November 2015



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November 27th, 2014

[info]maldito in [info]rooms

delivery: marina s

[Late. Delivered to Marina S, for Nathan.]

[Wrapped up in tissue paper inside of a plain brown box: a Where the Wild Things Are costume, and a card with Shane's signature scrawled at the bottom.]

[info]lionessrises in [info]rooms


[Locked to Harley, as Hels]

Staying out of trouble?

[info]greasemonkey in [info]rooms

Russ: narrative

Who: Russ C
What: Thanksgiving ~celebrations
When: Thursday day/evening

He spent Thanksgiving in the lobby of the hotel )

[info]mareas in [info]rooms

Log: Clem & Dick

Who: Dick and Clem
What: A new home
Where: Dick's apartment building, Gotham
When: Backdated a few weeks
Warnings/Rating: Nopes

Dick Grayson was a sucker for people in need. He was also a sucker for a pretty woman. A pretty woman in need of some help? He was all over it. )

[info]roomsanon in [info]rooms

[News: Marvel]

[Families gathered around the television to watch football on Thursday are interrupted by two news updates.

Oscorp PR representatives announce that the company's new CEO, Harry Osborn, is taking some time to mourn the death of his beloved father. They reassure stockholders that everything will continue on at Oscorp, and that any spurious claims about facilities or testing are unfounded. No charges have been brought against Mr. Osborn or the company, and they talk about their vision for the future and promise a press release with their new CEO upon his return.

Later in the day, CPS makes an announcement regarding Norman Osborn's adopted daughter, Emily, who was in the news earlier in the week. The child is safe, CPS representatives assure the press, but after a missed meeting for a field investigation, one expedited by concerns voiced by the child's nannies, and a walkthrough of the home with Osborn lawyers, it has been determined that Harry Osborn is not a suitable parent for the toddler. Additionally, paperwork for the girl's adoption is, under closer scrutiny, deemed questionable. The child, CPS has determined, will remain in their custody until further notice.]

[info]everymansdream in [info]rooms


Anyone out there have any Thanksgiving plans?