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May 14th, 2014

[info]aneternity in [info]rooms

Who: Luke & Wren
What: Luke goes to talk Wren into coming home, but not much talking happens. (1/2)
Where: New Amsterdam theater.
When: Recently.
Warnings/Rating: Some foreplay.

She was supposed to be convincing him to stay. She was supposed to be pleading for another life, a safer life, a different life. But she couldn't. )

[info]ex_supervill870 in [info]rooms

Who: Norman Osborn
What: A narrative I should have done a while ago.
When: Sometime after this happened.
Where: The sekrit Oscorp lab where Jack was held.
Warnings/Rating: Uh no?

And so, right that second, Norman started doing things himself. )

[info]riddlethem in [info]rooms

everyone cares about dick: selina, eddie, tony, bruce, bruce 2, dick

[The Batcave isn't exactly the first place most people would bring a critically injured person, but the bats weren't really most people. Dick is set up in the medical wing (if you even want to call it that) of the cave. There's all the necessary equipment you'd expect in an ER, plus extra scanning devices and machines pushed off into the far corners. Eddie's the only one there with him now. Dressed in a t-shirt, jeans and green chuck taylors. He's covered in tattoos from his fingers to his neck, his arms are a little thicker than the muppet arms he used to have, he's got his glowing violet glasses on and he's starting Machina up with a ping. Eddie's in his mid thirties and despite dressing like a geeky teenager, he looks very serious right now.

He glances at all the medical equipment.

Eddie has no idea how most of this stuff works. He's never bothered to find out.

He can do basic stuff. Stitches. Set his shoulder back in. Take out a bullet. Fix a broken nose. Rogue stuff. But, the only times he's ever been as bad as pixie boots was when he got the ever living shit kicked out of him and was sent off to the Arkham hospital wing. Eddie doesn't know how to do real medical stuff, but he does have a magic space box that can ping away some of Dick's big problems.

As soon as Grayson is settled in his hospital bed there's a ping! and Eddie holds his hand over the bird's chest. Another piiing! and a multicolored light shoots out over Grayson's body. More pinging and Eddie nods along, understanding what each sounds means. There's internal bleeding, there's damaged organs. Machina can't fix it all, but she can stabilize him and that's enough. The light rolls and changes color like a tiny little light show. Giant wounds heal, organs are fixed, blood replenishes. The machine Dick is hooked up to shows his vitals stabilizing. Ping! "Running out already?" Eddie asks the magic box on his wrist and then winces as circuit board scars start forming fresh on his forearm, cross-stitching over his tattoos. The light intensifies for a second, stretching out over the side of the cave before dimming to a barely there, translucent wave.

Eddie sighs and then straps Machina on Dick's wrist to keep him stable. For now.]

[info]bicepstospare in [info]rooms

Delivery: Luke and Wren Henry

[A package arrives around mid-day with a bouquet of flowers, a box of diapers for the baby and assorted baby toys, a few books and stuffed animals for Gus, a gift card for a fancy New York restaurant and a box of chocolate]


Hey kids,

I'd rather be thanking you in person - but things are a little hectic, I'll stop by as soon as things calm down a little and we get a little more settled. Thanks for looking after Sadie - I hope she behaved herself. She seems to think she did, I remain suspicious - as always.

You two take care, and I hope things mellow out across the board.

Call me if either of you need anything.

Kyle West

[info]noshadow in [info]rooms

Pinkie P

[Locked to Pinkie P]

Did you still want to come over?

[info]predacious in [info]rooms

Gisele L

[Locked to Gisele L]

Would you be a dear and have the servants clear out the basement cellar? The one with no windows.

[info]vivreencore in [info]rooms

log: marvel, mutant manor - jack/rachel

Who: Jack and Rachel
What: Jack is working on being a normal person again, and meets a psychic instead.
Where: Outside the mutant manor house, DC Door.
When: Fuzzy. Around the time he sees Luke and Max, before seeing anyone else.
Warnings/Rating: None for now.

At night, when everything had quieted, it was easier to go out. )

[info]toberuled in [info]rooms

log: marvel - loki/spooky

Who: Loki and Spooky
What: Bros solemnly swearing they are up to no good.
Where: Marvel - A dirty bar in New York.
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: None.

One simply did not leave a deity of mischief to his own devices. )

[info]riddlethem in [info]rooms

bat, wondy, steph but not really steph

[Private to Batman]

We have a problem.

[Private to Diana P.]

How's it going, Lasso? Back yet?

[Private to Stephanie B]

Look I
The Laz pit just
[Nothing sent. Not even a cursor blink.]