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April 18th, 2015

[info]soundofwings in [info]rooms

[Eddie N]

[Not even full seconds before she runs from the door, in a messy scrawl:]

Ask him. He can explain

[info]mareas in [info]rooms

Jack C, Penny R, Marina S

[Locked to Jack C]
You practice plenty?

[Locked to Penny R]
You hear from that cousin of yours yet? Ain't sure where he and Shane ended up.
[Deleted once she hears from Graham here.]

[Locked to Marina S]
Anything new outside I should worry about killing me?

[info]foundling in [info]rooms

Log, Marvel: Penny R & Cris M

Who: Penny Ross & Cris Martin-Argüelles
What: adult beverages
Where: Marvel, hole-in-the-wall in Mott Haven
When: now
Warnings/Rating: probs not much, but TBD

It was spring feigning at summer, birds chattering where they found branches not yet green, brown bones under that cracked sun, and the mood was light, like it always was when the snow stopped and people remembered what it was like when it wasn't freezing and miserable. )

[info]hauntedsoul in [info]rooms

shane a., clem m., penny r., evie s., jake r.

[After making his way back into the city (thanks, hotel) and finding a damn shirt.]

[locked to shane a. & clem m.]

where'd you two end up?

[locked to penny r.]

hey. still okay if i stay with you?

[locked to evie s.]

hey, evie.

[locked to jake r.]

[...] hi.

[info]signpost in [info]rooms

Graham R

[Locked to Graham R]


[info]infishnets in [info]rooms

Gotham: Zatanna, Louis, Eddie

Who: Zatanna Z, Louis D, Eddie N
What: Dead bodies and undead spirits
Where: Shadowcrest, Gotham
When: Recent

If it was a gamble, it was her last hand of cards )

[info]handlewithcare in [info]rooms

Narrative: Evangeline Sablier

Who: Evie
What: Narrative
Where: Her motel room
When: Last night
Warnings: Blink and you miss it references to past self harm, but nothing graphic at all.

Open me up and you will see, I'm a gallery of broken hearts, I'm beyond repair, let me be, And give me back my broken parts. )