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June 10th, 2014

[info]onerule in [info]rooms

log: bruce/dick

Who: Bruce & Dick
What: Hospital visit.
Where: Uh, the hospital.
When: Backdated to before plot & before Bruce leaves Gotham.
Warnings/Rating: Nah.

Dick couldn’t move but he wanted to, he was always animated and he felt trapped in his own body for the first time in his life. )

[info]cheerhappy in [info]rooms

Public, Bruce B, Helen M, Ra's, X-Mansion

I think I should count myself lucky I was left out of whatever happened, after reading some of these posts.

[Locked to Bruce B & Helen M (but separately)]
[A link to the chromosomal map provided by Ra's] Check out what I've got.

Were you involved in what they're all talking about?

[Locked to the X Mansion]
Has anyone had any luck finding whoever was taking people?

[info]lionessrises in [info]rooms

Helena Narrative

Who: Helena and a good samaritan
What: A new home
Where: A bridge
When: Post plot
Warnings/Rating: Referenced nakedness, sexy times and madness.

A pretty blond )

[info]lionessrises in [info]rooms

Public, Hannibal L.

Anger, language, themes of sex and consent. Here there be warnings. )

[Locked to Hannibal L.]

I'm afraid I'm going to miss our appointment this week.

[info]maldito in [info]rooms

Marina S

[Locked to Marina S]
make it through okay?

[info]chovahani in [info]rooms

Billy K, various ladies of Marvel, ETA: Erik L

[Locked to Billy K]

Were you at the event?

[Locked to Lady Avengers and Lady Mutants]

Were any of you there? Are you all right?

ETA: [Locked to Erik L]
[After this]


[info]clearmyledger in [info]rooms

Various, James R

[Filtered to those at the Project Insight meeting]
It's time to start planning. If not, I'll take care of it alone

[James R]
You weren't involved in what the hotel did recently, were you?

[info]luckythirteen in [info]rooms

Sharon C/Bucky B

[Bucky B]

[During her convo with Natasha]

Hey there, Buck.

[info]roomsswap in [info]rooms

Swap Reveal

Who: Trystan
What: Reveal
Warnings/Rating: None

He knew he was back without looking in the mirror. )

[info]ihavefaith in [info]rooms

Who: Charles Xavier and Gwen Dailey
What: Charles arrives home to find a very interesting array of new friends in his house.
When: Like right now
Where: X Mansion
Warnings: Nada

The Prodigal Son Returns, Again, For the Last Time. )

[info]roomsanon in [info]rooms

news: marvel

[Early in the morning there starts to be buzz on social networking and then reports on the news channels. A man was spotted in New York City flying effortlessly with no wings not far off the ground. When he was approached by police he appeared to use super powers to remove their firearms and then pistol whipped three officers until they slumped unconscious to the ground. Several pictures from iPhones were captured although they were blurry or shaky from the curious people hiding. It was clearly a man with a helmet on, and he lifted the two nearby police cars and threw them. All cameras went to follow the cars, and by the time they looked back, the man disappeared. No one got a good look at his face due to the helmet, but buzz and rumors fly around about who he could be and if he was a threat.]

[info]ex_thisismym190 in [info]rooms

VA Hospital: Tim/Steph

Who: Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown
What: A visit! With cupcakes.
Where: VA hospital
When: Nowish
Warnings: Probably light, but will update if needed.

Cut for length )

[info]ihavefaith in [info]rooms

Public, X-Mansion, and Erik, you drama queen.


This day has proven to be one of my most interesting, and given recent days...I think I'd leave it at this day has been interesting.

[X-Mansion Inhabitants]

[After this]

So, I think I have the basics from Ms. Dailey, who I thank for helping to keep everything around here organized. Some of you, I hear, know me, and some of you do not. I would like to meet all of you before too long, but understand if you'd rather keep to yourself.

I am Charles Xavier, and I hope that my home will continue to keep you comfortable. And I am here at your convenience.

Right then.

[Erik Lehnsherr]

[after this OF COURSE.]

As if the situation isn't already complicated enough, Erik?

[info]roomsverse in [info]rooms

[TWD: Prison break]

[Solitary was in the dead center of the prison.

From the East, C Block led into offices before turning into the cafeteria and, then, the infirmary. The cafeteria was teeming, a result of officers holing up in the nearby kitchen, a trapped food supply for the undead that had lasted months into the endemic.

From the West, an unfenced and gaping A Block led to B Block, where the undead had been feasting on the bloated corpses of prisoners and corrections officers until weeks earlier, when their supply had run out.

Solitary was in the center, a long row with two locked gates at either end, and a breach in the stones that led to the infested area near the prison's center yard. From there, a near-herd of dead had poured in, and they were currently ramming a door that bent inward and inward with each slam of bodies. And it was clear why they were frenzied; the entire space smelled of copper and fresh blood, and there was a layer of it leading into the door that they were battering.

C Block's courtyard had, at some point during an evening filled with hotel madness, been breached. One small corner, just a fence bent in when the watch was relaxed overnight as a result of bodies being swapped. Slowly, as the sun rose, the undead that paced outside the courtyard moved closer and closer to that maw, and they opened it wide, and they lurched toward the door that opened onto C Block's common area.]

[info]crazypants in [info]rooms

Public, Aubrey R, Mingmei S


Who came back in a suit and shiny shoes?

[Aubrey R and Mingmei S, individually]

Were you there?

[info]forthem in [info]rooms

log: visit -- lin/steph

WHO Stephanie and Lin.
WHAT Lin comes to visit!
WHEN Pre-plot.
WHERE VA hospital.

[Lin had messaged Stephanie over the journals to alert her that he was coming, and she propped open the door to the hotel hallway. By that point, she'd cleaned up her hospital room in anticipation. Personal touches here and there brought life to a nondescript, drab hospital room. Wedding magazines were piled (albeit a little messily) atop her night stand. Eddie's tiny Riddler trophy blinked over her head, and a bright green pillow with a purple question-mark on it sat on her bed. Lights that looked like purple paper lanterns hung in the window, which was opened just a touch to let some air into the otherwise stuffy room. Her art supplies -- paints, pencils, sketchbooks -- were messily shoved into a recyclable shopping back at the side of her bed, next to a chair that was close to her bedside.

It wasn't home in the slightest, but it looked homey. Eddie splashed color into the room, and she tried her best to keep it going when he wasn't around. Things were still hard, really hard, but they were starting to look up. Medicine was working, therapy was providing tiny breakthroughs, and Stephanie finally felt like she was getting some support beyond just Eddie. (Which, she insisted, was still enough.) Even if the support was coming from someone she just talked to on the journals. When Lin came through the door, she was sitting on her bed, cross-legged and in a Gotham U sweater and leggings and socks, looking through a wedding magazine full of different wedding dress designs. On the bed, too, were a couple bottles of nai polish. Just the ones Lin asked for.]