November 2015




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Aug. 5th, 2015


Text to Aubrey R

[In the middle of the night - about 1.]

Are you awake?


Cris M

[Call to Cris M]

[Roughly a half hour after Liam's post. Ring.]

Jul. 29th, 2015


Victor F, Letters to the Editor

[Locked to Victor F]
"I had a dream, which was not at all a dream."

[A publication]
With regard to A.I.'s letter -- dated Monday. )

Jul. 28th, 2015


Text: Flash T

[Text: Flash T]
Ok I rly feel like youre ignoring me, thompson. 🙊 Care to mount a defense?

Jul. 23rd, 2015


Ekaterina D, Marta F

[Text to Elya D]

I didn't have to pretend I was injured.

[Marta F]

Hi. [...] I heard you guys talked. Was it totally Maury Povich?

Jul. 19th, 2015


Cris M

[Text after this, with a slight delay to get up, out, and find a prepaid cell. She's hunkered down somewhere safe to ride out the worst of it. Typed carefully.]

[Text to Cris M]
hey. i'm ok. i messed up, but i'm fine, yeah? i just want to sleep. will call when i wake or whatever. pls, pls, i'm ok. just let me sleep. don't freak or whatever, don't freak anyone else out. i'm ok. i just want sleep and some time alone, k? i'll call.

Jul. 15th, 2015


Harry O

[Super tentative. She tries to use "Emmy," but it won't stick at all now. As "Unknown."]

[Locked to Harry O]
Hey, Harry. Can I bother you for a minute? [Blink.] Well, technically, it'll probably be longer than a minute, but that's the commonly used phrase to indicate a minor period of time.

Jul. 12th, 2015



[Bruce W.]
[The Bat Computer, which was completely overrun by Eddie's tech, starts to revert back to something more Wayne Corp. The self-taught hacker signatures vanish in favor of modern money. Green turns to blue. It's his resignation letter without having to actually say so. Which is so Riddler.]

Jul. 11th, 2015


Help Wanted

The ad goes up around the hotel, just a little slip of paper that could easily go ignored.

Help Wanted

General Labor

Compensation up for Negotiation

Inquire on the journals, attention Mister L

Jul. 5th, 2015


Luke H

[Left on the kitchen counter, Luke H]

[She had the best intentions of posting publicly and trying to be social, really. But in the end, just two tickets for the 7/25 event.]


Evie Narrative!

Who: Evangeline "This is Fine" Sablier
Where: Hell Costco
When: On the 3rd of July
What: Did you hear me? COSTCO. ON THE THIRD. OF JULY.
Warnings: COSTCO on the THIRD of JULY

This is fine )

Jul. 1st, 2015


Text: Neil D

[Text to Neil D]

(after this)

I can't do this anymore.

Jun. 21st, 2015


Ronan X, Marta F, Public

[Text to Ronan X]

I haven't heard from you since before the party.

[Marta F]
[Deep breath. Loooots of deep breathing.]


[Public, anon.]

There was a boy in the park who heard a girl that no one else could. Thank you.

Jun. 5th, 2015


Neil D

[A note left for Neil on the kitchen counter, where she knows he'll see it. The handwriting's normal, nothing out of the ordinary to tell that anything's amiss.]

I joined a book club here in town and we're meeting this afternoon. There was talk of grabbing something to eat afterwards, so I might be home late.

Love you.


Jun. 4th, 2015



I found that wymyns dream interpretation book I won in a completely legal bet. Anyone looking for some meaning? I will warn you, it appears to be that most dreams are nothing more than impending slavery to dicks or that you're about to start your period.

[The Bards]

I can hear that sneezing all the way from the ladies locker room. Who is it? I don't need a cold right now. I feel like I'm getting a sore throat.

Also, we SHOULDN'T do a HxC title promo at that VERY PUBLIC funeral on Monday, right?

[Text: Hal J/"Bat Facts"]

[From a burner phone she picked up at the sketchy bodega downstairs. Flood of texts incoming.]

Thank you for signing up for Bat Facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about bats! /\^._.^/\

The Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus) has glands on its face that can produce a musky odor, similar to a skunk, which may be used for defense. Though one of the larger North American bats, its tendency to fly low to the ground searching for scorpions makes it vulnerable to many predators. (To cancel Daily Bat Facts, please reply: BatCancel)

Would you like to receive a Bat Fact every hour? (To cancel, please reply with one time code: T269qoiOIH392ufwo)

May. 29th, 2015


Peter P

[Text to Peter P]
[As she waits at Midtown Library for Harry, and just after this.]


I'm still waiting on Harry, but can you do me a totally tiny favor?

May. 27th, 2015


Jules B, Aubrey R

[Text to Aubrey R]

Are you okay? Mingmei is back!

[Locked to Jules B]

Are you okay?

May. 26th, 2015


Evie S

[The note's left on the counter, come the morning after that dreaming nonsense. It's written real neat, and there's a real nice roll of hundreds pinning it down.]


Probably noticed, but Shane took off and Graham never did come when he said he would. Ain't got the slightest clue where Jack got to, and I'm a month behind on this place. Figured there'd be money coming in, but there ain't. Shane ain't inclined to stay where I'm at, and I'm done with these damn men and doing things to make it all fit some. Know this is real inconvenient for you and your girl, but you stay until they sell this place off cheap, and the money should help some after.

Graham'll probably stay with his cousin. Know there's room for you there. Always was, and I shouldn't have gone fussing with it any.

Clementine Murphy

[The keys are left with the note and the money, along with the realtor's card and showing schedule.]

May. 14th, 2015


Flash T & Gwen S

[There's a basket of muffins left on the counter Thursday morning. Poppyseed, Blueberry, and of course - Chocolate. There's a note laying on the counter beneath the basket.]

I promise these don't bite.

Happy Thursday!


May. 11th, 2015


Mikey Carroll

[Note left on Mikey C's locker at the firehouse]

[It's a folded printout of Michelangelo's David's parts. Beneath, in familiar handwriting.] Need a new bandaid for that scraped elbow, Michelangelo?

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