November 2015




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Sep. 26th, 2015



[During this, in Irene's sitting room. Grumpily.]

I am in search of a man and any assistance would be much appreciated.

He is an unimpressive man, neither especially ugly or especially handsome. Some average height, perhaps somewhat less, 5 ft 7 or thereabouts. He comes from moderate wealth, though not the peerage. He has traveled abroad a distance, and he has had an opium habit for some time. There is some evidence to suggest he is not British. Possessed of certain imagination, he has a wife or sister that is blonde and well-favoured.

[To Irene: "There. Are you happy?"]

Sep. 22nd, 2015


Locks: Pepper P, Clementine M, Cris M

[Pepper P]

Hi there, Ms. Potts.

[Clementine M]

I called out from work with a family emergency, I figure in a week or so I'll kill off a relative and buy a little more time to try and help you friends if I can.

But more importantly....

I feel like we are at the point in our relationship where I can tell you that I've been wondering and thinking that you might be having some feelings. All kinds of feelings, probably some shit ones as of late. Me too.

So. I, Dr. Penny Ross, have devised an alternative solution.

Please welcome....

From the woman who made eating your feelings fun again....

Penny's Fried Peach Pies

[Cris M]


Sep. 18th, 2015


Ocean's Eleven, PT: Meredith, Sam, Cris

[The hospital Meredith got moved to was more like a resort than hospital, at least it felt that way to Sam. It was a recovery and therapy place, yeah? But still full nursing and doctors or whatever, private rooms, and it looked like some place for vacation, and Sam figured Neil's guilt was bankrolling the thing hard.

Sam had been at Cris' a few days now, and she was clean. A pair of recently stolen, too-loose and cut-hem jeans, along with a long-sleeved green shirt stolen from Teresita's room, hair tied low, and Sam looked ok. She was starting to jones like crazy, though, and an early morning perusal of Cris' place revealed no money that wasn't in a fat, pink piggybank, and she wasn't that low YET. But, yeah, she needed something fast, or she was going to break that fucking pig. She knew it. Maybe she could find something cheap to sell, but she'd ask around first. She'd already pocketed a spoon for when she scored, and her belly hurt like it was eating itself through. She was jittery as a result, yeah? Like a string pulled too tight.

Maybe it wasn't the best day to go visiting or whatever.

But here they were, walking down the marble halls and passing gift shops and indoor swimming pools. Open doors revealed rooms that looked like hotel suites, and Sam was hella aware that she and Cris looked like maybe they'd ended up in the wrong place. That, or they were someone's poor relations or whatever, but they definitely didn't look like they belonged in this place. Sam edged away from the walls, like they were too clean for her to brush up against, and she motioned down the hall, to where the woman at the nursing station had told them Meredith's room was.

She'd asked, too, nosy, if Neil was there, and the nurse assured her Meredith was alone again, and she said it like she wasn't approving or something. There was a story there, yeah? But Sam, she wasn't asking.]

Sep. 17th, 2015



I'm looking for a doctor. A surgeon. Something like that.


Peggy C

[During this and this.]

[Locked to Peggy C]
[Just going right into it.] I'm Lou's family. He says he's with you. You're [...] I know you're somebody, but I dunno who.

Sep. 14th, 2015



Everything has gotten so loud.


Luke H

['Cause he doesn't know what else to do, fuzzy during this, and after this.]

[Locked to Luke H]
Need you to check in on that Donna girl posting, if you could, huh? I would, but I'm busy and I don't got the brainspace. She's talking bout a stalker or something. I'll owe you.


Public (minus Flash T)

[Public minus Flash T]

[ETA: After this and this.]

Campus security isn't picking up. Anyone else have any ideas for dealing with a weirdo stalker?

Misunderstanding. Carry on.

Can we please deal with the cow now?

Sep. 13th, 2015


[locks to sam a, cris m, neil d]

[Time fuzz - after this. Shaky print.]

[sam a]

Sam. Why did you ask about Ian?

[cris m]

Did you see what Sam said? She took it down.

[neil d]

did you see what i just something is wrong with

How are you? How is Meredith?

Sep. 11th, 2015


cris m.

[Locked to Cris M. after this.]
Can u talk?

Sep. 7th, 2015


Neil D

[After seeing this.]

[Locked to Neil D]
We gotta talk.

Sep. 3rd, 2015



[As 'Belle.']

If one wished to convert goods to funds in another door, where would one do such?

Sep. 2nd, 2015


public & locked

[Fuzzy timelines]

[Silent Hill Crew]

[The post comes a little strangely as she gets used to voice to text.]

Thank you for helping me. I'm sorry for getting you involved in that mess. Thank you. I don't think I can ever repay you. Any of you.


Change is never easy is it?

Sep. 1st, 2015


clem m, cris m

[After this.]

[Group Lock]
Its gettin worse
We need a plan

Aug. 28th, 2015


Penny R

[While waiting for Meredith to be admitted in Ocean's Eleven.]

[Text to Penny R]
Back. Keep kiddo for a night? Lemme get my head on right [...] And shower

Aug. 21st, 2015


Lou D & Neil D

[During this.]

[Locked to Lou D & Neil D]
In the school
@ Entrance

Aug. 16th, 2015


Locked: Cris M/Penny R

[Locked: Cris M]

Hi, honey. You okay?

Aug. 7th, 2015


Text: Penny R, ETA: Lou D & Neil D, Sam A

[During this.]

[Text: Penny R]
Need u to watch t and rodin. Sitter has spare key. Indefinite cover @ work pleas

ETA: [Locked to Lou D & Neil D]
[Just after this, after he tries calling back at least half a dozen times.]

sam s in the door we have to find it NOW uim here looking

[Desperation lock to Sam A]



I can't find the key.

I can't find the key to get out of here.

I've looked everywhere and I can't find the key!

Aug. 6th, 2015


[locked to cris m]

How is Liam? Did he make it?

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