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June 27th, 2014

[info]goodmaninastorm in [info]rooms

dream, closed }

Who: Arizona Robbins & Henry de Foix (The Beast)
What: Shared Dreaming
Where: Arizona’s Nightmare
When: June 27
Warnings/Rating: Beware of blood and plane crashes!

The noise was indescribable, metal rending itself apart, the scrape of branches and the brushing of leaves, fire burning, fast and hot, smoke curling up through the trees, thick and dark. )

[info]roomsanon in [info]rooms

anon public

Does anyone have the ability to give me powers? I don't feel safe without some kind of way to protect myself these days. I have money.

[info]leavethenest in [info]rooms

quicklog: dami/jason on a roof behind wayne tower

[Damian could have been Batman. His gear appeared here with his other stuff, offering him a solution to the problem that was Gotham. Or at least, called itself Gotham. This was a place he didn't recognize and he blamed it on the time lost. His Gotham was a smattering of color, grime and blood. This place was just grime and blood. His family was gone, Jason was the only one "cleaning" up the streets and he almost didn't believe his father would be back. He could be Batman. He was a good Bat in his world after he got over all the hangups. But, what was the point here?

Instead, he was in his Robin outfit. His hair was shaved on the sides in a style that suited him now, but never did before his time away. There was a ring in his ear and tiny scars on his face. The yellow cape flapped in the wind like a beacon. Robin was a target. A dot to hit. Part of him wondered if his brother was so convinced he was a clone that he would try to kill him first. Part of him knew Jason wouldn't do that.

He crossed his arms. He tried not to think about all the people Jason killed in his name. He tried not to let his blood boil right over.]

[info]agoodman in [info]rooms

Liam R

[Phone call to Liam's phone]

Ring, ring.