November 2015



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May 3rd, 2014

[info]onerule in [info]rooms

log: gatsby, bruce/selina

Who: Bruce & Selina
What: A visit.
Where: Selina's apartment in Gatsby.
When: Sometime after this.
Warnings/Rating: Some adult stuff and all the sadness in the world.

This was a bad idea. )

[info]perspective in [info]rooms

Donovan Lock

[Locked to the Donovan family]

I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be moving to Metropolis sometime next week. A [...] friend has helped me get a flat there and a job to go along with it.

Come visit sometime?

Also, Alexander is back. I want to tell you but

[info]jukejoint in [info]rooms

Russ C

[Locked to Russ C]
Do me a favor, yeah?

[info]saltedand in [info]rooms

Marvel: MJ, Peggy, Natasha

[Locked to MJ]

Is everything all right? I've just waded to the bottom of the 'New York is being attacked' emails and realized I didn't check in following Boston.

[Peggy C/Natasha R]

If we plan to repeat the evening-with-wine, let's aim for before the next alien invasion or ending of the world. Are you both all right?

[info]anickname in [info]rooms

[Loki and Text]

[Text to Lydia M from Stiles' phone.]

[It's a photo. A familiar, finely-boned hand covered in gore.]

[Locked to Loki.]
And so you are free.

[info]agoodman in [info]rooms

Liam R, Ronan X & Lizzie K, Public

[Locked to Liam R]

Please tell me you stayed in Gotham during the mess over here.

[Locked to the House of Strays (i.e. Ronan and Lizzie)]

I'm heading into town to help at one of the soup kitchens. They need some extra hands.


I used to think that building a bunker was a little too far on the side of paranoid, but now I'm thinking it might be a requirement for survival.

[info]thelazarus in [info]rooms

[locked to bruce b]

I forgive you for not prepping me better to find out you're about ten times my size and green. I can see how that would've been tough to explain.