November 2015



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August 31st, 2015

[info]deployed in [info]rooms

locked: Clementine M

[Clementine M]

Heard from Cris. He's out of the door. Haven't heard about the state of anything. He'll call me tomorrow.

How are you, honey?

[info]ropes in [info]rooms

narrative: marvel, cerise

Who: Cerise & Zoe
What: Morning routine.
Where: Home.
When: Recently.
Warnings: Some darkness.

Its domestic and strange. )

[info]mareas in [info]rooms

Declan M

[Locked to Declan M]
[Despite being holed up in his guest room at the lake for the whole damn day, and without coming out even once.]

You be real kind and say you're willing to get plenty drunk with your sister.

[info]incharge in [info]rooms


Who: Neil.
What: Falling off the wagon.
Where: Vegas, Ocean's Eleven.
When: Recently/Nowish.
Warnings/Rating: Sads. Alcohol. Yk.

In the end, Neil couldn't decide whether he'd won or lost. )

[info]likeaspider in [info]rooms

flash t.

[locked to flash t.]

Hey. We've got a problem. [And a link to this post.]

[info]simple_life in [info]rooms


[Group Text]

Just checking in to make sure everyone's alive.

[info]ofcain in [info]rooms


Huh. I swear I've had this dream before.

[info]bohemianscandal in [info]rooms

Clementine M

[They come via the hotel. Prettily gilted and engraved with the name Clementine and guest. There's no accompanying note, no post-script. Just the date, a week hence.]

[info]strikethose in [info]rooms

neil d/louis d

[During this.] Neil, how are you?

[info]thelazarus in [info]rooms

[locked to flash t]

[During this.]

If we don't come up with a good plan to rescue Sharon, Gwen's going after her. They're looking for her, so that's the last thing she needs to be doing. Any ideas so far? Is Parker involved in this?

[info]shadowbabs in [info]rooms


[Public as Barbara G.]

I don't care what anyone says, early Halloween decorations are the best.

[Stephanie B.]

Are you still in the cape and cowl?

[Batman & Robin]

There's a couple officers in Gotham that are willing to work with you two. Only you two. [A list of about five on the level officers. None of them especially high ranking.] I've been in contact with them as Barbara Gordon and have let them know that they can count on you for assistance. You should ask the same of them, to build trust.

As you can see, most of them have been demoted or taken off jobs because they're not working for any mobs, so we're still a long way from putting a bat signal up. [...] My dad was like one of these officers when he was younger and he made a difference. It's a start, even if it's a small one.

[info]genes in [info]rooms


What is a "Red Hood"? A gang?