writing had been overrun by apparently hideous sweaters. When had she become hideous sweater mom?

Regardless, tonight, at the dancing bars, with her friend, she was not hideous sweater mom. She was red dress mom. She could handle red dress mom. And beer. She could handle beer. To a certain extent. Tipsy Evie was just louder Evie. And tipsy Evie was just friendlier Evie. And tipsy Evie was laugh even louder at everyone's jokes Evie. It made for an interesting evening out, but she was glad she'd decided to leave the house again. Things were looking up.]

Dec. 5th, 2014



[Most of the evening, she reads through what she can.]

Well, it still looks like New York.

Nov. 30th, 2014


Evie S, Wren H/Luke H, Louis D

[Evie S]

So that was Thanksgiving.

[[The Henrys - collectively]

Thanks for the invite. It was nice.

[Louis D]

Did they corral?

Nov. 26th, 2014


Preston R & Louis A separately

[Preston R and Louis A: separately]

My friend is holding a Thanksgiving thing. And I thought maybe you'd want to come. If you're not doing something. Because sometimes plans with friends are better than no plans. But you might have plans. And Wren's nice.

Nov. 22nd, 2014


Luke H, Saint R, Evie S, Jack C, Lin A

[Locked to Luke H]
[The day after she goes back to work.] Your son says you're getting Lia a pterodactyl for her birthday.

[Locked individually to Saint R, Evie S, Jack C]

[Locked to Lin A]
Are things better?

Nov. 8th, 2014


Public, Wren H, Evie S, Preston R, Louis D, Lin A


No one died this time. Did they?

[Wren H]

You came through okay. Right?

[Evie S]

No crying this time. But no tea. Was yours better this time around?

[Preston R]

All right?

[Louis D]

I'm running out of ways to ask people if they're okay. Are you?

[Lin A]

Survived it? Skipped it?

Oct. 7th, 2014


Wren H, Louis D, Preston R

[Wren H]

It's been a while.

[Louis D]

How is the sleep?

[Preston R]


Oct. 6th, 2014



Seriously, IKEA, what fresh hell is this?

Sep. 20th, 2014


Partial Public: Locked to Friends

[Two in the morning, the post comes through. It's locked, rather vaguely, to 'friends', which should hopefully do the job, and ends up covering any person friendly to him, including strangers. Handwrting looser than usual.]

why am I still awake?

Sep. 11th, 2014


Dual narrative: Peter P and Saint R

Who: Spiderman + Saint R
What: Photo-shoot.
When: Recently
Where: Marvel New York

Giant lizards? Best friends turning into goblins? Sure. Electric men? Other animal-themed supervillains? )

Sep. 9th, 2014


Wren H, ETA: Saint R

[Locked to Wren H]
Girl, I've been a shitty bodyswap pen-pal and I'm sorry.

ETA: [Locked to Saint R]
Hey, girl.

Sep. 8th, 2014


[Public - Almost absent-mindedly public - the horror is real and I say she needs people to talk to]

Absolutely no one told me my ears were this huge.......

Aug. 20th, 2014


Public, Steve R, Preston R, Wren H


Eight seconds.

[Steve R]

[A quick-sketch, pencil. Not as good as photographs, it's not his strength. But enough. Small figure, hand outstretched.]

I think I owe you a thank you.

[Preston R]

You sent Captain America.

[Wren H]

Are you safe?

Aug. 13th, 2014


Who: Steve R and Saint R
What: Doing a solid for a friend + hallucinatory fun
Where: Bronx check-point
When: Now-ish

He'd forgotten a number of things, turned out pockets and a leather wallet, much creased, safety-pinned to his shoulder where it felt like a weight - a medal perhaps, or an anchor. He'd forgotten his name, but it didn't worry him much )

Aug. 9th, 2014


Wren H, Lin A

[Wren H]

Please tell me you're not in the city.

[Lin A]

Different door. Right?

[Preston R]

I thought alien invasion was enough.

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