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Posts Tagged: 'charles+xavier'

Aug. 30th, 2018



[No Subject]

You'd think I'd be used to the bullshit that students can come out with by now. Apparently not.

How do you all feel about roasting marshmallows at the park?

Jul. 23rd, 2018



[No Subject]

I never meant to come between you and him. Do you think he crashed the car on purpose?

Are you taking his side against me?

Jul. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

I can only assume that the latest group kidnappings are all supposed to be team building exercises of some description. Considering it all seems to be happening 1-2 departments at a time.

[Filtered to Erik Lehnsherr]
We should probably talk.

Jul. 4th, 2018



[No Subject]

I hope I am using this correctly.

Greetings. My name is Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thráin, son of Thrór. I understand there is a war to be won here. That seems a noble cause and one I would be willing to assist, however I have an urgent matter to attend to at home. Is it true what this machine says? That our presence here will not disrupt matters back home?

Jun. 26th, 2018



[No Subject]

Either I'm getting a headache, or there's suddenly a lot more telepaths in Atlantis.

If you've suddenly started hearing thoughts. And, would like help controlling it. Please do let me know. I would be happy to help.

Jun. 25th, 2018



Backdated to the 24th

You know, I've never had the urge to see how fast I could swim before.

Atlantis. It's weird, man.

Jun. 24th, 2018



[No Subject]

All of creation at stake? It's a compelling argument. Whether it wins out over White Walkers fighting their way south back home is a decision I am still to make.

I believe it helps that this is not my first foray into a more modern world at war.

My name is Jaime Lannister and it would seem I am here to help.

Jun. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

I know I'm not the world's best cook, but until yesterday I'd never wanted to harm someone with something I made .

We should probably throw out everything in the kitchen.

Jun. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]


I'm glad it's getting warmer out and I was able to spend my afternoon hanging out at the beach.

I know I haven't exactly hidden my powers since I've been here, but I've also been a bit reserved about it. I know it's different for everyone, but showing off my powers as Violet Parr is a big deal for me.

If you're curious, I can turn invisible and create a force field. I suppose it's hard to understand why this feels like a big step unless you come from my world, but trust me, it is.

May. 30th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Filtered to all Past and Future X-Men, Mutants and Violet and Dash]
How would everyone feel about dinner. My treat? I would very much like to get to know you all.

May. 29th, 2018


[No Subject]

Doesn't make much sense, but I guess it'll do.

I'm Sean Cassidy, I'll be the Squad Leader for team 1.

Well... I like coconut cream pie and long walks on the beach.

29 May :: Net Post :: Miss Rosalie

I should hate to sound critical when I've only just arrived, but I do hope there's another place that serves proper tea on this island. This coffee shop that I'm in certainly has character, but it is not exactly to my taste.

I've always found it's much better to deal with anything with a proper cup of tea.

May. 27th, 2018



may 27th :: theresa rourke cassidy

Well, now that I've had some time to settle and see what this place is about I thought I would introduce myself.

I'm Theresa Rourke Cassidy, but you can call me Terry. Most people do.

Seems like I'm assigned as the Team 7 Squad Leader, looking forward to working with the team!

May. 3rd, 2018



May 2: Clarice Fong

Patterns emerge.

Flowers and someone/thing else putting feelings in my head that I didn't acquire naturally. At least this time they went away cleanly.

I did learn something though: You can't have to marry a man or you will lose your family's property to the next male heir if you don't have a family.

Also I have a dog. I don't know what to name him. But he's cute.

ETA: His name is now Domino, courtesy of Rocco (Rocky in my head) Spinnet.

Apr. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

Well, that was awkward. Glad to be back to normal.

Really, Atlantis, does anyone enjoy being a teenager?

[Steve Rogers]
Sorry about that. Didn't mean to fanboy all over you.

On the list of things I'd rather you and the team not see - high school me was up there. Any chance you can just forget those two days?

.. also, you crafted quite the story about this boyfriend of yours.



[No Subject]

First with the hugging people, and now with the kissing people on the cheek. Not really my style for greeting people, but on the plus side, this time it seems to only be happening with people I consider friends.

[Erik Lensherr & Charles Xavier]

I saw Raven left, and I wanted to say I'm sorry about her being gone.

Apr. 26th, 2018



[No Subject]

Anyone in the mood for some Pegasus racing? With drinks after? What's the best club around here?

Apr. 25th, 2018



24 April :: Net Post :: Daniel Jackson

I would say I'm getting too old for this, but that's probably not a fair assessment.

Can't say I completely trust this communication system, but since there's a lot of innocuous chatter on it, I may as well risk it. I don't know if you can see this, Sam, but I saw your name in the directory and it was the only one I recognized. That's assuming you're really Sam, and not--



Network Post: Dash Parr

Good news! I can talk again! I know you all missed my sparkling conversation.

So what is with the animals, lately? A pig tried to sell me a blanket yesterday, and this morning I saw a penguin walking around with a tape measure.

Apr. 17th, 2018



17 April | Clarice Fong

Policy change: From now on anyone who bumps into me and doesn't go on their way after exchanging the socially acceptable 'sorry' 'it's ok' stuff is getting clocked.