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Sep. 19th, 2015



[Public: As Irene A]

Oh this is novel.


Declan M, Matt M

[Locked to Declan M]
[And pretending not one damn weird thing happened any.] We got us an invitation somewhere, and it ain't polite to say no.

[Locked to Matt M]
Reckon you best check on James, honey.

Sep. 11th, 2015


[Triage for the billionaire]

Who: Clem, Penny, Pepper, Bucky (+ not!dead Tony Stark)
What: Checking Tony's non-vital vitals
Where: Graham & Shane's old place
When: Recentish
Warnings/Rating: Don't think so

Clementine, she wasn't sure of any damn thing. )

Sep. 10th, 2015


[locked to clem m]

Need a favor.

Sep. 8th, 2015


[Bruce B. and Clementine M.]

[Bruce B. and Clementine M.]

[Fuzzy timelines.]

Dost thy studies concern children?

Sep. 5th, 2015


[odd couple lock]

[James B. & Clementine M.]

[After returning and finding the apartment very still and unoccupied. Worried.]

Thy business has not yet completed abroad, I find?




The fire thing. That a New York thing, or a this-world-kind-of-nuts thing?

Sep. 3rd, 2015



[As 'Belle.']

If one wished to convert goods to funds in another door, where would one do such?

Sep. 1st, 2015


clem m, cris m

[After this.]

[Group Lock]
Its gettin worse
We need a plan

Aug. 31st, 2015



Huh. I swear I've had this dream before.


Clementine M

[They come via the hotel. Prettily gilted and engraved with the name Clementine and guest. There's no accompanying note, no post-script. Just the date, a week hence.]


Declan M

[Locked to Declan M]
[Despite being holed up in his guest room at the lake for the whole damn day, and without coming out even once.]

You be real kind and say you're willing to get plenty drunk with your sister.


locked: Clementine M

[Clementine M]

Heard from Cris. He's out of the door. Haven't heard about the state of anything. He'll call me tomorrow.

How are you, honey?

Aug. 24th, 2015



[text to clem m.]

when you done bein rugged and shit? our dog misses you

[text to declan m.]

you're missing all the fun shit dude


Cute picture of a pug underneath the cut )

where's the dog modling agencys tho

Aug. 22nd, 2015


On a gamble: Sherlock H, Clementine M

[Sherlock H]


[Clementine M]

Movies are tantamount to witchcraft, Galatea. There's a ball to be held a week on Thursday, should you wish the procurement of an invitation.

Aug. 16th, 2015


locks: Mikey C, Clementine M

[Mikey C]

I just noticed the craziest thing.

[Clementine M]

No more motel hell. :)

Aug. 15th, 2015


Marvel, Saranac Lake: Sylvie & Dec & Clem

[Clementine, she rented herself a big old truck in garish red for the drive out to Saranac Lake.

It was only a few hours out, but the bag sitting in the passenger's seat made it real clear that Clementine intended to stay a spell. Her work schedule was clear as crystal for the weekend, and she reckoned some time away might do some good. She was real tired of dead blonde girls, and she was real tired of folks going off and losing themselves in doors, and she was real tired of heroic menfolk that disappeared without a peep.

She'd already decided to move back on home, to her place in Hell's Kitchen. No point staying where Matt and Bucky were, not if Matt was moving around plenty. Clementine, she wasn't much worried about danger in her own apartment, not with the glass fixed and a real good alarm installed. She'd been antsy some since seeing Joy, wanting her own space back and something like centering. Her life wasn't on over in Queens, and her life wasn't Graham and Shane anymore. They had their own things sussed, and she wasn't real good at being an accessory to other folks' loving.

So, getting away some would be nice. It would give her time to think, and she hadn't seen Sylvie since they were all small, and she reckoned that might be nice too. Might be, because one never could tell with Murphys.

It was long-since dark by the time she pulled up in front of the cabin. She hauled her bag out and hitched it on her shoulder, and walked toward the door in snug denim and plaid.]

Aug. 9th, 2015


Graham R & Shane A, Declan M, James B & Matt M

[Group: Graham R & Shane A]
Nother one of them girls turned up dead near you. Seems Penny'll be in Bronx a spell, but you keep an eye out once she's back there. Man doing this has a real hankering for blondes that come blonde as they can be, and they don't come a whole lot blonder than Penny.

[Locked to Declan M]
[After talking some with Shane.] Honey, need you to lie through your teeth and tell work I'm sick as plagues.

[Locked to James B & Matt M]
Matt, you best be home by now.

Aug. 8th, 2015


Locks to Louis D & Clementine M

[Louis D]

Hey there.

[Clementine M]

How are you with plants?

Aug. 5th, 2015



well isnt this fun.

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